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Инсценировка английских сказок

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Данные разработки-сценарии трех английских сказок "Три поросенка", "Три медведя"и "Мышь городская и мышь сельскаяя".  Предназначены для учащихся начальных классов 3-4, для постановки спектаклей и развития творческих способностей, актерского мастерства и мотивации при изучении английского языка. А известные детям сюжеты данных сказок на русском языке позволят им с интересом и легкостью учить и запоминать иностранные фразы и предложения, сравнивая с английским языком. 

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«Инсценировка английских сказок»

Goldilocks and the Three Bears”

(Выходит автор под музыку «свист») Автор: Once upon a time there were three bears. There was a great big Father Bear (Выходит папа-Мишка), a middle-sized Mother Bear (Выходит мама-Мишка), and a little Baby Bear (Выходит малышка-Мишка). There lived together in a house in a wood. One morning Mother Bear made porridge for breakfast and put it into the plates. (У стола мама-Мишка расставляет чашки с кашей). The porridge was too hot and they decided to go for a walk in the forest. (играет музыка леса)

That day a little girl went for a walk in the forest too. She had golden curls and everybody called her Goldilocks. (музыка продолжается, выходит Златовласка) Soon she came to the house where the three bears lived.

Златовласка: « Oh, what a lovely little house! Who lives here?»

Автор: She knocked at the door, and nobody answered. She opened the door and sat down in Father Bear’s big chair. (три стула, по очереди садится на них)

Златовласка: «Oh, it is too hard!»

Автор: Then she sat down in Mother Bear’s middle-sized chair.

Златовласка: «Oh, it’s too soft!»

Автор: Then she sat down in Baby Bear’s little chair.

Златовласка: «Oh, it isn’t too hard and it isn’t too soft. It is just right!»

Автор: Then she saw three bowls of porridge on the table. (стол с чашками) She was very hungry and decided to eat some porridge. She decided to eat Baby Bear’s porridge and it wasn’t too hot or too cold. And Goldilocks ate up all Baby Bear’s porridge. (съедает всю кашу из чашки мишки-Малышки)Then she decided to go upstairs. She saw three beds: big one, middle-sized one and little one. First she lay on the big bed. (Златовласка садится на первый стул)

Златовласка: «Oh, it is too hard!»

Автор: Then she lay on the middle-sized bed.

Златовласка: «Oh, it’s too soft!»

Автор: Then she lay on the little bed.

Златовласка: «Oh, this bed isn’t too hard and isn’t too soft. It’s just right!» (засыпает сидя на третьем стуле)

Автор: It was so comfortable that she fell asleep there. After a while the three bears came back from their walk. (звучит грозная музыка когда медведи возвращаются)

Father Bear: «Who ate from my bowl?» (все медведи смотрят грозно на стол)

Mother Bear: «Who ate from my bowl?»

Baby Bear: «Who ate my porridge and broke my chair».

Автор: Their bowls, spoons and chairs were not in their places.

Father Bear: «Let’s go upstairs and look at the bedroom. (все медведи идут на второй этаж в спальню) Who has been lying on his bed?»

Mother Bear: «Who touched my pillow?»

Автор: Then they looked at Baby Bear’s bed and saw a girl.

Baby Bear: «It’s a girl! Catch her!!!!». (пальцем показывает на девочку)

Автор: Goldilock woke and cried.

Златовласка: «Oh, my God!!!! » (просыпается и кричит)

Автор: She was out of bed and ran away. (Златовласка убегает) After that she decided not to go to the forest again.

Все выходят в конце и делают поклон залу под музыку «свист»!

The Three Little Pigs

Автор: (выходит и объявляет название следующей сказки) The Three Little Pigs.

Naff: (выходят поросят под музыку “Ed Sheran , Shape of You” )I’m Naff-Naff and they are my brothers Niff-Niff and Snuff-Snuff.

Snuff and Niff (поют и танцуют) Who’s afraid of a Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf,

Who’s afraid of a Big Bad Wolf,


Naff: Stop dancing! Listen. Winter is coming. And you know, the Big Bad Wolf is angry and very hungry in winter. Let’s build a good house.

Snuff and Niff: Oh, we don’t want to. (поют и танцуют)

We have a lot of time to play,

Time to play.

We have a lot of time to play.

Time to play, time to play.

Who’s afraid of a Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf,

Who’s afraid of a Big Bad Wolf,


Naff: As you like. I’ll go to build a house. (идет к парте, укладывает «кирпичи»)

Snuff and Niff:(поют)

We have a lot of time to play,

Time to play.

We have a lot of time to play.

Time to play, time to play.

Who’s afraid of a Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf,

Who’s afraid of a Big Bad Wolf,


Автор: (звучит музыка “The man-Feel it still”)Suddenly a cold winter wind blew.

Snuff: Oh, it’s cold. I’ll run to build my house.

Niff: Oh, it’s very cold. I’ll run to build my house, too!

(все строят свои дома под музыку “Perfect Stranges”)

Niff: I build my house of straw,

I build my house of hay.

Snuff: I build my house of sticks,

I build my house of twigs.

Naff: I build my house of stone,

I build my house of bricks.

(все строят домики под музыку)

Niff: (любуясь своим домом)

I’ve built mt house of straw,

I’ve built my house of hay. (поворачивает стул с домиком из соломы и сена)

Snuff: I’ve built my house of sticks,

I’ve built my house of twigs. (поворачивает стул с домиком из палочек и п Naff: I build my house of stone,

I build my house of bricks. (продолжает строить дом)

Автор: (обращаясь к Наф-Нафу) Naff-Naff is very busy. He is building a very good house. But Niff-Niff and Snuff-Snuff have finished to build their houses. (указывая на братьев)

Snuff and Niff:(смеются над братом) Oh, a silly pig! Ha-ha-ha!...(поют и танцуют)

We have a lot of time to play,

Time to play.

We have a lot of time to play.

Time to play, time to play.

Who’s afraid of a Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf,

Who’s afraid of a Big Bad Wolf,


Naff: I build my house of stone,

I build my house of bricks.

I build my house of stone,

I build my house of bricks.

(прикрепляет изображение своего дома к стулу и уходит в дом, подкрадывается Волк, слушает, поросята его не замечают)

Snuff and Niff: Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf…

Автор: (прерывает и кричит) Watch out! This is the Big Bad Wolf!

Wolf: (выходит Волк под музыку французский рэп Папа-папа) I’m very hungry! I’ii catch you!

Pigs: Oh, oh, oh! (убегают и прячутся в своих домах)

(Волк стучит у дома Niff-Niff)

Niff: Who is that?

Wolf: Open the door and let me in!

Niff: No.

Wolf: (грозно )Ha-ha-ha! You built your house of straw! You built your house of hay! Woo!..Woo!..(Дует, потом опрокидывает лапой дом)

Niff: Oh, oh, oh! (убегает в дом Snuff-Snuff. Волк туда, снова стучит.)

Snuff: Who is that?

Wolf: Open the door and let me in!

Pigs: No, no!

Wolf: Ha-ha-ha! You built your house of sticks! You built your house of twigs! Woo!..Woo!..(Дует, дует еще, потом опрокидывает и этот дом)

Pigs: Oh, oh , oh! (убегают со сцены, за ними Волк. Naff-Naff выдвигает свой дом к середине сцены)

Nuff (поет):

I built my house of stone,

I built my house of bricks.

I built my house of stone,

I built my house of bricks.

(выбегают поросята и стучатся)

Niff: Please, open the door! The wolf runs after us!

Snuff: We are afraid!

Naff: Come in, quickly!

(вбегают в дом)

Niff: (виновато) Naff-Naff, we are very sorry!

Snuff: Forgive us, please.

(справа выходит Волк, стучится у дверей)

Wolf: Open the door and let me in! Woo!..Woo!..(Дует много раз, ходит вокруг дома и дует)

Snuff and Niff: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

You built my house of stone,

You built my house of bricks.

You built my house of stone,

You built my house of bricks.

(в это время Волк дует снова и снова, затем вздыхает и уходит)

Pigs: (все трое поют, в обнимку танцуют)

Who’s afraid of a Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf,

Who’s afraid of a Big Bad Wolf,

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! (под музыку)

Автор: They had a good lesson, because there is time for work and time for play.(все выходят и делают поклон залу под музыку Flo Rida - Parapapa. )

The end!

The Country Mouse and the City Mouse”

Автор: (выходит под музыку природы-диск) Once there was a Mouse. She lived in the country. (выходит первая Мышка-сельская) One day her cousin came to see her. Her cousin lived in the city. (выходит вторая Мышка-Городская под современную музыку Dr Alban It’s my life и приветствует сельскую мышь).

The Country Mouse was very glad to see the City Mouse (мышки обнимаются), and asked him to stay to dinner.

The Country Mouse: “Would you like to have dinner?”

The City Mouse: “Thank you”.

Автор: Said the City Mouse. He took off his hat and coat and helped to put the plates on the table. (Городская мышь сняла шапку и пальто и помогла Сельской приготовить на стол) When dinner was ready, the City Mouse looked at the corn and said.

The City Mouse: “What a funny dinner! Come to my house. Every day I have a piece of cheese for my dinner”.

The Country Mouse: “Thank you very much”.

Автор: Said the Country Mouse.

The Country Mouse: “I’ll come”.

Автор: So the two Mice went to the city. When they came to the city they were very hungry.

The City Mouse: “Come to the kitchen”

Автор: Said the City Mouse.

The City Mouse: “The Cook made a cake. Here it is. (Появляется Повар с картинкой торта) This is better than your corn”.

Автор: They began to eat. Suddenly they heard a terrible noise in the kitchen.

(появляется Кошка под шум и музыку мяуканья кошки)

The Country Mouse: “What’s that?”

Автор: Asked the Country Mouse.

The City Mouse: “That’s the Cat . Run!.”

Автор: Answered the City Mouse.

(Мыши убегают из кухни)

Автор: The Mice ran. When they were safe, the Country Mouse asked.

The Country Mouse: “Why did you run?”

The City Mouse: “Never stay in the kitchen when the Cat comes. Every day she kills many mice. Let us go to the cellar. Do you smell cheese?”

Автор: Asked the City Mouse.

The Country Mouse: “Yes, I smell cheese”.

Автор: Answered the Country Mouse.

The City Mouse: “Do not eat it. It is in a trap!”

Автор: Cried the City Mouse. The City Mouse showed her the trap.

(городская мышь показывает мышеловку сельской)

The City Mouse: “The Cook puts a piece of cheese in it. But if you eat the cheese, something comes down on your head and kills you”.

Автор: Said the City Mouse. The Country Mouse looked at the trap. (сельская мышь берет мышеловку и смотрит на нее)

The Country Mouse: “I’ll go home. I don’t like your house. There is a cat in the kitchen, and a trap in the cellar. I like my corn better than your cake and cheese”.

The end!

(все участники выходят на поклон)




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