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Игра "Guess the card" 5 класс

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Более сложный уровень игры.

Класс делится на две команды. От каждой команды играет  представитель. Игроки стоят спиной к изображению, лицом к команде.

Команда пытается словами за 30 сек. описать изображение. Если игрок не угадывает, ответить может соперник.

Наполнение может быть разным.

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«игра "Guess the card" 5 класс»

Автор: учитель английского языка высшей категории Дмитрук Л.Е. Team work Unit 2 Vocabulary


учитель английского языка

высшей категории

Дмитрук Л.Е.

Team work

Unit 2


The class is divided into two teams Each team chooses one student to play. They stand in front of the board with their backs turned.

The class is divided into two teams

Each team chooses one student to play. They stand in front of the board with their backs turned.

The flashcards are demonstrated on the board (screen). Players can’t see them. They could guess while the teams are giving brief description of the card (definition). A bed! A piece of furniture to sleep on

The flashcards are demonstrated on the board (screen). Players can’t see them. They could guess while the teams are giving brief description of the card (definition).

A bed!

A piece of furniture to sleep on

If the player doesn’t know the answer, the other one can guess and get the score. A bed! 

If the player doesn’t know the answer, the other one can guess and get the score.

A bed!

a sofa

a sofa

a table

a table

an armchair

an armchair

a wardrobe

a wardrobe

a chair

a chair

a picture

a picture

a sink

a sink

a carpet

a carpet

a cooker

a cooker

a washing machine

a washing machine

a fireplace

a fireplace



a standard lamp

a standard


a cupboard

a cupboard

a bookcase

a bookcase

a miror

a miror

a fridge

a fridge

a lamp

a lamp


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