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Grammar test mixed 4

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   Материал теста предназначен для проверки знаний по английскому языку в разделе "Грамматика".

Предлагаемый тест можно применять в обучении учащихся старших классов и студентов 1 - 2 курсов неязыковых вузов. материал актален при подготовке к сдаче выпускных экзаменов по английскому языку в формате ЕГЭ и ОГЭ.

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«Grammar test mixed 4»

Choose the correct word to fill in the gap

  1. I __________________ TV when the telephone rang.

A) watched B) was watching C) are watching D) have watched

  1. I'm afraid I'm not hungry. I've _______ eaten lunch.

A) yet B) still C) already D) ever

  1. My mother let me ____________ late when I was a child.

A) to stay out B) stayed out C) stay out D) staying out

  1. Would you like ___________ chicken?

A) any B) a C) some D) one

  1. He has _______ friends in Chicago.

A) a lot B) few C) few of D) much

  1. She _________________ lunch by the time we arrived.

A) had finished B) finished C) have finished D) finishing

  1. What shall we do tonight? How about ___________ a film?

A) to see B) see C) seeing D) going

  1. _______ you ever ________ to Hollywood?

A) Did ... go B) Have .... go C) Have ... gone D) Shall .... go

  1. Have you finished your homework ______?

A) yet B) already C) still D) just

  1. Jack is really ______________ history, especially Japanese history.

    1. interested at B) interesting in C) interested in D) interested for

  2. These images ______________ by an artist named Phil Thomsen.

A) are photographed B) were photoed C) photographed D) were photographed

  1. If I __________ you, I would wait a while to begin investing.

A) was B) am C) were D) would be

  1. He'll give you a call as soon as he __________.

A) will arrive B) arrives C) is arriving D) is going to arrive.

  1. He will meet you _________ the station at seven o'clock sharp.

A) in front B) ahead C) in front of D) behind of

  1. If you want to be healthy, you _______ smoke.

A) needn't B) couldn't C) shouldn't D) mustn't to

  1. He's _____________ politics.

A) interested B) interesting C) interested to D) interested in

  1. Where was Jack yesterday? - I don't know. He ________________ seeing the doctor.

A) might has been B) might have been C) couldn't have been D) mustn't have been

  1. Yes, that is the woman _________ horse almost trampled her!

A) which B) whose C) who D) that

  1. Would you like me to ______________ the children next week?

A) look to B) look at C) look after D) look into

  1. I missed the train, so I _________ take the next one.

A) musted B) must C) had to D) had

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