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Организационный момент

Проверка знаний

Объяснение материала

Закрепление изученного

Итоги урока

Present continuous tense

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«Текшерилди»   ____________________

 ___________ 2024-жыл

Grade: 5b form

Teacher: Polotova Aidana Sultanovna          


                                                       Plan of the lesson

Date:                                16th  of February

Theme of the lesson:     Present continuous tense. Affirmative and Negative forms .  

Methods of the lesson:  Interactive methods, working with group,

Types of the lesson:       Improving the taken knowledge, mixed lesson,

Skills:                              (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, Critical Thinking)

Visual aids and hand outs:  Books, pictures, papers, cards, real objects, slides. songs, about present  continuous and  ecology, chalk, pen, pencil, markers, worksheets, interactive board, video material .

«Текшерилди»   ____________________

 ___________ 2024-жыл

Grade: 5b form

Teacher: Polotova Aidana Sultanovna          


                                                       Plan of the lesson

Date:                                16th  of February

Theme of the lesson:     Present continuous tense. Affirmative and Negative forms .  

Methods of the lesson:  Interactive methods, working with group,

Types of the lesson:       Improving the taken knowledge, mixed lesson,

Skills:                              (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, Critical Thinking)

Visual aids and hand outs:  Books, pictures, papers, cards, real objects, slides. songs, about present  continuous and  ecology, chalk, pen, pencil, markers, worksheets, interactive board, video material .


The main competence

In subject competence

  • Informational competence  (M/C1)
  • The social communication(M/C2)
  • The self-organization and solve problem(M/C3)
  1. Phonetic drills: To work with sounds and letters (S/C1)
  2. Reading, Listening: Reading and understanding the words, sentences and phrases by listening  (S/C2)
  3. Grammar: Making the sentences, follow the grammar rules(S/C3)
  4. Speaking: Speak fluently by using the new words and new lexical phrases (S/C4)
  5. Writing: Writing their own sentences, writing a mini essays without mistakes  (S/C5)

Time:  0: 45

Aim of the lesson


  1. Educational


S.W.B.A-to take more information about Present continuous tense and Affirmative and negative forms, ecology and pollutions, Strengthening of the knowledge  using the new vocabulary and enrich their outlook.



S.W.B.A-to take more information about Present continuous tense and Affirmative and negative forms, ecology and pollutions,  pronounce and understand  leaning of active vocabulary, Practice active vocabulary in the speech




  1. Developmental


To improve  pronunciation, logical abilities, understanding, listening, reading, writing, speaking skills and memory.




To improve  pronunciation, logical abilities, understanding, listening, reading, writing, speaking skills and memory.

  1. Breeding


To enlarge  students` interest in learning English language,  to bring up the culture of the speech.




To enlarge  students` interest in learning foreign language,  to bring up the culture of the speech.



The main competence

In subject competence

  • Informational competence  (M/C1)
  • The social communication(M/C2)
  • The self-organization and solve problem(M/C3)
  1. Phonetic drills: To work with sounds and letters (S/C1)
  2. Reading, Listening: Reading and understanding the words, sentences and phrases by listening  (S/C2)
  3. Grammar: Making the sentences, follow the grammar rules(S/C3)
  4. Speaking: Speak fluently by using the new words and new lexical phrases (S/C4)
  5. Writing: Writing their own sentences, writing a mini essays without mistakes  (S/C5)

Time:  0: 45

Aim of the lesson


  1. Educational


S.W.B.A-to take more information about Present continuous tense and Affirmative and negative forms, ecology and pollutions, Strengthening of the knowledge  using the new vocabulary and enrich their outlook.



S.W.B.A-to take more information about Present continuous tense and Affirmative and negative forms, ecology and pollutions,  pronounce and understand  leaning of active vocabulary, Practice active vocabulary in the speech




  1. Developmental


To improve  pronunciation, logical abilities, understanding, listening, reading, writing, speaking skills and memory.




To improve  pronunciation, logical abilities, understanding, listening, reading, writing, speaking skills and memory.

  1. Breeding


To enlarge  students` interest in learning English language,  to bring up the culture of the speech.




To enlarge  students` interest in learning foreign language,  to bring up the culture of the speech.







Teacher’s  activity

Pupil’s activity


M/C    S/C

















«1» minutes














































Checking the home task:

«2» minutes




Good morning

my lovely students!



” How are you”!



 After Greeting teacher will sing a song “How are you today”



Hello my  , how are you today?

It is time to move your body and learn and play!



Teacher will sing with her students together  to the guests.



Hello everybody how are you today?

We want everybody  will have a good day!

Thank you!


I am very glad to see you again!

As I see you are in a good mood!

I hope you are all of you ready for today’s lesson. What date is it today?


Let’s  accept the golden rules.


Teacher ask Golden rules






Checking home work


Writing activities


All of you stand up, we will play a game. Let’s repeat the last lesson and check your homework.

With playing a game ,we will check our home work.

I need  students .

Please  come to the blackboard students. OK. Lets  divide into two groups .We will  play a game. We will improve writing activities. First  group and second group  look at me please!

 As you see  I have two bags, one of them is red and other bag is green. There are many words in the two bags. You will take out a paper with written words and you will write to the blackboard one by one.    

I give you only 2 minutes and you will try to write quickly.

Lets begin…………

Your time is up!

Lets check errors .

Thank you!!!

As you see here you can see also two full bags. You can take things or shopping vocabulary from the bag and  say and point , where you can bye this thing ,from which shop? Answer the questions. Bye things which you want from shops and put your things to  basket.

Now  I give you two minutes and you will

Lets begin….

1.Peoples can bye boots from boot shop.

2. You can buy bread from baker`s

Your time is up!

Lets check mistakes. Other students will check their mistakes.

Thank you The first group is winner!




Good morning,

Good morning ,

Good morning

to you!

Good morning,

Good morning,

Good morning,

We are glad too see you!


Working with group and pairs


After the teacher

students will sing to their teacher…


Hello our  teacher Aidana Sultanovna , how are you today?

We are going to listen to what you say!


Students  will  sing with her teacher  together  to the guests.


Hello everybody how are you today?

We want Every body  will have a good day!



Yes we are in a good   mood and  wonderful!


Students will write golden rules and put to  the blackboard

And sing in English with Kyrgyz translation.


Students will accept the classroom rules :

We promise :

Listen to the teacher

Raise your hand to speak

Be kind to others

Make good choice

Share with our friends keeps silent

Help each other



Writing activities


To participate the contests and showing their home tasks. Remember the last theme.


Getting to ready for the lesson.



Working with group and pairs


Students will play a game and check their home works.

Teacher will divide them into two groups and Students will take  new words from the back and write  to the blackboard. Then check themselves their mistakes.

There will be also two full bags and they take things or vocabulary from the bag say and point , where you can bye this thing ,from which shop? Students  will answer the questions. They will bye things which you want from shops and put your things to  basket.


1.Peoples can bye boots from boot shop.


2. You can buy bread from baker`s


3. You can buy meat  from butcher.


















































Oral and writing



Iterative connecting values





II. Presentation

«15» minutes








Pre (reading, listening)






































































Pomotion of the lesson

Before going into the lesson the teacher should get the topic that he/ she is going to teach for them. Teacher can come to the front of the class with magic umbrella and  can call any volunteer students or can point someone to come in front of the class and ask to pick  the hidden  card. So they can try to find words using the  lights of  telephone. Then the student has to act the verb he/she has selected to the class.

For example; if the verb on the  flash card is a clap , the students should clap to the class. And the   teacher can ask what is he / she doing? The students will answer as he/she is clapping.

Hidden words are:







 Meantime , the teacher can ask  one student to write the sentences told by  the class on the board. Finally , There will be many sentences on the white board. The students will come up with their answers. At the same time, teacher can also support the students with their answers. At the same time, teacher can also support the students with their answers and explain about the particular tense. This inductive way of teaching grammar will be interesting for students do understand the concept easily.

The teacher can display the topics that are going to be covered on a presentation slide.

This will help the students to get the overall understanding of the lesson

            Phonetic Drills

 Teacher will show them video, song about present continuous – the I-N-G song key words


  Ing- ing

Running and swimming

Have i-n-g

Eating drinking

Sleeping too

So many words

For me and you!

I – n-g- is the sound you need!

Won`t  you come and sing with me!

     I  I I I  I  I – I – N – G !


What date is it today?

Teacher will  explain new words.

Slide show


Teacher will explain for the  first the meaning of the word.

The  Second- pronunciation, to write transcription of the new word and pronounce correctly, will give task to students  pronounce and repeat the new word after the teacher again and again.

Third- Teacher will explain form of the new word and ask to find syllables and spell the word. 


Slide show

Present- [presznt]

Meaning-present-now existing or in

Pronunciation: to repeat after the teacher.

Form: noun, Synonym-

Syllables: 2 pre-sent

Spelling: P-R-E-S-E-N-T


Meaning:without a pause or going on

Pronunciation: to repeat after the teacher correctly. [k’эn`tinjuэs]

Form: noun, Synonym-

Syllables: 2 syllabus

Spelling: C-O-N-T-I-N-U-O-U-S

Birthday- [bз;odei]

Meaning: the day of a person`s birth

Pronunciation: to repeat after the teacher correctly

 Form: noun, Synonyms- anniversary

Syllables: 2

Spelling: B-I-R-T-H-D-A

Presentation new theme

Teacher will present new them

Present Continuous Tense.

 Now children look at the blackboard I  will  explain you our new theme.

 The present continuous verb tense indicates that an action or condition is happening now. Frequently, and may continue into the future

  1. How is an affirmative sentence built in present continuous? I will explain you pay attention?

Affirmative sentence in Present  Continuous Tense is formed using the present auxiliary verb to be ( am, are, is) and the ending –ing , which is added to the verb denoting action.

 Auxiliary verb


The main verb is invariable in present participle form . ing



       I       am            verb + ing






She              is verb+ing







    You                  are   verb + ing



look at these examples sentences with the present continuous tense


I         am                  writing





She               are       speaking

They                         reading








She           is             drinking

It                               jumping



 Ok my lovely children I think you understand the Affirmative form of present continuous tense.

Negative form

Lets speak about negative form of sentences in present continuous.

Look , how we can to form  negative sentences in present continuous tense

In negative sentence ,we put the subject first. After the subject , we put the verb to be with the negative not  Than we put the main verb  with the – ing ending

 Subject+to be + not +

 Main verb with  - ing+

rest of the sentence

look at these examples :

 I am      not sleeping

You are not watching

We are not drawing

He is    not running

It is     not snowing

They are not drinking

Oral speaking activities

Teacher will say Kyrgyz sentences and students will translate into English .

Мен теннис ойноп жатамын

Мен теннис ойноп жаткан жокмун

Мен сут ичип жатам

Мен ичип жаткан жокмун

Teacher will give students to make up your own sentences

I am driving car

I am not driving car

I am sleeping

I am not sleeping


Students  to come in front of the class and to pick  the hidden  card. So they can try to find words using the  lights of  telephone. Then the student has to act the verb he/she has selected to the class.

For example; if the verb on the  flash card is a clap , the students should clap to the class. And the   teacher can ask what is he / she doing? The students will answer as he/she is clapping.




The students will answer as he/she is








 Student to write the sentences told by  the class on the board and to their exercise book. Finally , There will be many sentences on the white board. The students will come up with their answers













Students will sing a song about present continuous the I-N-G

song key words


  Ing- ing

Running and swimming

Have i-n-g

Eating drinking

Sleeping too

So many words

For me and you!

I – n-g- is the sound you need!

Won`t  you come and sing with me!

     I  I I I  I  I – I – N –

Today is the 17th of february

Students will write date and listen patiently teacher`s presentation about new words.









Students will understand the  meaning of the new words, look the picture and will try to find translations in Kyrgyz language.

Will pronounce after the teacher and repeat.

Then will learn form of the new words and find how many syllables of that new words .

Last spelling  the new word.



Students will write new words to their dictionary book.







Students will listen patiently

teacher`s presentation about

new theme

Present continuous tense

Students will listen teachers presentation and they will ask question ,which they don`t understand


Students will watch  videos and slides.



Understanding the instruction


Try to understand the text


and try to write something


 which they don`t understand


then  ask questions from the


teacher after finishing the





Students will write down the auxiliary verb to their exercise book.




    I       am            verb + ing






   She           is verb+ing







  You             are  verb + ing



I   am     writing

We are  Listening                  

They  are  reading


He is   Running

She is  drinking

It  is   jumping




Students will write down all about Negative form

of present continuous tense


 main verb  with the – ing ending


 Subject+to be + not +


 Main verb with  - ing+


rest of the sentence


Students will read and translate these words


I am      not sleeping

You are not watching

We are not drawing

He is    not running

It is     not snowing

They are not drinking



Students will write all negative sentences to their exercise book.






I am playing tennis

I `m not playing football


I `m drinking milk

I `m not drinking milk


I am driving car

I am not driving car

I am sleeping

I am not sleeping

































































Oral and writing



Iterative connecting values


Formative values




«11» minutes




During  reading













During listening





























Grammar practice



        Warming up

Are you tired  students?

Teacher will invite the students to come front of the class and circle the banana tree and make warming up with ‘eating banana.

  Now  students let`s practice and doing exercise

           Clime banana

           Pick banana

           Peel banana

           Cut banana

           Eat banana!

Teacher ask  students to  pick your bananas and come to here we can practice . Then students will pick bananas and come to there and will practice.

They will peel banana and say.we are peeling banana. They will cut banana. They will eat banana and practice and they will speak. What  they are doing now.


Let`s peal banana

What are doing?

We are cutting banana

Yes! You are right. Fine!

Ok what are doing?

We are eating banana!

Yes ! You are right. Fine !

Ok .We have practiced the present continuous.

Very nice!




 QR code activity

Teacher will give to students QR codes ask students open Google camera and scan the QR code and answer the tasks.

In the QR codes will be pictures and students will make up affirmative and negative sentences

May be the picture is jumping, you will say he/she is jumping. He/she is not jumping. Other students also will repeat as these example.



 Wordwall   game

Look at the screen we will play kahoot game .Our two teams be ready. Please write down numbers to your phone and lets begin

Lets play a game 


Listening activities.

Teacher will show them video and students will listen and complete the dialogue.



Conversation 4

Man: Where are the twins?

Woman: They ____  ___ outsite

They are________soccer with their friends. They____using the front lawn  as a soccer pitch.

Man: _____They having fun?

Woman: _______They are having a lot of fun. They ______exercising so they_______burning lots of energy. I think they  ______trying to lose weight.








Students will doing warming up.


Students to come front of the class and circle the banana tree and make warming up with ‘eating banana.


           Clime banana

           Pick banana

           Peel banana

           Cut banana

           Eat banana!

Students can  pick bananas and come to table and they  can practice  with real banana.

They can peel, cut, and eat banana and


We are peeling banana

We are cutting banana

We are eating banana!



They have practiced the present continuous with their hands


Then students will pick bananas and come to there and will practice.

They will peel banana and say. We are peeling banana. They will cut banana. They will eat banana and practice and they will speak.



Students will work with

 QR code activity


 Students open Google camera and scan the QR code and answer the tasks.

In the QR codes will be pictures and students will make up affirmative and negative sentences

May be the picture is jumping, students  will say he/she is jumping. He/she is not jumping. Other students also will repeat as these example







Students will play

 kahoot game.















Students will work on listening.

Students will listen

and complete dialogue using listening the  audio .





Man:where are the twins?

Woman: They are playing soccer with their friends. They are using the front lawn as a soccer pitch.

Man:Are they having fun?

Woman: They are having a lot of fun. They are exerciting so they are burning lots of energy. I think they are trying to lose weight.

Teacher will give task to students.

Complete the sentence using listening the  audio.





























Oral and writing



Iterative connecting values


Formative values









IV. Application:

«12» minute

Post reading

Post listening


Grammar producing

Working with book


Lets do the exercise -12 on page 223

Write down true sentences about what is happening now. Use the present continuous, positive or negative

  1. it| rain. Its raining/isn’t raining
  2. I / wear/a school/uniform
  3. My parents/ work
  4. My sister/brother/watch TV
  5. I /sit/on the song
  6. I /do/my homework.



     Puzzle cards

After completing the exercises  teacher can give a bundle of cards to every group.

There will be pictures and words or phrases on the cards which have been puzzled. The group should arrange the cards in a proper order to get a present continuous tense sentences.

Each student carrying a card and they have to stand in a puzzled order.

They will exchange their positions to get a grammatically correct sentence.


One time cup


As you see here you can see there are many cups. There will be words on the cup, which have been collected.

You should  collect  the cups with which written words and make up your sentences. Which group will be quickly, will be that group winner.



Teacher show them PISA-2025 from the clouds, tests are hidden in the clouds. Teacher  will give students task to work on test



Ушул жерге кой тест



Millioner  game 

Teacher  will show them Millioner game. Teacher will give the task to students read the screen and find answers correct.


David`s letter

 Happy Birthday

Look a the screen, he is David from London. He asks to help him. Lets open the letter what about written here.

Now students lets read and translate into Kyrgyz language .


        Happy Birthday

I am David. I am 10 years old .I am from England. My Birthday is soon .My friends I need your help. How do you think, how

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"Present continuous tense"


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