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Конспект урока "Английские идиомы"

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«Конспект урока "Английские идиомы"»


урока английского языка в 8Г

по теме


учитель английского языка ,

Петроченкова Ю.А.

Класс: 8г

Тип урока: закрепление и обобщение знаний

Цели урока:

  • научиться распознавать английские идиомы и употреблять их в устной речи;

  • развивать языковую догадку и интерес к английскому языку через идиомы

Оснащение: раздаточный материал (карточки с упражнениями), презентация к уроку.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент. Цель.

(сразу после традиционных фраз приветствия учащимся предлагается прочитать таблички на доске, содержащие английские идиомы)

T: Look at the screen. Please, read these short phrases and guess the topic of our lesson today. (slide 2-6)

  1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Student-1: I can guess these are idioms!

T: You are quite right. We have studied a lot of English idioms, which are part of the body, animals, colours, weather. But what are they? (slide 7-8)

T: When we study English, we can often hear the expressions, the meaning of which is very difficult to catch despite the fact that we know the translation of all compound words. Such expressions are called idioms.

At the lesson today we have examined their meanings in the Russian language and practice the most interesting ones in your oral speech.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка. For you to speak better let’s start with the tongue-twisters. Look at the screen, read and choose the best one to say in class as quickly as you can.

(slide 9)

If you, Sandy, have two candies,

Give one candy to Andy, Sandy.

If you, Andy, have two candies,

Give one candy to Sandy, Andy.

If a dog chews shoes,

What shoes would he choose to chew?

Too few for sure.

You’re a choosy shoe-chewer.

  1. Речевая зарядка.

T: Do you know where did the word “idiom” come from? - The word "idiom" comes from the Greek "idίōma", which means "feature, peculiarity". (slide 10)

T: How often do people use idioms in their speech?

T: How can we recognize English idioms in novels, poetry?

T: Why do people use idioms?

  1. Практическое употребление идиом в упражнениях на закрепление знаний.

T: Now let’s do your best to memorize the idioms. The following exercises will help you.

(упражнения на выбор учителя)

Exercise-1 Choose and underline the correct word in brackets to use the idiom:

  1. Her younger daughter is the (plum, apple, pear) of her eye.

  2. You should book your tickets well in advance, as they are selling like hot (pies, buns, cakes).

  3. I don’t really enjoy playing computer games. It’s not my cup of (tea, coffee, juice).

  4. You can’t change anything now. Don’t cry over spilt (oil, wine, milk).

  5. Jake is in serious trouble now. He is really in hot (coke, beer, water).

Exercise-2 Complete the idioms with numerals. You shouldn’t use some of them:

one, two, three, fours and fives, six, sixes and sevens, hundred, million, thousand

  1. Both boys are to blame. It’s …….. of one and a half a dozen of the other.

  2. Everyone was at ………… after the announcement that the college had been vandalized.

  3. It was the best opportunity for me to participate in the Olympic Games, definitely one in a ………… .

  4. Ann is too indecisive. She is always in ……….. minds about buying new clothes.

  5. They get ………… bites at the cherry instead of it all being packaged up as one. 

Exercise-3 Match the idioms with their translation:

1.feel off colour

a) быть очень усталым

2.feel run down

b) чувствовать недомогание

3. be under the weather

c) быть абсолютно спокойным

4. as cool as a cucumber

d) выглядеть нездоровым

5.be sick and tired

e) быть изможденным

Exercise-4 Are there similar idioms in your language? Translate into Russian:

1. bring home the bacon


2. money talks


3.throw money down the drain


4.wears the trousers




Exercise-5 Match the idioms with their meaning:

1. talk with a forked tongue

a) be paid no attention to

2. talk in riddles

b) have the same ideas, tastes and attitudes 

3. talk to the wall

c) express one's opinions frankly and plainly

4. speak the same language as somebody

d) tell lies

5.speak one’s mind

e) say things in a confusing way

Exercise-6 Match two parts of one idiom and complete the sentences below with these idioms about animals and insects. Mind the correct form of the verb.

1. bear

a) new tricks

2. drop

b) sheep

3. butterflies

c) like flies

4. dog

d) in his/her stomach

5. black

e) with a sore throat

  1. My brother is the ……….. of the family. He is always in trouble.

  2. Lots of people are off sick with the coronavirus in the country. They ……… .

  3. My brother won’t go back to the institute because he believes you can’t teach an old ………… .

  4. What’s wrong with John? He is like a ……… .

  5. Before the performance Helen was too nervous. Her knees were shaking so much and there were ……………. .

  1. Формирование языковой компетенции. Употребление идиом в устной речи.

Exercise-7 Read the situations and use the idioms to have a conversation:

  1. A: You could drop these books off at the library while you’re shopping in the town center.

B: Good idea! Then I can …………………………………………………………. .

(I can kill two birds with one stone.)

2. A: Alex wasn’t the nice man as he seemed to be.

B: That’s true. He …………………………………………………………………. .

(He was a wolf in sheep’s clothing.)

3. A: Nataly has got a face like thunder today.

B: That’s true. Perhaps she ………………………………………………………… .

(She has got up on the wrong side of the bed.)

4. A: It has been raining since the early morning today.

B: Sure. The weather is so nasty. ……………………………….. .

(It’s raining cats and dogs.)

5. A: Your garden looks fantastic, Mary.

B: Thank you! People say ………………………………………………. .

(I have green fingers.)

  1. Домашнее задание.

Your home task will be to find any idiom and illustrate it in your own story. (slide 11)

  1. Рефлексия.

The time is up. The lesson is practically over. How do you find idioms? Are they fine?

Name the idiom which you remember.


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