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How to spend free time in Kurchatov?

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Проектная работа по теме " Как провести свободное время в Курчатове" направлена на то, чтобы отвлечь подростков и их родителей от телефонов и компьютеров,напрвить их внимание на занятия активными и подвижными видами спорта. и играми., развивать познавательный интерес молодежи к всестороннему изучению реалий родного города.

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«How to spend free time in Kurchatov?»

Spotlight on Кursk region turns your attention to…

The Emerald Town amusement park of Kurchatov

Spotlight on Kurchatov invites you to visit the most popular holiday destination for children and adults in the city! Come and see our amusement park area some day!

Kurchatov is a small town in the western part of Kursk region and there are not so many attractions here to visit and see. But one of the sights of the city is famous and very popular with kids, teenagers and adults. This is the Emerald Town amusement park. Everyone in the city can visit this wonderful area in any season. This place is perfect for different activities. Both children and adults can find their favorite pastime in any time of the day and in every season. Summer is perfect for cycling, running, playing tennis, football, ping-pong and basketball.

Teens enjoy rollerblading, riding bikes and scooters. Kids prefer to ride down an artificial slide and ride on the ferries wheel. The park has many exercise machines for kids, teens and grown-ups. What is more, children are happy to take part in the battle scenes of the built fortress.



Put yourself into the picture. Where are you? With whom? What are you doing? Do you like your activity? Why? Tell your partner.

  • List all the activities which are suitable for sunny weather.

Collect information about some favorite places in your town (region) and write a short explanation of why you like them.

f you are tired of all the things, you can sit by the colorful fountain and admire the picturesque view. I think this park is worth visiting by both residents and guests of the city. And they won’t regret!


How does this proverb convey the main idea of the text? In the native land as in paradise.

In the native



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