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Project title: Creation of the video-lesson “My future profession. Reported speech” Estimated length: 6 weeks Teachers: Zhanel Ardakovna, Alyona Sergeevna Grade level: 11th Subject: English Essential question: How to create the video-lesson “My future profession. Reported speech”? ...
19.05.2017 17:26 299
Project title: Creation of the video-lesson “My future profession. Reported speech” Estimated length: 6 weeks Teachers: Zhanel Ardakovna, Alyona Sergeevna Grade level: 11th Subject: English Essential question: How to create the video-lesson “My future profession. Reported speech”? ...
19.05.2017 14:51 186
Project title: Creation of the video-lesson “My future profession. Reported speech” Estimated length: 6 weeks Teachers: Zhanel Ardakovna, Alyona Sergeevna Grade level: 11th Subject: English Essential question: How to create the video-lesson “My future profession. Reported speech”? ...
19.05.2017 14:33 221
Excellent 5 Good 4 Fair 3 Poor 2 ...
19.05.2017 14:31 203
Criteria 5 (excellent) 100% 4 (good) 75% 3(satisfactory) 50% 2(unsati ...
19.05.2017 14:28 280
Criteria 5 4 3 ...
Категория: Прочее
27.04.2017 22:28 298
Alyona Kravtsova, Zhanel Zakaryanova - 34 ER group. Why the popularity of computer games is growing? We think that our question is open-ended, because we can talk and argue endlessly about this topic, computer games become more popular every year, and many people disagree with each other. This question is provocative, because in its production there is obviously a contradictory, unreasonable or obviously false a ...
16.03.2017 20:23 169
Hello everybody! At the institute, each group was given the task to make a poster about themselves! During the week we were able to evaluate the work of the groups and the business cards of each student. I'd like to share my impressions with you! Most of all I liked the poster of group 33 ER. you will say why?! Because it is quite informative and colorful, I think this poster looks very creative and beautiful. In this poster you can see that every student of this group is an individual an ...
10.03.2017 17:42 246
People in the future, who are they? I think that my question is global, because every day people change, their character habits, attitudes and even physiology are being changed. This question may be discussed for a long time,because it is problematic and involves many others questions such as: What will happen in the future?why do people change? What factors influence on their views and cha ...
06.03.2017 21:13 203

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