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How to create the video-lesson "My future profession. Reported speech?" (Checklist)

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Project title: Creation of the video-lesson “My future profession. Reported speech”

Estimated length: 6 weeks

Teachers: Zhanel Ardakovna, Alyona Sergeevna

Grade level: 11th

Subject: English

Essential question: How to create the video-lesson “My future profession. Reported speech”?

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«How to create the video-lesson "My future profession. Reported speech?" (Checklist)»

Focus on significant content


At its core, the project is focused on teaching students important knowledge and skills, derived from standards and key concepts at the heart of academic subjects.

Develop 21st century skills


Students build skills valuable for today's world, such as critical thinking/problems solving, collaboration, and communication, which are taught and assessed.

Engage students in in-depth inquiry


Students are engaged in a rigorous, extended process of asking questions, using resources, and developing answers.

Organized tasks around a driving question


Project work is focused by an open-ended question that students explore or that captures the task they are completing.

Establish a need to know


Students see the need to gain knowledge, understand concepts, and apply skills in order to answer the Driving Questions and create project products.

Incorporate revision and reflection


The project includes processes for students to use feedback to consider additions and changes that lead to high-quality products, and think about what and how they are learning.

Include a public audience


Students present their work to other people, beyond their classmates and teacher.

Project Planning Checklist


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