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Internal rules in the dormitory

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here is the internal rules of the dormitory in the Medical university or the other one hostels in Uzbekistan

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«Internal rules in the dormitory»

Bukhara State Institute of Medicine

Student accommodation


  1. General rules

1. In order to regulate the rights and obligations of residents and employees, access to the residence hall, the university establishes the rules of internal order that all employees and students are obliged to comply with on the territory of the residence hall in order to develop a culture of interaction, the formation of a healthy spiritual and socio - psychological environment in the student residence hall.

2. The following basic concepts are used in these rules:

  • employee-citizen who has reached the specified age and entered into a cocktail agreement with the University;

  • educator and other employee on duty in accordance with the schedule of Duty;

  • student-citizen admitted to the university as a student;

  • University student living in residence;

Student accommodation Commission

- commission established by the order of the rector of the University at the beginning of each academic year in order to ensure social protection of students, their safety and tranquility, to maintain constant awareness of living conditions and to ensure social justice, equality, humanity and transparency in accommodation.

II. The procedure for obtaining and returning accommodation and pickups

1. The placement of students in the residential area is carried out at the beginning of each academic year in accordance with the decision of the Commission for the placement of students in the residential area (referred to as the commission at the next place). The decision of the commission is formalized by a statement.

The commission is chaired by the Institute's vice-rector for youth work.

To obtain a residence permit, students apply to the commission with an application.

The commission carries out its activities during one academic year. The commission addresses the issue of allowing (refusing) students to live in their residence. In its activities, the commission pays attention to the fact that, based on the principles of positive Justice, First of all, it absorbs the true orphan, orphan, breadwinner (when taking a certificate that his parents have died), disabled II or III-guru (when presenting a certificate of disability), from low-income families and allows foreign students to stay in the first place.

According to the decision of the commission, a mutual agreement is concluded with the institute so that it can receive space and equipment by students who are allowed to live in the residential area, use common areas of use.

The decision of the commission on residence permit is valid until the completion of the student's training. If the resident's residence violates internal order rules or other requirements, does not make payments within the terms established in the contract, the contract with him is terminated and evicted from the resident's residence.

2. Upon conclusion of the contract with the student, the rector of the institute will provide guidance for the appointment of places and facilities, and will introduce the vice-rector for working with young people with these rules.

3. After being allowed to live in a residential area, the resident's residence, activity in public affairs, etc. cases are monitored continuously.

The result of the monitoring carried out at the end of the academic year will be discussed and will consider the issue of extension or non-extension of contracts concluded by the management of the Institute and residence hall with the resident and announce to the resident.

4. In obtaining accommodation and lodging, persons who are in love with social protection established by law, including Chin orphans, orphans, a foster mother of a Mexican house, disabled, lost breadwinners, low-income students, have an advantage.

5. The amount of payment charged for living in a residential area is determined by the Council of the Institute.

6. Residents can move from one room of their residence to the second room or from one building to another building in their residence, with the permission of the residence manager during the period of residence, if necessary.

7. After the expiration of the contract, the Resident returns the room and the items to the manager of the residence, clean and tidy. Residents, as well as those who have completed their studies or are excluded from the ranks of students, are obliged to return the equipment and the room key to the head of the residence within two days, as well as before leaving the residence for a long period (summer and winter vacation, rest, practice).

8. The use of personal property by residents is carried out through a special act of deprivation (letter of guarantee and declaration), and the maintenance of their preservation is entrusted to the person who received the use.

III. Layout in residential living rooms, common areas of use

1. Sanitary and hygienic requirements must be provided in the living rooms at the Accommodation site, common use areas (hostel, washroom, kitchen and other places).

2. Residents of the residential area should take care of the living room, huts, common use areas, cleanliness and cleanliness.

3. In order to maintain public order in the area of the residential building, rooms, common areas of use, to ensure cleanliness, shifts are organized from among the students.

IV. Mode of entry-exit to the residence

1. The entry and exit of the student to the Accommodation site is carried out on the basis of a student certificate.

2. Residents of the settlement are allowed to enter their residence until late at 22.00 in summer time and until late at 21.00 in Winter time. From the lesson, the Bush is drawn up and sung by supervisors of the schedule residence of residents who work in different organizations in vaccines, participate in various activities. These individuals may be allowed to enter the residence around the clock as an exception.

3. The entry and exit of guests, parents, relatives, friends and other students who come to the residence can be allowed by only the head of the residence or the supervisor.

4. Information on arrival and departure times (passport (identity card) information, room number) from a place other than the residence is recorded in the appropriate Journal and their departure from the residence by 20.00 is subject to the supervision of a clerk. It is up to the person who proposes to ensure that they leave their residence on time.

5. The student of the institute, as well as the permission or opportunity to use the residential room by unaccompanied strangers, is considered a gross violation of these rules, and the appropriate disciplinary responsibility for such a person is applied.

6. When a residential security guard, staff and residents see or notice suspicious people and items in the surrounding areas of the residential area, they must immediately notify the internal affairs bodies or relevant organizations and the management of the Institute.

7. The residential guard must be provided with an external and internal telephone network. His desk is obliged to have an ambulance, internal affairs bodies, fire safety, Electricity, Gas Networks, authorities, the Ministry of higher and secondary special education, rector, vice-rectors, faculty deans, work, home and mobile phone numbers of the head of the residence.

8. The removal of items, equipment from the place of residence is allowed only on the basis of an accounting document formalized in the appropriate order (excluding personal items recorded in the appropriate order).

V. Rights and obligations of residents

1. Residents enjoy the following rights:

- living according to the internal procedures established in the room allocated to him;

- use of cultural and household appliances in residential buildings;

- to request the adjustment of equipment, furniture and other items that have become unusable, the renewal of which will eliminate the shortcomings that have arisen in the use of household services in ham;

- participation in mass-cultural, sports and educational events held in the residential area;

- exit with proposals to the management of the Institute on the conditions created;

- Election of members of the Student Council and election to it;

-Participation in the solution of issues on improving the household supply of housing through the student council, organizing educational work and a cultural horoscope, the maintenance of living rooms.

2. Residents who live in a residential area have the following responsibilities:

- strict adherence to these rules;

-on duty in living rooms, floors, common areas of use (hostel, washroom, kitchen and other places) according to the schedule of Duty;

-general areas of use, Organization of exemplary cleanliness in the places of rest in the living rooms, proper and efficient use of equipment in it;

- strict compliance with the rules for the use of gas, electric devices and heating systems and their rational use;

-on the long-term departure from the residence (summer and winter holidays, rest, practice, cases of academic leave), warning the head of the residence in writing two days before;

- the transfer of large volumes of personal and expensive items that do not have a daily extirpation to the storage room of the items of the dwelling;

- keep living room and other common areas always clean and tidy;

-Always have a sincere, harmonious relationship with those who live in their accommodation;

- to keep at an exemplary level all available equipment in the dwelling;

-lighting installed in common areas of Use, not to break electrical and gas plates, proper use of the washroom, kitchen and rooms of spirituality and enlightenment;

- regular participation in the greenery, landscaping and landscaping of the Environment, held in the residential area;

- proper and productive use of residential property, as well as not to harm;

-Transfer the equipment and the room key back to the head of the residence hall for two days at the end of training or at those who are excluded from the ranks of students, receive academic leave, as well as long-term departure from the residence hall (summer and winter holidays, rest, practice).

3. Those who live in a residential area are strictly prohibited from the next:

- disposal of waste and other items from the window;

- replacement of door locks without permission of the head of residence;

- washing clothes in the living room, changing energy networks (conductors)in their own way, connecting to them and installing additional lighting;

-use of office equipment in the living room, including copying, color and colorless printer, as well as various publishing equipment (except laptops, tablets);

-changing the appearance of the walls of the room, allowing the sound of Sound Devices and other sounds to be heard from outside the room and playing musical instruments;

- hazardous and fire-inducing substances, use or storage of equipment that has not undergone proper inspection;

-to allow strangers to be in the room without the permission of the head of the residence or on duty, to give the keys to the room to strangers, to change the living rooms arbitrarily;

- keeping domestic (wild) animals;

- an arbitrary or appropriate unauthorized connection to the computer, cable networks belonging to the residential area;

- storage of large things that interfere with other individuals in the living room;

- Intoxicated stay in the residential area, storage or consumption of Alcohol, Tobacco Products, marijuana and Psychotropic Substances.

VI. Rights and obligations of the residential educator-teacher(Supervisor)

1.The residential educator has the following rights:

- Introduction of an invitation to the leadership of the Institute for the promotion of hulqi exemplary students who are actively involved in the life of the residence hall;

- moving residents from one room of their residence to another room;

- opening room locks in emergency situations, when the room keys are not handed over in their vaccine;

- to make a proposal to the management of the Institute on the implementation of punitive measures in the manner established when the procedures and rules established in the place of residence are violated by the resident or obligations are not fulfilled.

2. Residential educator:

- to give the room and equipment to the occupant on time in accordance with the established procedure;

- control the cleanliness and cleanliness of the living rooms of the living and regularly check the living conditions;

- improving living conditions in the residential area and taking measures for current and overhaul;

- constant control of the suitability of equipment given to the inhabitant;

- Organization of educational, cultural and sports and wellness activities;

- ensuring the danger of burning and the dismantling of public order;

- taking measures to replace bed linen in a timely manner;

- each room of the dwelling has a sanitary and hygienic state, including hygiene rooms (hostel, bathroom, kitchen, etc.).k.) to ensure that the state of existing plumbing devices, heat, gas, power supply systems is at the required level;

- to take measures to quickly eliminate disruptions in the residential energy supply system;

- in the event of interruptions in utilities and other accidents and emergency situations, the appropriate operational measures are taken, as well as the awareness of the leadership of the Institute;

- to prevent violations, conduct an interview with students and appropriate explanations, organize tips as necessary;

- control of residents;

it undertakes to ensure compliance with these rules.

3. In order to create conditions for the safe functioning of the residence hall, to ensure the safety of students in a continuous way, to increase the effectiveness of educational work with young people, to develop a culture of interaction between employees and students of the institute, to ensure compliance by all residents with the regulations on the residence of students, rules and rules of The shift is carried out in the prescribed manner.

VII. Final rules

1. The following liability measures may apply to residents who violate these rules:

- haifsan announcement;

- eviction from residence;

- exclusion from the ranks of students.

2. Other liability measures established in the documents of the law may be applied to those who live in a dwelling that violates these rules.


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