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“Holidays , traditions and customs in England ”

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Видеоролик «Christmas».

Т.:  Who tells us about Christmas in Britain?

S3: I do. Christmas is celebrated in the UK on the 25-th of December. It is one of the most important religious holidays in England, Wales and Ireland, but the Scots don't celebrate it at all. On this day many Britons go to churches. At home they open their Christmas presents and eat their holiday dinner (stuffed turkey-in England, roast goose - in Wales and Ireland) with their traditional Christmas pudding. They also watch the Queen's Christmas TV cast and make merry.

 For most British families this is the most important festival of the year. There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas, but the most important on is the giving of present. On Christmas Day the families will sit to a big turkey dinner followed by Christmas pudding.

On the Sunday before Christmas many churches hold a service. Every family has its own Christmas fir-tree. The 26th of December is also a public holiday, called Boxing Day. People visit their friends and relatives, giving them presents.  

Т.: Good! Is it a religious holiday?

S4: Yes, it is.

Т.: Do we celebrate it in our country?

S4: Yes, we do.

Т.: When?

S4: On the 7th of January.

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«“Holidays , traditions and customs in England ”»

Тема : “ Holidays , traditions and customs in England ”.

Цели урока:

  1. Образовательная: активизация и закрепление лексики по теме: “Праздники и обычаи страны изучаемого языка”, развитие навыков устной речи, развитие навыков понимания иностранной речи на слух.

  2. Познавательная: расширение и углубление культурологических знаний, повышение общей культуры общения.

  3. Развивающая: развитие навыков языковой догадки, языковой реакции, памяти, внимания, мышления, восприятия и инициативы.

  4. Воспитательная: формирование уважительного отношения к языку, к традициям и обычаям Великобритании ,умения активно и плодотворно работать в коллективе.

Форма урока: лекционный

Оборудование: проектор, видеоролики праздников и традиций, раздаточный материал (для работы в группах)

Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент.

- Good morning, children.

- Who is on duty today?

- OK’, let’s start our lesson.

Т.: Good morning, boys and girls. Sit down, please. Today we will have an unusual lesson, because we'll speak about Holidays, Traditions and Customs of the English-speaking countries. Besides, there are too many guests today in our class-room, that's why let's show them our language skills.

The topic of our lesson today will be "Holidays , traditions and customs in England".

Phonetic drill:




Knock-стук, постучать

Trick- трюк, фокус

Roast-жарить, печь

Turkey- индейка, индюк


Valentines – валентинки


Pudding- пудинг

Sweets- сладости

gather together- собрать вместе

gifts- подарки, дарить


fireworks - фейерверк

bonfire- костер

candle- свеча

Т.: So, every country and nation has their own traditions and customs. It's very important to know traditions and customs of different people, especially if we want to know their language. We can't say: "We know English", if we do not know English traditions. Besides, they are very important in the life of English people. They are proud of their traditions and keep them up carefully. That's why we are going to know more about British holidays today.

As we know there are several holidays in the year. And today we'll talk about only late-autumn, winter and early-spring holidays in Britain and traditions connected with them.    

And, now, the first game. Look at the blackboard, please, and find the right date for every holiday:

January, 1         Easter

April – May         New Year

February, 14         Thanksgiving Day

December, 25         St. Valentine's Day

November, 26         Halloween

October, 31         Christmas

2. Просмотр видеоролика . Задание : студентам необходимо рассказать о традициях и обычаях англичан, используя видео материал .

Видеоролик  «Halloween».

Т.: Yes, you are right. Who can tell us about this holiday?

S1: I can. Halloween. We celebrate this holiday on the 31st of October. It is very funny and interesting holiday. Traditionally on Halloween Night people wear scary or funny costumes of witches, vampires, pirates, fairies and ghosts. The most popular children's amusement on Halloween is "trick-or-treating". They visit houses in their neighborhood knocking on every door yelling the phrase: "Trick or treat!" Usually people give them sweets, fruit and candies, but if they don't, the children can play a low-down trick on them.

Т.: Thank you. By the way, how do people celebrate it in our country? Is there holiday in our country?

S3: Yes, we have such holiday nowadays, but we celebrate it only at schools and in the colleges.

Видеоролик «Christmas».

Т.: Who tells us about Christmas in Britain?

S3: I do. Christmas is celebrated in the UK on the 25-th of December. It is one of the most important religious holidays in England, Wales and Ireland, but the Scots don't celebrate it at all. On this day many Britons go to churches. At home they open their Christmas presents and eat their holiday dinner (stuffed turkey-in England, roast goose - in Wales and Ireland) with their traditional Christmas pudding. They also watch the Queen's Christmas TV cast and make merry.

For most British families this is the most important festival of the year. There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas, but the most important on is the giving of present. On Christmas Day the families will sit to a big turkey dinner followed by Christmas pudding.

On the Sunday before Christmas many churches hold a service. Every family has its own Christmas fir-tree. The 26th of December is also a public holiday, called Boxing Day. People visit their friends and relatives, giving them presents.  

Т.: Good! Is it a religious holiday?

S4: Yes, it is.

Т.: Do we celebrate it in our country?

S4: Yes, we do.

Т.: When?

S4: On the 7th of January.

Видеоролик «Easter».

Т.: Who can tell us about this holiday?

S5: Easter is celebrated in April or May.

Easter is the greatest religious holiday in the UK. Many Britons attend the church services. They spend this great holiday together with their families, exchange colored or chocolate eggs and various presents. I like also to prepare for Easter with my family: we color and decorate Easter eggs, cook Easter cakes, attend a church service. On Easter people give each other chocolate eggs that are wrapped in silver paper.

Видеоролик «Thanksgiving Day».

Т.: Who can tell us about this holiday?

S6 : It is Thanksgiving Day.

Т.: Yes it is. And who can describe it?

S 6: I can. It's a great holiday, indeed! We celebrate it on the 26th of November. On that day, family members gather at the house of an older relative, even if they live far away. All give thanks for everything good they have. Charitable organizations offer traditional meal to the homeless. The traditional thanksgiving meal consists of roast turkey, cranberry jelly, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie.

Видеоролик «St. Valentine’s Day».

Т.: Who can tell us about this holiday?

And who can describe it?

S7: St. Valentine’s Day comes on February 14. It is widely celebrated among people of all ages. Valentine’s Day is a time when people in love express their feelings to those whom they love or adore. Some people give greeting cards, flowers, chocolates, perfumes or jewelry to their admirers or partners while others take their loved ones for a romantic dinner at a restaurant or even propose to get married.

Valentine’s Day cards are the most popular gifts. They can be ready-made or hand-made. Also Valentine’s cards can be pink or red-colored and some of them can be heart-shaped. Some valentines are very fancy; they are decorated with ribbons, paper lace and images of cupids. A card can be different; it can be sentimental with love poetry, friendly or satirical.

Видеоролик «The New Year».

Т.: Who can tell us about this holiday?

S8: The first of January, New Year’s Day, is a big holiday in Scotland. Scottish people celebrate New Year’s Eve in every family. Friends usually come on that day.

They have a good dinner. After dinner there are apples, other fruit, and different sweets to eat. Then all the family and the friends begin to play games and dance. Before twelve o’clock at night many people in the towns go out into the streets to dance and to sing songs.

In England New Year’s Day is not a big holiday, it is not so popular. Very many people go to bed before twelve o’clock on New Year’s Eve. But some families celebrate this evening at home. At midnight they also go out into the streets and squares.

In London people go to the Trafalgar Square. In this square they see a great tree brightly decorated with little lamps. When the largest clock of London - Big Ben - begins to strike twelve, the people in the square join their hands and sing. They also wish a Happy New Year to each other. New Year is one of the favorite holidays for many people in Great Britain.

3. Ex. 1. «True or false» task . Студенты получают задания на определение верности утверждении.

  1. The British celebrate Halloween on the 31-st of November.

  2. In Britain the New Year is not widely celebrated as Christmas.

  3. On April Fool‘s day people decorate the Christmas tree.

  4. The Queen delivers her congratulatory speech for the New Year.

  5. Halloween is a very old tradition.

  6. On Guy Fawkes Night sweethearts send cards to their lovers.

  7. British people don’t keep their old traditions.

  8. A lot of holidays are connected with the Queen.

  9. Changing the guards takes place at Tower of London.

Ex. 2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. Студентам предлагается задание на заполнение пропусков необходимыми словами.

1. The synonym for “present”________.
2. The synonym for “custom”________,
3. The holiday celebrated by all people in the country is called a ________ celebration.
4. Sometimes you give gifts to your friends and sometimes you _________ gifts from them.
5. A religious holiday is ________.
6. Easter and Christmas are ____________ holidays.
7. Children like to receive these tasty things ___________.
8. On Christmas the British usually have a turkey for ____________.
9. People burn a _________ on a bonfire.

10. ________ is celebrated on the 5th of November.

4. Домашнее задание: написать эссе на тему: «Holidays, traditions and customs in Kazakhstan».

5. Подведение итогов урока.


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