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How is life without gadgets?

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«How is life without gadgets?»


1.1 How is life without gadgets? …………………………………….…………..2

1.2 Gadget – what is it? The definition of the word gadget………………3 1.3 Real life without gadgets………………………………………………5

1.4 Positive and negative points of gadgets…………………………….....6

1.1 How is life without gadgets?

Life without gadgets can be simply miserable!
We cannot think of a day without electronic devices. The day begins with a digital alarm clock and the word ‘digital’ travels with us throughout the day – wherever we go and whatever we do. These electronic gadgets have already left a huge impact on our lifestyle;  people of all ages are using different types of gadgets. It is now practically impossible to live life without these items;  managing to-do list to maintaining all contacts, all our activities are controlled by gadgets and gizmos.

1.2 Gadget – what is it? The definition of the word gadget.

A gadget is a small tool such as a machine that has a particular function, but is often thought of as a novelty. Gadgets are sometimes referred to as gizmos. Gizmos in particular are a bit different than gadgets. Gadgets in particular are small tools powered by electronic principles (a circuit board). Every house today is full of smart appliances, such washing machine, dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, microwave, stereo system, etc. These objects have drastically changed people’s lives.

 They made it easier to cope with household chores. It seems that new technologies govern the lives of all people on planet.  It’s simply impossible to imagine modern life without labor-saving gadgets.

A couple of decades ago people had no idea what smartphones or iPhones are, while today nearly everyone has one. It is undoubtedly the best communication and entertainment device.

People can connect with each other everywhere they go through social network, text messaging, low-cost calls, chats rooms, etc. It is hard to stay even a day without such handy gadgets.

Although, there are, of course, some disadvantages of rapid technological progress. Firstly, doctors state that all electronic gadgets are dangerous for health..

For example, we spend hours I front of computer or laptop monitors, which results into eyesight deterioration, backaches and headaches. 

Mobile phones are also harmful to health due to their electromagnetic radiation. Secondly, all modern gadgets make us lazy and clumsy. Thus, we easily gain excessive weight

  Thirdly, people have become too dependent on these gadgets. They get stressed or unconfident when they forget a mobile phone or tablet at home. 

In my opinion, gadgets produce addiction, which is bad for people’s mind. Nevertheless, it is hard to underestimate the role of new technologies in our life.

1.3 Real life without gadgets.

The rhythm of modern life dictates its own rules and trends. The business world is an active young man today is full of events. Mobile gadgets are needed in the office office, and an important meeting, at home and on vacation in an exotic country. Present exist without electronic equipment is now no longer possible. For some, it is a way of entertainment and pastime, and someone is a reliable and indispensable tool for business. But if at one point these devices, God forbid, disappear, life without them would be much more difficult, it is clear!

Life does not stand still, and prove this theorem is no longer necessary, because it is really so. Dynamically evolving and moving forward absolutely everything: industry, science and production. If, for example, a few years ago and the average person has not heard of a device such as a mobile phone, but now a variety of such gadgets, and nobody will be surprised. Laptops and tablets, e-books and "smart watches", iPads and phones with touch screen - all these technical innovations firmly and perhaps forever entered the life of modern man.

1.4 Positive and negative points of gadgets

Positive Impacts of gadgets on people,

  1. Help in Education

The gadget has been proven to be useful in education. Children can access the web and get the detailed knowledge about any topic. The education games help them to perform well in academics.

  1. Competition Skills

All kids like to play video games. When playing such games with their friends/relatives, they earn the competition skills. The competition skills that children learn from the video games help them compete with others in the real world.

Negative Impacts of gadgets on Children

a) Health Problems

The gadget is causing many health issues in children. The surveys conducted from time to time tell that due to increasing use of gadgets, children are suffering from the health problems like back pain, weak eyesight etc. Due to less physical activities, the fatness is common to see in today’s children.

  1. Social Relationship

Technological gadgets have posed a bad impact on social relationships. Children are addicted to gadgets. They don’t have time to sit with their parents and to spend some good time with them. They prefer to connect with their friends and relatives via text messaging, chatting etc., rather than meeting them actually. Means, they are connected with others in the virtual world, but not in the real world.

Well, it is quite clear that there are more bad impacts than the positive impacts of technology on children. In fact, the positive or negative effects of any particular thing depend on how we use it. By limiting the involvement of technology in children’s life, we can easily bring an end to all negative impacts listed above.



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