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Health is above Wealth

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«Health is above Wealth»

Health is above Wealth

Expressions associated with health

consult a doctor

a nosebleed

run a temperature

a headache



eep a diet

a toothache

catch a cold

a sore throat

do exercises

a bad tooth

take medecine

a bad eye


five aches



stomach ache



My knee hurts


Find the English equivalents for the Armenian expressions below.

1.ջերմություն ունենալ

6.քթից արյուն է գալիս

2.դիետա պահել

8.գլխացավ ունեմ

3.մրսել հիվանդանալ

9.ատամս ցավում է

4.մարզանք անել

10.աչքս ցավում է

5.այցելել բժշկի

11.փչացած ատամ ունեմ

6.դեղեր ընդունել

12.կոկորդս ցավում է

Proverbs with Health

1.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

2.Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

3. Joyfulness is half your health.

4. In a healthy body, a healthy spirit.

5. Work is half of health.

6. The rich have medicines the poor have health.

7. When wealth is lost, nothing is lost. when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. .

8. The first step to health is to know that we are sick.

9. One who eats plain food is healthy.

10. Without sleep, no health.

11. He who has health has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.

12. A good wife and health are a man's best wealth.

13. Good health is the sister of beauty.

14. He who has no health has nothing.

15. The first glass is for health, the second - for joy, the third - for fun, the fourth - for madness


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