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Грамматика и лексика (подготовка к ОГЭ)

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«Грамматика и лексика (подготовка к ОГЭ)»

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Tim woke up later than usual. It was Sunday and he _________HAVE_________ lots of plans for the day. He was in the bathroom cleaning his _________TOOTH_________ when he heard some unfamiliar voices from the veranda.  “Who could they be?” Tim _________THINK_________. When he came into the room, his mum and two other women ________CHAT__________ happily and didn’t notice him. Tim coughed to attract _________THEY_________ attention. “Oh, Tim, you’re up already!” his mother sounded excited. “Meet my school friends, Linda and Emma.” Linda shook his hand, Emma smiled and said: “We _________BE_________ happy to meet you, Tim.” Your mum showed us your photo, but you are much _________YOUNG_________ there. Join us for tea. I wish we _________CAN_________ talk about our school days for ages, but we have some other business to discuss with your mother. It’s going to be interesting for you, too.” Tim sat at the table. Emma had some papers in her hands but Tim couldn’t read what _________PRINT_________ there –  the letters were too small. 

It was about 6pm when I heard a knock on the door. It _________BE_________ Jason, my teenage neighbour. He looked cold and upset.  
“What’s wrong, Jason?”
“I _________LOSE_________ my key and I can’t get into my house.”
“Come in. Today’s not a day for long walks, or long waits,” I looked out the window. It _______SNOW_________ hard and it was windy. The weather was getting ________BAD__________ every hour. 
Jason _________TAKE_________ off his coat and boots. His ________FOOT__________ were wet and I gave him a pair of socks to change into. A cup of hot tea and some biscuits soon made the boy feel warm.
“Where are your parents, Jason?”
“I _________NOT/KNOW_________. I can’t call them because of this,” he pulled his phone out of his pocket and showed it to me – the screen _________BREAK_________ and the phone was obviously dead.
Jason focused on the food again. He took his _________FOUR_________ biscuit and said: “I wish my mum could make biscuits like this.”

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We arrived at the lake very early. It was cold but in spite of that there were several _______MAN_____ there. Dad pulled our fishing rods out of the rucksack and we joined the others. 
“Hey, look what I_______CATCH____!” a man sitting several metres upstream proudly showed us his bag. There was a large fish in it.
“Good job,” Dad _______SAY_____ and everyone became quiet again. 
“How long do we have to wait? When will they bite?” I whispered. 
“I _____NOT/KNOW______,” Dad whispered back and a moment later he was holding a little, silver fish.
“See?” he turned to me. “But this one is too small. We’d better let it go and wait for the next one.” And he let ______HE______ fish go.
The second fish was _____BIG_______ than the first one and soon Dad caught a few more. 
“If it goes on like this, mum ______COOK_______ us a great dinner,” he said.
We kept fishing till noon but I didn’t catch anything ______I_____ and got really bored with it. To me, it _____BE______ a stupid waste of time but I certainly wasn’t going to tell Dad that. He wouldn’t have liked it. 

When I came into the room, my computer was on. It worried me since I _____NOT/REMEMBER_____ switching it on. I looked around –  there ______BE_____ nobody in my room and everything was in its usual place.  Suddenly I ______UNDERSTAND_____ –  the book had gone! I had left it on the table but it wasn’t there any more. I checked the window –  it ______CLOSE______. That meant that someone had come into the room through the door. My _____ONE______ impulse was to call the police but I called Jim instead. “What _____HAPPEN_____?” Jim sounded sleepy. I explained that someone _____TAKE_______ the book. “Oh, no!” Jim sounded unhappy. “Have you any idea how valuable it is?” “There’s another thing I _____NOT/CAN_____ understand,” I interrupted Jim. “My computer’s on but I always switch it off before leaving home.” “Ok, stay at home. I’ll be at _____YOU____ place in half an hour,” he said and the phone went dead. 

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Michael could not imagine his life without computers. His parents _____BUY_____ him his first computer at the age of seven. It took ______HE_______ several days to learn how to use it. His mum said that the younger people were, the ______FAST_____ they could learn computer skills. That was probably true – most _____CHILD_______ in Michael’s class were very competent computer users. Michael was really surprised to find out that the first personal computer ______INVENT_____ in the 70’s of the last century. 
“And how did you chat or send your e-mails without computers?” he asked his mother. 
She smiled: “We ______NOT/SEND_______ each other e-mails. And there were no networks.”
She also said that it ______BE_______ fun to communicate face-to-face, to play out-of-doors and to visit friends’ homes.
“But if there ____BE_____ no computers, I wouldn’t be able to communicate with my friends who live far away from me,” Michael replied.
“True. Technological progress is a great thing,” his mother said “And I think people ____CREATE_____ even more amazing communication devices in the near future.” 

Kitty lived next door to me and we’d been friends since childhood. We learnt at the same school and _________WALK_________ there together. I was sixteen and she was four years _________YOUNG_________ than me. But we had a lot in common and enjoyed chatting on ________WE__________ way to school. Every morning Kitty knocked on my door and I had to be ready by that time – she _________NOT/LIKE_________ waiting for me. One day she didn’t knock. When I caught up with her at the bus stop, she _________READ_________ a magazine and didn’t even look at me. I _________NOT/CAN_________ understand what was going on.
“Hey, Kitty, what’s wrong? Why aren’t you talking to ________I__________?”
“You yourself know why,” Kitty said angrily.
“No, I don’t. I wouldn’t ask you if I ________KNOW__________.”
“You went to the cinema with Lisa Parker yesterday,” Kitty was almost crying.
I felt puzzled and didn’t know what to say. The two _________WOMAN_________ at the bus stop looked amused at our conversation and didn’t hide their smiles.

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The phone woke Kim up. She answered the call almost immediately, after the _______THREE_______ beep, because she was expected her mother to call. But it wasn’t her. The voice on the other end of the line sounded familiar but Kim _____NOT/CAN______ remember who it belonged to.
“Hello,” the lady said. 
“Can I speak to Mrs. Len?” 
“I’m sorry but she’s not at home. She’s out. She _______WALK_____ in the park.”
It was very cold out-of-doors and everything _______COVER______ in snow but Kim’s mother walked in all weathers. She believed that it _______HELP______ her keep fit and gave her extra energy. She actually looked younger than other ______WOMAN_______ of her age and that was probably because of her walking.
“Can I take a message?” Kim asked politely.
“No. I _____CALL_______ her later. When is she going to be back?”
“She normally ______COME____ home at five.” 
“Fine,” came the answer and the phone went dead. 
Kim felt a bit hurt. “It’s not polite to break off a conversation like that,” she thought to herself. If I _____BE_____ older, I would explain to that lady how to talk to people politely.” 

Anna was glad that the academic year was about to finish. Like most _________CHILD_________ she was looking forward to the summer but not because she wanted to relax. Her plans _________BE_________ ambitious. Anna wanted to buy a professional digital camera and it wasn’t easy to save enough money.  Anna had already chosen the model she wanted. Her dad said that he _________GIVE_________ her the camera in a couple of years. But Anna _________NOT/CAN________ wait so long, she needed it right then. “If I _________HAVE_________ it now, I would be able to take part in the Professional Photograph Competition. Everyone says I’ve got talent,” she said to herself, looking at the magazine where an article about the competition _________PUBLISH_________. While she was reading the article for the _________TWO_________ time, a brilliant idea came to her –  why not take up a summer job as a photographer? She reached for the phone and dialed the number of the _________LARGE_________ photography agency in the town. “Hello, can I help you?” the woman’s voice sounded encouraging and Anna _________THINK_________ that she probably had a chance. 

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Bella was a good student. She _______ENJOY_____ learning but she always started to feel very nervous when she had to write tests. That Monday ____NOT/BE____ a lucky day for her and she realised it as soon as she came into the classroom. 
“Oh, no! I ______LEAVE______ all my pens at home.” She turned to Jenny: “Have you got a spare pen?”
“Let ______I______ see,” Jenny opened her bag and pulled out a pen. “I’ve got this one. But it’s green.”
“Give it to me anyway,” Bella said. “If I don’t find a proper pen, I _____WRITE_____ in green ink. I hope it won’t affect my grades.”
When the teacher handed out the tests, Bella felt even ______BAD_____ than she had felt before. The test was really long – the tasks _____PRINT_____ on both sides of the page! Bella did the first task quickly, but the ______TWO_____ one was a real problem. Bella got panicky. Time ticked on but she _____NOT/CAN_____ concentrate on the tasks. 

Linda was looking forward to her holidays. First of all, she _________FEEL_________ really tired from school and wanted to have a break. The _________TWO_________reason was that they were going to take a trip to the mountains. Linda enjoyed it very much when they went somewhere all together as a family. They _________NOT/DO_________ it very often since her parents were very busy people. Linda ________NOT/CAN__________ ski but the prospect didn’t scare her. She learnt everything very quickly, especially when her father taught ________SHE__________. He was the ________GOOD__________teacher in the world!
“I _________BUY_________ special sunglasses for skiing,” Linda boasted to her father. “Have a look! Nice, aren’t they?”
“They are,” he gave Linda a quick look and turned back to his computer. He ________PREPARE__________ a presentation or something else very important.
Linda could see diagrams on the screen. They _________DRAW_________ in different colours which made them look complicated. 

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Paul was going to be late for his morning class again. He ______NOT/UNDERSTAND_____ why it happened to him so often. This was going to be the ______THREE_____ time in one week and that was too much even for Mrs Pitt. She was the ______KIND______ teacher in the world but Paul wasn’t sure that she would forgive him again.
“If I don’t invent a very good excuse, she _____CALL_____ my parents.” Paul thought.
His parents ______NOT/BE_____ very strict people but they didn’t approve of Paul’s habit of playing computer games till late at night. As a result, he couldn’t make ______HE_______ get up in the morning and was regularly late for school. Paul quietly opened the door and ______GO____ into the classroom. His classmates _____WRITE_____ something in their notepads and didn’t pay any attention to him. 
Mrs Pitt looked at him and said in a flat voice: “You are late again, Paul. What _________HAPPEN_________?” 
Paul was not ready with an answer. 

It was late at night but the light was on in Ted’s room. When I _________COME_________ in, he didn’t even turn to me. I looked at his monitor and realized that he ________SURF__________ the Internet for job vacancies.
“Why do you need a job?” I asked. “You _________EMPLOY_________ by Mr. Green only a week ago as far as I remember.”
“Yes, I was. I got a job of a waiter in his restaurant. But I _________LOSE_________ that job already. They said I was rude to a client.”
“Were you?” I was surprised since Ted was the _________PATIENT_________ and tolerant person I’d ever met.
“Yes, it was probably rude of ________I__________ to tell those ladies that I wouldn’t bring them anything else. Just imagine – they had changed their order three times! Each time they tried a dish, they _________NOT/LIKE_________ it. When they said that for the _________FOUR_________ time, I lost control. One of the _________WOMAN_________ called for the manager and complained.” Ted nervously turned back to his computer. “I didn’t like that job anyway.” 

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Emma lived in a big city and worked for a large company. Her days were usually very busy –  she _________CAN_________ hardly find half an hour for lunch.  However, at weekends she ________FEEL__________ bored and lonely. Emma had moved to the city because of her job. Only two months before she had thought she was the _________LUCKY_________ girl in the world. She had got a job most of her friends could only dream about. It was her _______ONE_______ full-time job. The company ________CALL__________ ‘Imagination’. They focused on Internet technologies. Emma _________NOT/KNOW_________ much about the Internet but her boss said that it didn’t matter. He also said that she _________BE_________ creative and had imagination and that was why she had a good chance of succeeding in the job. When Emma told her friend, Lucy Pitt, about the new job, Lucy said:
“I’m very happy that you _________FIND_________ a good job. But I also feel very sad about it because you’ll go to the city and will forget about your friends.”
“I wish we could always be together but it’s impossible,” Emma said. “I promise that I _________COME_________ to visit you as soon as I can.”

Kate called me early in the morning. It was the _________TWO_________ day of holidays; I felt angry with her for waking me up. 
“What ________HAPPEN__________?” I didn’t sound very polite, but she paid no attention to that.
“Oh, nothing! I want to go shopping today and wondered if you wanted to go with _________I_________.”
“No, I don’t want to.” 
“But it _________NOT/TAKE_________ you long! I promise.”
My first impulse was to say “no”-unlike most ________WOMAN__________ I hated shopping. But Kate sounded so unhappy that I felt sorry for her. 
“Ok, what do you need to buy?”
Kate’s voice _________BECOME_________ cheerful again. She excitedly explained to me that she _________WANT_________ to buy a pair of hiking boots and a raincoat. That _________BE_________ strange as Kate had never been fond of hiking. 
“I want to take up hiking as a new hobby,” went on Kate. “Bob Smith says that it’s very exciting.”
Now I knew what was going on. Bob Smith, the captain of the school baseball team, was the _________POPULAR_________ boy in our school. All the girls wanted to attract his attention. 

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When you look at this lovely house in the Welsh countryside, you may think it's a picture from J.R.R. Tolkien's book ‘The Hobbit’. In fact it's a real house designed by a real person. When ____THEY_______ first son was born, Simon Dale’s wife, Jasmine, said: “I wish we ____LIVE_______ in the country. It would be so good for the baby”. However, they ____NOT/HAVE_____ enough money to buy or rent a house in the country so they decided to take matters into their own hands. The house ___BUILD____ by Simon himself, with a bit of help from his friends. The result is impressive. The home is made of natural materials, such as wood, stone and mud. It uses solar panels for energy and its water ___COME_____ from a nearby spring. It took Simon four months to complete his fairytale home. He managed to create a modern wooden eco-home –  one of the ___WONDERFUL_____ houses you can imagine. Simon Dale said, “I ____START___ working on a new house of the same eco-style. My ____TWO_____ house will be smarter than the first one. My son ____BE______ five now and I hope to celebrate his tenth birthday in a new house.”

Stonehenge is an ancient monument in south-west England. For me, it’s the ______INTERESTING____ place I’ve ever visited. I clearly remember my ______ONE_______ visit to Stonehenge with my aunt and uncle. They lived nearby and I often _______GO______ to stay with them in my summer holidays. On the day of ______WE_____ trip the weather was fine. There ______BE______ a cool wind blowing, the sun was bright in the sky and Stonehenge looked calm and magical. In those days it was possible to walk among the stones and even touch them. It's very different now. Stonehenge _____BECOME_______ more crowded than it was. As a result, now people _____ALLOW____ to walk around the monument but they can’t come up very close to it. Today I wish I ____HAVE____ an opportunity to get inside the circle again but unfortunately it is not possible any more. The Stonehenge mystery is still unexplained but I believe scientists _____SOLVE_______ it in the near future. 

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Mr. and Mrs. Wormwood were our neighbours. They had two _____CHILD_____. Their son Michael ______NOT/DIFFER____ from the other children very much, but their daughter Matilda was a brilliant child. 
 By the time she was five, Matilda was able to read very well. She studied every magazine and newspaper that she _____CAN_____ find around the house. Actually, she read _____WELL_____ than most school pupils. One afternoon when the parents were out of the house, Matilda put on _____SHE____ dress and shoes and went to the library. The librarian was surprised to see such a small child. 
"Are you here for the ____ONE____ time? Would you like me to find a nice book with lots of pictures for you?" she asked. 
"No, thank you, I _________FIND_________ what I need," answered Matilda and pointed to a thick book of fairy tales. Then she added, “I ________COME__________ for a new book as soon as I finish this one”.
The librarian was really shocked when she saw Matilda only two days later. 
“I wish all children _________LIKE_________ reading so much,” the librarian said. From that day on Matilda went to the library every afternoon. 

Dana Miller was a bus driver in the city of Philadelphia. Her working hours _______BE______ from 10.00 pm till 6:00 am. It was a hard job and very few _____WOMAN_____ worked as bus drivers in those days but Dana loved her job very much. One of her regular passengers was a guitar player. Every Friday night he got on the bus carrying his guitar. The guitar _____MAKE______ of wood, not plastic and Dana liked the way it sounded. 
“You should come to see our show,” the guitarist kept saying to Dana.
“I ______SEE______ it one day,” Dana promised each time, but she never said when exactly she ____GO______.
Another passenger who often used Dana’s bus was a Biscuit Lady. She worked at the biscuit factory and often ______GIVE______ Dana a small bag of biscuits. Dana _____NOT/LIKE______ sweets and pastries very much, but she could never resist those biscuits – they were so fresh and tasty.
“How was ______YOU_____ night?” Dana’s husband liked to ask her when she came home.
“Good music, good food and a great view of the city,” she cheerfully answered.
“I wish I ______ENJOY____ my work as much as you enjoy yours,” her husband said, “ but I’m going to have just another boring day at the office.” 

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Most adults miss their childhood. “Your school years are the _________GOOD_________ years of your life,” –  have you ever heard that phrase?  Just recently, while I was on my way to work, I started thinking back to my own school years. They probably were not trouble-free but there _________BE_________ many reasons for us to feel happy at school. One of them was spending every single day with friends. We ________NOT/GET__________ tired of being together.  The ________TWO__________ one was uniform. Yes, in my opinion, the school uniform had more advantages than disadvantages. _________I_________ was dark green. It was unfashionable but comfortable. It _________MAKE_________ of natural materials. Besides, the uniform saved a lot of time in the mornings.  Now it _________TAKE_________ me hours to decide what to wear. Another thing is that I don’t really like sport. But at school we _________PLAY_________ football, netball, hockey and so on. Sport was compulsory. Now I realise that this was a good thing! And of course there were… holidays! Christmas, Easter, half-term, and the jackpot – the summer holidays. I wish I ________HAVE__________ as much free time now.  

Dad usually comes up with original ideas. Last Sunday Dad _________DECIDE_________ that we should all go on a camping trip. The idea came to him while he _________READ_________ an article about camping. The article said that camping brings families together.
“Not true”, I smiled. “What about television? It usually _________HELP_________ families to feel a lot more united.”
“If the weather is fine, we _________GO_________ on a trip next weekend,” Dad said and put his magazine on the coffee table.
I quickly looked over at my _________YOUNG_________ brother, Paul. He gave me a knowing smile, “Do you remember _________WE_________ last trip?” I certainly did. Last summer Dad told us that fishing would be a great family activity. We bought four expensive fishing rods and drove for three long hours to a big lake in Virginia. When we got there, we discovered that we ________FORGET__________ to take the fishing rods. Ten minutes later we made another unpleasant discovery: we _________NOT/HAVE_________ the tent which meant we couldn’t stay overnight and we had to drive all the way back home again. We _________BE_________ tired and disappointed with the trip. 

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It was Friday evening. Liz was looking forward to Saturday because it was her husband’s birthday. She had been preparing for this event for a long time. She had invited ________THEY__________ college friends and they were all coming from different cities. The best part was that Carlos, her husband, _________NOT/KNOW_________ anything about the arrangements. It was going to be a surprise. Liz _________MAKE_________ sandwiches when Carlos came into the kitchen. 
“Look, darling,” he said, “I know it’s my birthday tomorrow but I don’t want to do anything special for it.”
Liz thought, “I wish I _________CAN_________ cancel the party but I can’t –  it’s too late. The party will take place anyway and it will be the _________GOOD_________ party ever”.
When Carlos came home on Saturday, there ________BE__________ lots of people there. Carlos _________TELL________ them that he felt very happy to see them all and it was true! The guests enjoyed the dinner and then Liz brought in a cake. The cake __________DECORATE________ with chocolates and jellies, and it had as many candles as the number of years Carlos had reached that day. Carlos couldn’t blow them out on the _________ONE_________ try and his friends were delighted to help him.  

After school, I decided to go to university. I ________CHOOSE__________ St Andrews University in Scotland. At that time I ________NOT/KNOW__________ much about the University but when I arrived there, I liked it at once. Now I'm in my last year and I wish I _________CAN_________ stay here forever! St Andrews University is a truly special place. It _________BUILD_________ 600 years ago and it is one of the oldest universities in the English-speaking world. It has many traditions – for example, the ‘May Dip’. It is held on the ________ONE__________ of May every year. All the students run into the North Sea at sunrise to celebrate the coming of spring and for good luck! One of my classmates said that the tradition ________HELP__________ him to pass his exams last summer. For me the ‘May Dip’ was the _________COLD_________ experience of my life! Because the weather is famously cold, St Andrews students designed _________THEY_________ own uniform which consists of a warm jacket, jeans and boat shoes. The uniform _________MAKE_________ us all look the same, but it is the only way to keep warm!

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It was a cold January day in York, Pennsylvania. Dr. James turned on the television to check on the weather. The weatherman said that it was going to stay cold for several days. According to him, the roads _________BE_________ very dangerous because of the snow and ice and he strongly recommended staying at home if at all possible. Dr. James _________NOT/CAN_________ stay at home. He worked in a hospital and there were patients waiting for him there. He put on a sweater, jacket, gloves, boots and a hat, and opened his front door. Everything ________COVER__________ with snow. A cold wind blew inside. “Wow,” Dr. James said. “The weatherman was right! I wish I ________HAVE__________ a reindeer instead of my old car.” When Dr. James ________DRIVE__________ slowly to work, he saw an accident. He stopped and ________RUN__________ to the damaged car. There was a man and two ________CHILD__________ inside. “Is everyone okay?” Dr. James asked. “Yes, yes, we are fine,” answered the man. “I ________CALL__________ 911 already. They are coming to help ________WE__________. It looks like we won’t get to school today.”

Martin was in a hurry as he had to be in the office as soon as possible. His boss _________NOT/LIKE_________ it when anyone missed the morning meetings and Martin had already been late several times that week. His boss had warned him: “If you are late again, you _________LOSE_________ your job.” Martin was afraid of losing his job. His colleagues were nice to him, the salary was good and he sometimes ________GO__________ on business trips abroad. It was actually the _________GOOD_________ job he had ever had. He ran out of the house, jumped into his car and backed up without looking. BOOM! There _________BE_________ a sound like someone hitting a drum. Martin had hit the car behind him. 
“Oh, no!” Martin exclaimed. 
Martin glanced at his watch. It was 7:18. He looked around. There were no _________POLICEMAN_________ on the street and he decided to drive off quickly.  It took _________HE_________ 20 minutes to get to work. The boss was not around. “Thank goodness,” Martin said to himself and sat down at his desk to work. The boss arrived an hour later. 
“Somebody hit my car and left without leaving a note,” he said angrily. “I wish I ________KNOW__________ who he was. My car was absolutely new! It _________BUY_________ only a week ago.”
Martin went up to the window, saw the car and understood that he would lose his job anyway. 

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Tracey was very unhappy and scared. She was starting a new school.
“I _________NOT/WANT_________ to go to school today,” Tracey told her father.
“I understand, Tracey,” he said. “Starting a new school can be very difficult. But you have to.”
A month before _________THEY_________ family had moved to a new town and everything was still new and strange for Tracey. Dad smoothed Tracey’s hair down and _________GIVE_________ her a little hug,
“When your classes _________BE_________ over, I’ll pick you up, ok?”
When Tracey got to school and looked at the big building, she thought, “I wish I _________CAN_________ run away,” but she knew it was impossible. She took a deep breath and walked up the steps to school. She went straight into her _________FIVE_________ grade classroom.
“That must be Tracey,” “Hello, Tracey!”, “Welcome, Tracey!” the _________CHILD_________ in the room welcomed her.
Everyone seemed friendly and Tracey felt a little _________GOOD_________.
The father picked her up after school. 
“How was your day?” he asked. To his surprise Tracey answered that she _________LIKE_________ her new school.
“You are a brave girl,” her father said. “I’m proud of you.” 

Jane liked going to the park with her mum. One day when they were there, she said, “There is so much rubbish on the ground.” They looked around. There were old ____BOX______, waste paper and cans on the ground. Several benches _____BREAK_______. “You are right,” her mum said. “I wish people ___CARE_____ about the environment more.” “I do care about it but I ______NOT/KNOW______ what I can do to help the park,” said Jane. Jane and her mum went home. In the evening she painted a picture of the park. At the top of the picture she _____WRITE______ “PLEASE KEEP ME CLEAN”. The next day Jane and her mum went to the park ______EARLY______ than usual. Jane taped her picture onto a big rubbish bin and started picking up rubbish. Some children ran over to see what was going on. They decided to help Jane. Soon all the rubbish was in the bags. “Good job,” Jane said, “We _____CLEAN______ half of the park. If we come and complete the other part tomorrow, the whole park ______BE_______ clean and tidy. I hope people won’t throw _____THEY____ rubbish here any more.” 

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It was an early morning. Ben jumped out of his bed as soon as the ______ONE_____ rays of sun came into the room. He grabbed his backpack and started to pack. Ben put in some of his favourite things to take with _____HE______ on the trip to Grandpa’s. He put in his favourite book, his kite and his teddy bear. Soon everything ______PACK_______ and he started to get dressed. Visiting Grandpa had always been the ______GOOD_______ part of his summer vacation. Together, they went fishing and watched football matches. Ben’s granddad ___TEACH____ him how to repair bikes and other things. Ben’s mum entered his room. 
“Grandpa’s here,” she said with a smile. Ben told her that he ______BE_______ ready to go. He grabbed his backpack and ran into the kitchen where Grandpa ______DRINK______ his tea. 
“Ready, big guy?” asked Grandpa. “Will you have breakfast before we leave?” 
“No, I _____NOT/BE_____ hungry”, Ben answered, “I’ll have breakfast at your place. Grandma ______COOK______ something nice for me, hasn’t she?” 

I was sitting in an arm-chair and watching my sister Alison. She was getting ready for a party. Alison was 15 years _____OLD_____ than me and she always treated me like a child. Alison took her jewellery box from the table. The box ______MAKE_____ of wood and had colourful stones on the top. 
“You know you must never touch it, right?” Alison said.
“If the box was mine, I _____ALLOW_____ you to touch it whenever you wanted,” I answered. Alison said nothing to that. 
When she put on her jewelry, she looked like a princess. She moved gracefully as if her ____FOOT______ didn’t touch the ground. Alison kissed me goodnight and left. I tried to resist my curiosity but I ____NOT/CAN______. I opened the box. There ______BE_____ lots of rings, ear-rings, bracelets and necklaces inside. I got them all out. The ____ONE______ piece of jewelry I tried on was a silver necklace. After that I lost track of time. Suddenly I _____SEE_____ Alison. She was standing at the doorway and looking at me angrily. I _____NOT/KNOW____ what to say. Many years have passed since that night. Now I am a designer – I create clothes and accessories. My sister likes my work very much. 

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The phone rang in Clark Taylor’s house at nearly three in the morning. He answered it only after the ______FIVE____ ring. 
“Hello,” Clark said in a sleepy voice.
“Mr. Taylor. Thank goodness. I need your help.”
Clark definitely _____KNOW____ the voice. However, he was sleepy and ____NOT/CAN____ remember who it was.
“Mr. Taylor!” the man said. “I am in trouble. The police allowed me only one phone call. And I am calling you.”
Then, the fog cleared. Although nearly ten years had passed since ____THEY_____ last meeting, Clark was able to recognise the voice. It belonged to Martin Hall, one of the _____BRIGHT____ math students he had ever had.
“Martin, what’s happened? Where are you? ” Clark asked.
“In the police station. I ____ARREST____ at the railway station two hours ago. I was going to a conference. The police mistook me for another person. The irony is that I really do look like the criminal that they are looking for. Besides that, I _____LOSE_____ my ID card and I can’t prove who I am. You are the only person in this town who knows me. Can you help me?” Martin Hall asked.
“If you give me the address, I _____COME_____ at once,” Clark said, jumping up of the bed. It was not difficult for him to prove that Martin Hall was his former student. Clark brought a scientific journal with Martin’s article and a photo of him. The _____POLICEMAN____ were surprised to find out that their prisoner was a capable young scientist.

By today’s standards, my mobile phone is pretty basic. It’s a Nokia. It’s a small device that receives telephone calls and sends text messages. Other than that, my phone _________NOT/DO_________ much. Most of my friends wish they _________HAVE_________ smartphones because they are cool and trendy. They say the _________GOOD_________ thing about a smartphone is that you ‘can do everything with it!’ That’s right, smartphones have many more functions than a simple phone, however, not all of them are needed. In everyday life, smartphones _________USE_________ mainly for checking social networking sites, replying to emails, and playing games. Grown-ups as well as ________CHILD__________ like playing games. Anyway, I prefer my good old Nokia. It’s my ________ONE__________ mobile phone. When I bought it, it didn’t cost _________I_________ very much. And I am not afraid anyone will ever steal it.  It’s also very reliable. Yesterday I dropped it. It _________FLY_________ down the staircase and hit the wall. I thought that _________BE_________ the end of it and I would have to buy a new one. But nothing of the kind – it still works properly! 

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Once there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. This story happened to _________THEY_________ when they had to leave their home city, London, during the war. They _________SEND_________ to the house of an old Professor who lived in the country, ten miles from the nearest railway station. He _________NOT/HAVE_________ a wife and he lived in a very large house with a housekeeper. He himself was a very old man with white hair which grew over most of his face as well as on his head. The children liked him almost at once. Only Lucy, who was the _________YOUNG_________ of them, felt a little afraid of him.  On their _________ONE_________ evening, after dinner, they said good night to the Professor and went upstairs. It was the largest house they had ever seen, so Peter suggested exploring it in the morning. When the next morning came, there was a steady rain falling.
"I wish the weather _________BE_________ more cheerful!" said Edmund.
"Stop complaining, Ed," said Susan. "I think the weather _________IMPROVE_________ soon."
"We were going to explore the house," Peter reminded them. He _________EAT_________ a sandwich at the moment and was absolutely happy with the whole situation. Everyone nodded and at that point their amazing adventures ________BEGIN__________. 

I come from England but now I live permanently in Québec, Canada. When my parents ____BRING_____ me to Canada, I was fifteen. It was the winter and I ___IMPRESS_____ by the amount of snow there. I asked my new friends what they usually _____DO______ for entertainment in such a cold climate. Their answer was simple, “In winter ___CHILD____ and adults go skiing and skating.”

Before arriving in Canada I had never tried skating and my Canadian ice experience was really painful. To start with, it took ____I____ half an hour to put on the skates. I ___NOT/KNOW_____ how to move so my new friends showed me some basic techniques. However, when I was left alone on the ice, I ____FALL____ over immediately. When I opened my eyes, my new friends were standing around. They weren’t laughing, they looked worried. “Are you OK?” they asked.

“Fine,” I said, “I wish I ___CAN____ skate as easily as you do.”  “You definitely will,” they smiled. And they were right. By the end of my ____ONE____ winter in Canada, I felt confident on the ice. More than that, I found out that skating was a really exciting activity!

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School was finally over and I was about to enjoy my holidays. I was going to stay with my Aunt Helen, who lived in California. I thought that visiting ____SHE___ would be great fun, but I felt nervous and scared. When my mum ____DRIVE___ me to the airport, she noticed that something was wrong with me. “Are you all right?’ she asked. “You’re afraid of flying, aren’t you?”

“I ___NOT/WANT____ you to notice. Yes, I’m a bit scared. Sorry.” “There ___BE___ nothing to be sorry about! It’s natural to feel nervous before your first flight. I wish I _____CAN_____ go with you, but you know that I can’t.” It was true. My mum was the ___BUSY_____ woman in the world. “I’m fine, Mum. Don’t worry.” I tried to sound calm. “I ___CALL___  you as soon as we land.” The plane ____TAKE____ off smoothly. The pilot informed the passengers about the details of the flight. Then we ___OFFER____ refreshing drinks.  I had some orange juice and closed my eyes.

Harry’s class was going on an excursion to the firehouse. Harry ___FEEL_________ proud because his Uncle Jim, a fireman, was going to show the children around the place. Naturally, the first thing Harry’s classmates wanted to see was the huge fire truck. There ____BE_______ eight vehicles at the firehouse at that moment. Uncle Jim explained how the trucks got water and even let the kids get inside the truck. “Have you ever fought a fire ____YOU______?” a red-haired boy asked. “Yes, many times, unfortunately,” Uncle Jim answered. “I wish people ___BEHAVE____ more responsibly when they used electrical devices at home or had picnics outdoors.  But they often ____NOT/THINK______ anything can happen to them. Please remember that you ____NOT/MUST_______ make fires in the woods. There is dry grass and dry _____LEAF___ on the ground.  They start to burn very easily. And there is nothing ____DANGEROUS______ than forest fires!” The children promised not to make any fires in the woods and Uncle Jim went on with the tour. He ____SHOW_______ them the fire alarm equipment, when a siren started wailing...

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Judy was afraid of the dark. At night she always ___LEAVE______ the lights on.  Judy couldn’t explain what exactly she was afraid of. She ____NOT/BELIEVE_____ in monsters or in ghosts. She was one of those rare girls who never screamed when she saw spiders, ____MOUSE_____ and frogs. But everyone in her family knew that a dark room was the ____BAD________ of her fears. One day, when Judy ___DRAW_______ something in her room, her mother came in holding a big shopping bag. “Guess what I____BUY_______,” she said to Judy.  “I have no idea. Is it for ___I______?” Judy felt very curious about the bag. Her mother pulled two packages from her shopping bag. In the first package there were some very nice slippers. They ___MAKE______ from soft, pink fabric and had bright flashing lights. Inside the second package were glow-in-the-dark pyjamas! Judy said she ___WANT______ to try them on immediately. Amazingly, she felt safe all through the night. In a few days the lights stopped flashing but Judy realised she didn’t feel afraid of the dark any more.

Kathy looked at her new room’s white walls.

“They’re so plain.”

“Don’t worry,” Dad said, “If you don’t like them, we ____MAKE________ the walls any colour you like.”
“Do you want pink?” Mum suggested. Kathy _____SHAKE________ her head. 
“No, pink is either for ____BABY________ or for silly girls who like Barbie dolls. I’m neither of those.”
Her parents smiled but ____NOT/SAY________ anything.
“But what colour to choose?  I wish we ____CAN________  ask a designer for professional advice,” said Kathy.
“Oh, no! It’s out of the question!” said Kathy’s mother, firmly. A designer’s advice is much ___EXPENSIVE_____ than we can afford.”
“Ok. It was just an idea.”

“Getting back to the wall colour, why not make your room yellow or orange?” Dad suggested. “When the walls _____PAINT_______ in those colours, the room will look cheerful.”
“Yes!” Kathy definitely liked the idea. “We’ll make three walls yellow, but the ____FOUR______ one will be orange.”
The next day, when Kathy came back from school, her Dad said: “Look what I____BUY______.” There were paints and brushes on the floor.

“Everything’s ready for us to start.” He smiled and handed Kathy the brush.

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It was the middle of November and Tina felt down and depressed. Late autumn was the ____BAD________ season of the year.
It often ____RAIN______, and Tina had to spend most of her time indoors. Because of this, she really welcomed the changes in her school routine. The school administration introduced a new class - a dance class. But not everyone was happy! The boys said that it ____BE_______ a waste of time. They often missed the class and, when they attended, they ____NOT/LISTEN______ to the teacher’s instructions but tried to make fun of everything. “I wish we _____HAVE_______ a class for girls only,” Tina thought. The Junior Dance Competition ____HOLD______ in their town every year. It was a spectacular show. “Your dancing ____IMPROVE____ every day,” the teacher said one day. “If you go on like this, you ____HAVE________ a chance to take part in the Dance Competition next month.” Tina imagined herself wearing a beautiful dress and elegant shoes on her ____FOOT________. She decided it was something she’d like to try.

Veronica loved autumn. It was her favourite season. There were many good things about it. She loved the smells, the changing ____LEAF_______, and the cool breezes. There ____BE_______ also apple pies, apple doughnuts and pumpkin pies. For Veronica, pumpkin pies were the ____GOOD________, especially when her mother cooked them. Veronica had never tried to make a pie ___SHE________, but she knew how, as she had seen how her mother made it many times. One day, on her way from school, Veronica _____BUY_______ a pumpkin and decided to cook it. She tried to do everything the same way her mother usually did. Veronica was in the kitchen and _____NOT/HEAR_______ the door bell. Her mother had to use her key to enter the house. “Who ___MAKE______ a pie?” her mother asked. “I can smell it. How soon is it going to be ready? I’m very hungry.” When the pie was ready, Veronica put it on the table. The pie looked nice: it ___DECORATE____ with nuts and coloured sugar. Veronica’s mother had a large piece. She smiled and said that she ____LIKE_____ it very much.

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When I was at school, I spent two summers at my grandfather’s. They were the ___GOOD____ holidays I’ve ever had. Grandpa lived alone in a country cottage near a small river. Grandpa’s hobby was making birdhouses. He always said that he ___NEED_____ a hobby to fill his free time. Grandpa’s workshop was full of all kinds of tools. There ____BE_______ a big table, hammers, nails, paints, and what not. And all the tools ___KEEP_____ carefully in their places. That was Grandpa’s number one rule. The ______TWO_____ rule was, “Never buy a new tool if the old one still works.” In the workshop, when he ___MAKE_____ the birdhouses, I asked him lots of questions about birds. He ___KNOW____ a lot about them!  He could tell one bird from another by their songs and footprints. I was surprised that Grandpa _____NOT/PAINT______ the birdhouses in bright colours. He explained to ___I___ that birds prefer natural colours that make their houses more difficult to notice and, for that reason, safer.

Susan’s father often had to go to different countries on business. That evening, he came home ____LATE_____ than usual. He looked tired. Susan ____KNOW_______ that the next week her father was going to China to discuss a new project. At dinner, her father asked Susan if she ___WANT____ to go with him. It was a bit unexpected but Susan liked the idea at once. It was her ___SIXTEEN___ birthday in a few days. And Susan thought it ____BE_____ fun to celebrate it abroad. However, there was one thing she wanted to clear up before the trip: “Are you going to be busy from morning till night? I ___NOT/WANT___ to sit in the hotel all the time alone.”

“You won’t have to,” her father reassured Susan. “I ____PREPARE____ all the project papers already. So, while our partners are studying them, we’ll have plenty of time for sightseeing.”

“Great!” Susan ran up to her room to pack.

“Remember to take some comfortable shoes. Otherwise your ___FOOT____ will hurt after the long excursions.” Her father’s advice was always practical. Half an hour later everything ___PACK_ in a suitcase and Susan called her best friend to tell her the news.

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Tim liked going to the zoo. One day his mother said:
“We’re going to a different place today, Tim. It’s an animal shelter. I’m sure you ______LIKE______ it.”
The place was much _____SMALL_____ than a zoo, but clean and well kept. There were volunteers in special uniforms. One of them showed Tim and his mum round the shelter. Lots of animals _____KEEP_____ there. Cats and dogs made up most of the population, but there were also horses, monkeys, _______FOX_____ and other animals. Each of the animals had its own story written on a sign next to its cage or enclosure. All the stories were sad –  the animals had either been abandoned by ____THEY______ owners or saved by the animal police from cruel treatment. 
‘If people ______BE______ more responsible for their pets, we wouldn’t have so much work here,” the volunteer remarked.
“But unfortunately some people _____NOT/UNDERSTAND____ that animals are not toys.” 
Tim’s mother thanked the volunteer and ______MAKE______ a donation. Shelters always needed money to pay for the animals’ food and medical care. On the way home Tim told his mother that he ____WANT____ to go to the shelter again, not only to watch but also to help the volunteers. 

July 17th was coming. It would be Mark’s ___THIRTEEN______ birthday. His Mum asked him what he ___WANT________ as a gift. Mark answered at once that his dream was to have a telescope to watch the stars. Mum ____SHAKE________ her head doubtfully. She knew that Mark enjoyed learning about space but a telescope was a ____EXPENSIVE_____ present than they had planned. 
After dinner the parents had a discussion about the present. 
“I think we should give Mark the telescope,” Dad said.

“But we ___SPEND_______ all our savings already,” Mum responded.
“We bought some new furniture and paid for our holidays. I wish we ____CAN______ buy him this present but we really can’t.”
“I think, we can,” Dad smiled. “Look, I’ve got an old friend, Nick, whose father was interested in astronomy. His father died many years ago, and Nick keeps all his things in the attic. I think he ___AGREE______ to sell us his telescope at half price.”
Nick ____PLANT_______ roses in the garden when Mum and Dad arrived at his house.
“Yes, sure,” he said. “There are lots of ___BOX______ in the attic. You can take whatever you want for Mark for free. I’m glad he’s taking up my father’s  hobby.”

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It was a hot summer day. Tom and his mum were heading to the beach. Tom was only wearing shorts and a pair of sandals on his ____FOOT___ but he felt hot anyway. When they came to the beach, they found out that the sea ____NOT/BE____ calm –  powerful waves were breaking on the shore. Mum ____STOP____ in hesitation. “It’s fine. I can easily swim in these waves,” Tom wanted to demonstrate his swimming skills. But his mother said that they ____STAY____ out of the water till the sea calmed down.  Sitting close to ____THEY___ was a boy about Tom’s age. He was alone because his parents ____LEAVE____ to buy some sandwiches. He came over and said his name was Gary. His shoulders ____COVER_____ with protective suntan lotion, but they looked red anyway. “It’s getting ____HOT_____ every minute,” said Gary. “How about a swim?” 

“No way,” Tom’s mother was definitely against the idea and Tom had to obey. “As you like,” Gary said and headed to the water.

The _____THREE___ wave hit him hard and he lost his balance. Everything was happening very fast –  Gary fell down and went under the water. Fortunately, Tom and his mother were close enough to get him out in time. 

A few years ago I was on a camping holiday in Bristol. There ____BE________ lots of other girls from around the UK, but I was the only one from Scotland. The camp ____LOCATE______ in the woods, not far from the river. The camp life was even _____INTERESTING______ than I had expected. We enjoyed all kinds of camping activities –  sports and games, different shows and contests. Everything was fine apart from one incident that took me aback. 
Once, at lunchtime, when I ____EAT____ ice cream, one of the girls asked:
“So, do you have ice cream in Scotland?” 
I ___NOT/KNOW_______ how to react. My neighbour repeated her question.
I nodded, “Yes.”
My answer provoked a wave of absurd questions about my country: 
“Have you ever seen a ghost in your castle?” 
“Do all Scottish ___MAN_______ wear checked skirts?”
I ___FIND_____ out that some people believe silly stereotypes about Scotland.
They believe that Scots really carry bagpipes in ___THEY_______ bags to play the instrument on the streets, and that Scots practise magic. At last, the girls said that they ___COME_____ to Scotland one day to see it with their own eyes and to separate the truth from the myths.

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The academic term was coming to its end and Kate decided to arrange a party to celebrate the coming holidays. To be frank, there ____BE_____ one more reason for the party. Kate wanted her classmates to meet someone from her family.  She was sure it would impress ___THEY____ and would help her popularity. Kate ___MAKE____ sandwiches in the kitchen when Hugo came in. “It looks like I’m the ___ONE____ guest, doesn’t it?” Hugo looked embarrassed. “Sorry for coming so early.” “Oh, it’s ok,” said Kate, “Come in! You ____HELP____ me in the kitchen, won’t you?” “Sure,” Hugo entered the room and ____STOP____ in surprise. “Are you saying you made all this yourself?” On the table there was a huge pie. It ____DECORATE____ with different fruit and looked fantastic. “No,” Kate looked pleased with his reaction. “My cousin helped me. She____LEAVE____ for the shop. She’ll be back any minute. The front door opened and a girl entered. Hugo understood that he ___SEE____ her many times in different TV programmes for teenagers.

“A TV star?” Hugo sounded so silly that both girls burst out laughing.

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Cindy liked parks. She took long walks in the nearby park almost every day. Her classmates, however, ___NOT/SHARE______ her interest and Cindy usually walked alone. Cindy’s parents worried that she ___HAVE_______ no friends. 
“I wish you _____SPEND_______ more time with your classmates. Don’t you feel bored in the park?”
“It’s ok, Mum, I just feel much ____GOOD_______ alone than with people who can’t understand me,” Cindy usually answered. “Parks are a lot more fun to spend time in than hanging out in a shopping centre.” And her mother didn’t  know what to say.
One day, Cindy returned from the park very excited.  
“Guess, who I met in the park!” she said, and she told her parents the whole story. 
“I ____WALK______ along the central avenue when I saw a group of people.  
They _____BE______ students of the Biology faculty of the university. 
They told _____I______ about the plan to rearrange the park.
A large lake is going to be made in the centre. There will be wild animals there like hares, squirrels and even ______FOX______.
Yesterday, the plan ____APPROVE_____ by the City Council and work starts tomorrow.  I want to join the volunteer team!”

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As a child, Steven lived in a village. Outside the village there was a house where a strange old woman and her granddaughter Eliza lived. The ___CHILD____ often played together. One day, Eliza ___BE____ unusually sad. When Steven was about to leave, the old woman said, “I know you are friends. But never come to our house again. Never ever!” 
The girl took the boy to the gate.  “Will you miss me?” she asked. The boy said, “Yes, I will!” To his surprise, the girl said, “But I won’t! I ___NOT/WANT_____ to see you anymore!” She closed the gate. The next day the girl ____LEAVE_____ for the city. Steven was upset but he hoped that one day he ____SEE_____  Eliza again. 
Five years later Steven became a student and moved to the city. He rented a small apartment on the __ONE___ floor.
One day, when he ____WALK_____ to the university, he saw Eliza. She was sitting on the bench in the park with an ice-cream in her hand. He ran up to her and said “Hello! It’s nice to see you again!” But Eliza looked up at ____HE________, stood up and walked away. “I wish I ___KNOW______ what is going on,” Steven said to himself, and decided to start his own investigation.


Dylan had a very old car. It was 20 years old.  But the faded paint made it look even ____OLD______ than that. It ____BE_________ a shame to drive a car that looked like that and Dylan took it to a paint shop. There the car ___PAINT_______ dark blue for $200. 
Dylan was very pleased with the new look. The only problem was that the car stereo ___NOT/WORK______ properly. Dylan managed to fix it himself. Then one day Dylan had a new problem –  petrol. He could smell it while he ___DRIVE_______ his car. Dylan asked himself “Am I driving a bomb? Could the car explode at any minute?” He knew the car manual by heart. He had car problems at least once a month, and he always found a way to fix ___THEY______ himself. However, this time, it was a job for a mechanic. So he _____TAKE_______ his car to the closest service station. The mechanic said they ____TEST_______ the car to find out what the problem was. He told Dylan to come back in an hour. When Dylan came back, the mechanic said, "The problem is with the fuel pump. You need a new one. It costs $400." "Let me think about it.  I ____GIVE________ you a call when I decide what to do."  But Dylan had already decided what to do.

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Annie was waiting for her guests. Her birthday was on 25th December and she felt this was both lucky and unlucky. It ____BE______ great to have her birthday on a special day like Christmas. But, on the other hand, very few of Annie’s friends came to her party. Most of them had family plans for that day.  The doorbell ____RING______ and her classmate, Brian, appeared. He had a plastic bag in his hand. “Happy birthday, Annie!” Brain said and got an old oil lamp out of his bag. Annie ___NOT/CAN______ hide her surprise: “What’s this? And where did you buy it?” “A magic lamp. And I didn’t buy it. It ___FIND______ in the attic of an old country house a year ago. My friend found it when they ______REPAIR______ the house. He says if you light the lamp and make a wish, the wish ____COME______ true. It works particularly well with reasonable wishes that are not too big for the lamp. Its magic is not very strong.” Annie laughed aloud. “I’ve never got a present ____ORIGINAL_______ than this. Ok, let’s test your lamp.” Annie lit it and said: “I wish the whole class would come to _____I_______ party today”. As soon as she ____SAY_______ it, the doorbell rang impatiently.

Martin and Jane were shopping. They were in the _____LARGE______ shopping centre in their city. In fact, it was their favourite place because it was nice and not very expensive. The centre ______CALL_______ Dress for Less. Unlike most ____MAN______, Martin liked shopping. Today he felt really happy because he _____BUY_______ a shirt and a pair of jeans. Jane was still in the changing room so Martin had time for a cup of coffee in the lobby. It was the first time Martin had had a good look at the building itself. The shopping centre building _____BE______ impressive. The engineers had used advanced technologies to make it light, warm and spacious. “Hi!” Martin _____HEAR______ Jane’s voice. “What are you having? Coffee? No, I _____NOT/DRINK_____ coffee. Never. It’s not good for your health.” “Look, Jane, do you know the name of the architect of this building?”  Martin interrupted her. Jane looked puzzled. “I wish we ____CAN_____ change our life a bit,” went on Martin. “We probably spend too much time on things like shopping and miss more important things. When was the last time we visited a museum?” Jane quietly sat down on the chair beside ____HE_______.


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