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К/р Starlight 8 module 2

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«К/р Starlight 8 module 2»

Test Module 2 (Starlight 8) Variant 1

Vocabulary : Match the shops to the products

  1. Jeweler’s

  1. Motor oil

  1. Hardware shop

  1. A screwdriver

  1. Butcher’s

  1. sausages

  1. Florist’s

  1. Cough syrup

  1. Petrol station

  1. A ring

  1. Chemist’s

  1. A loaf of bread

  1. Baker’s

  1. A dozen of roses

  1. Greengrocer’s

  1. vegetables

Fill in the missing words: deal/hits/ scratched/ instantly/ suit/aisle/ dissolve/ assembly/pick up/displays/

  1. The bike is ready to ride as it doesn’t require any … .

  2. Can you …some milk from the supermarket?

  3. Those jeans ….you really well.

  4. There are always ….of sweets at a checkout.

  5. Jim took his camera back to the shop because the lens was …

  6. The frozen foods are in …. 10.

  7. Some Supermarkets are using plastic bags which can…in water

  8. Look! Two pizzas for the price of one! That’s a great …!

  9. The new spray dries …on your skin.

  10. When you walk in to the supermarket, the delicious smell of freshly baked bread ….you and you immediately start feeling hungry.

Grammar: choose the correct item

  1. The books at this shop are (a lot/as/more/the) cheaper than the other bookshops.

  2. I think this is one of …(tastier, the tastiest, tasty) brands of tomato ketchup.

  3. Julie (will have been finishing/ will have finished/ will be finishing) studying by the time Bill comes to her.

  4. In the future most people (will use/are using/are going to use) the internet for shopping.

  5. By march , Sue (is working/will be working/will have been working )at the bakery for two years.

  6. This time next week, Pete (will move/will be moving)into his new flat.

  7. Sam agreed (selling/sell/to sell) me his MP3 player

  8. Sara is too tired (try/trying/to try) on clothes right now.

  9. I don’t mind (walking/to walk) around the shopping center all day.

  10. In my opinion (use/using/to use) a credit card is Ok

Reading: Match the following questions to the texts. One question is odd.

1. What happens when a new supermarket is opened?

2. Why inexpensive prices for some products in supermarkets are unprofitable for small businesses?

3. What is the main idea of the supermarkets?

4. What is the benefit for a supermarket to get products from all the world?

5. Why Are supermarkets dangerous for our planet?

6. What are the most popular supermarket chains?


  1. It is believed that the idea of supermarkets first belonged to an American businessman who opened a self-service grocery store in 1916. The main advantage of the new American store was that the goods were stocked on the shelves, so the customers could take their own goods and bring them to the front of the store to pay for them. Although there was a high risk of stealing, the owner found the new shop's organisation more effective because it allowed him to reduce the number of shop assistants. Later the new shop organisation spread widely throughout European countries.

  2. Nowadays supermarkets are as British as football and cricket. In the UK 90% of all food is bought at five different supermarket chains. That makes these companies extremely powerful, especially when they deal with small businesses, for example farmers. Milk is a good example. Supermarkets like to use things such as milk and bread, which are at the top of almost everyone's shopping list, to attract customers. To offer the lowest price the supermarkets need to buy milk from dairy farmers very cheaply, so big supermarket chains agree on a very low price and dictate it to farmers. If the farmers don't agree to that price, supermarkets start to look for the cheapest possible products abroad instead.

  3. The consumers are of course happy to get cheaper products, but they should also keep in mind the influence supermarkets have on the environment. First of all there's packaging. Supermarkets like all the products to be packed because it makes it easier to put them neatly on the shelves. Consequently, supermarkets produce nearly 10 million tons of waste packaging in the UK every year, less than 5% of which is recycled. Some supermarkets put large recycling bins in their car parks, trying to create the image that they are environmentally friendly. However, that is just an image.

  4. To reach the supermarket shelves the products often have to travel half the globe. Due to preservatives even milk products can stay unspoiled for months. It's a great advantage for the supermarket as yoghurt bought from a farmer can't be kept for longer than 2 days. That is why many small farmers do not even get a chance to compete with long-lasting imported goods.

  5. When a new supermarket is planned, everyone says that a lot of new jobs will be created. In reality the number of jobs lost in the area is greater than the number of new positions in the supermarket. Within a 15km radius of every new supermarket that opens the number of people working in the food business goes down. It happens because all the small shops nearby are forced to close.

Writing: answer the following questions:

  1. How often do you go shopping?___________________________________

  2. What shops are there in your neighborhood?__________________________

  3. Why do some people hate online-shopping?___________________________

  4. Why are shopping centers so popular nowadays?__________________________

  5. Why do some people enjoy shopping?____________________________________

Test Module 2 (Starlight 8) Variant 2

Vocabulary :

Match the shops to the products

  1. Clothes shop

  1. A fashion magazine

  1. Optician’s

  1. salmon

  1. Newsagent’s

  1. A pair of sunglasses

  1. Confectioner’s

  1. Old records

  1. bookshop

  1. A birthday cake

  1. Flea market

  1. Get a haircut

  1. Fishmonger’s

  1. A jacket

  1. hairdresser’s

  1. A mystery novel

Fill in the missing words:hole/ loyalty/line/ monitor/ broke/ fresh, instantly/pre-packeged/bargain/second-hand

  1. Spray-on clothes contain minute fibres which dry….. .

  2. Supermarkets always have …produce.

  3. The computer can …your fitness level

  4. Can I interest you in the shop’s …card?

  5. Helen enjoys ….-hunting during the sales.

  6. The heel on Jane’s new shoes ….

  7. I prefer to buy loose fruit and vegetables than ….products.

  8. Jane had to wait in…. at the supermarket checkouts for ages.

  9. Don’t buy this T-shirt !there’s a …in the sleeve.

  10. He like to buy cheap …clothes/

Grammar: choose the correct item

  1. The (longest, longer, long) customers stay in a supermarket, the more they spend.

  2. This shop is by (most, farther, far) the most expensive shop in this area.

  3. This time tomorrow I (will fly/will be flying/will have flown) over Paris.

  4. Do not worry! I ( am not going to be late/ won’t be late/ will have been late)

  5. The shop will(be repairing/have repaired/have been repairing) my camera by the weekend.

  6. She hates (to wait/wait/waiting) in a queue at the supermarket.

  7. At the end of this month , she (is going to work/will work/will have been working) at the post office for ten years.

  8. I’d like (buying/to buy/buy) some new clothes on Sunday.

  9. I can’t (to stick/stick/sticking) to a list when shopping.

  10. I enjoy (look/looking/to look) for bargains.

Reading: Match the following questions to the texts. One question is odd.

1. Why Are supermarkets dangerous for our planet?

2. Why inexpensive prices for some products in supermarkets are unprofitable for small businesses?

3.What are the most popular supermarket chains?

4. What happens when a new supermarket is opened?

5. What is the main idea of the supermarkets?

6. What is the benefit for a supermarket to get products from all the world?


  1. It is believed that the idea of supermarkets first belonged to an American businessman who opened a self-service grocery store in 1916. The main advantage of the new American store was that the goods were stocked on the shelves, so the customers could take their own goods and bring them to the front of the store to pay for them. Although there was a high risk of stealing, the owner found the new shop's organisation more effective because it allowed him to reduce the number of shop assistants. Later the new shop organisation spread widely throughout European countries.

  2. Nowadays supermarkets are as British as football and cricket. In the UK 90% of all food is bought at five different supermarket chains. That makes these companies extremely powerful, especially when they deal with small businesses, for example farmers. Milk is a good example. Supermarkets like to use things such as milk and bread, which are at the top of almost everyone's shopping list, to attract customers. To offer the lowest price the supermarkets need to buy milk from dairy farmers very cheaply, so big supermarket chains agree on a very low price and dictate it to farmers. If the farmers don't agree to that price, supermarkets start to look for the cheapest possible products abroad instead.

  3. The consumers are of course happy to get cheaper products, but they should also keep in mind the influence supermarkets have on the environment. First of all there's packaging. Supermarkets like all the products to be packed because it makes it easier to put them neatly on the shelves. Consequently, supermarkets produce nearly 10 million tons of waste packaging in the UK every year, less than 5% of which is recycled. Some supermarkets put large recycling bins in their car parks, trying to create the image that they are environmentally friendly. However, that is just an image.

  4. To reach the supermarket shelves the products often have to travel half the globe. Due to preservatives even milk products can stay unspoiled for months. It's a great advantage for the supermarket as yoghurt bought from a farmer can't be kept for longer than 2 days. That is why many small farmers do not even get a chance to compete with long-lasting imported goods.

  5. When a new supermarket is planned, everyone says that a lot of new jobs will be created. In reality the number of jobs lost in the area is greater than the number of new positions in the supermarket. Within a 15km radius of every new supermarket that opens the number of people working in the food business goes down. It happens because all the small shops nearby are forced to close.

Writing: answer the following questions:

  1. Who usually does the shopping in your family?______________________________

  2. How often does this person go shopping?___________________________________

  3. What shops are there near your school?_____________________________________

  4. Why is online shopping so popular nowadays?_______________________________

  5. How to be a responsible shopper?______________________________________


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