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Конспект к внеклассному мероприятию "Космос"

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Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке для учащихся 7-8 классов. Направлено на тренировку и закрепление лексических единиц по теме "Вселенная", повышение интереса учащихся к изучению языка. 


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«Конспект к внеклассному мероприятию "Космос"»

Всероссийский фестиваль педагогического творчества

(2015/16 учебный год)


Название работы: Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке «Space»

Автор: Запекина Марина Леонидовна, Удалова Надежда Викторовна

Место выполнения работы: МБОУ СОШ № 55 г. Воронеж

План внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке



1. Обеспечить дальнейшую тренировку и закрепление лексических единиц по теме “The Earth and the Universe”.

2. Обучать кратко передавать основную информацию прочитанного текста с использованием лингвистических средств, содержащихся в нем, в устной форме.

3. Развивать умение воспринимать англоязычную речь на слух с опорой на видеозапись и извлекать основную информацию в содержании видеосюжета.

4. Развивать языковые, интеллектуальные, творческие способности учащихся.

5. Расширить с помощью английского языка представление учащихся о Вселенной.

6. Повысить интерес учащихся к изучению языка.

7. Развивать навыки и умения работать с компьютером.

8. Развивать умение работать в группе.


Компьютер, проектор, интерактивная доска, слайды, видеомагнитофон, раздаточный материал, звезды, аудиозапись.

I. Введение.

The Universe is calling

In the dark sky the stars are shining,

The planets are saying hello!

They are looking at us and inviting

Us to leave the Earth and to go

Along the Milky Way to a world

Full of comets and shooting stars,

Full of galaxies, big and small,

Which are moving away from us.

And this wonderful world, of course,

Is the Universe.

II. Приветствие.

Teacher: Hello, boys and girls! We’re glad to see you and our guests. On the 12th of April our country usually celebrates Space Day. And today we are going to talk about space. During our lesson after your right answers the stars will appear on our blackboard. Today this blackboard is our galaxy. As many right answers will be as many stars will be lit.

III. Повторение ЛЕ по теме.

Teacher: Now look at the English words which are connected with space. Find Russian equivalent. Match numbers and letters.

1. the Solar system

2. the galaxy

3. the universe

4. the Milky Way

5. planet

6. satellite

7. distance

8. the Sun

9. the Earth

10. the Moon

11. pole

12. atmosphere

13. ocean

14. star

15. intergalactic

16. space travel

17. spaceship

18. astronaut

19. telescope

a) вселенная

b) планета

c) галактика

d) космическое путешествие

e) спутник

f) дистанция

g) полюс

h) космонавт

i) Солнце

j) Земля

k) Луна

l) атмосфера

m) Млечный путь

n) звезда

o) океан

p) космический корабль

q) межгалактический

r) телескоп

s) Солнечная система

Teacher: Now let’s read the word and translation.

IV. Текст «Галактика» с презентацией проекта.

Teacher: Now listen to the information about Galaxies and watch the project.

(учащийся делает сообщение с демонстрацией проекта)


The Sun and all the stars we see in the sky belong to a great group of stars that travel through space together. Such a group is called a galaxy. The star group to which our system belongs is called the Milky Way or just the Galaxy. There are about 100,000,000,000 stars in the Galaxy. The Galaxy is like a huge disk with a bulge in the middle.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the Earth to be seen with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see the Andromeda galaxy, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds.

V. Соотнесение слов с их значением.

Teacher: Take this cards. You should match the words and the descriptions.

1. a planet 2. the galaxy 3. the solar system 4. a spaceship 5. space

a) … is a huge group of stars and planets.

b) … is a place far above the Earth where there is no air.

c) … is a rocket or other vehicle that can travel in space.

d) … is a large, round object that goes round a star.

e) … is the Sun together with the planets going round it.

Key: 1d 2a 3e 4c 5b

Teacher: Now look at the space picture. There are some objects in it. Match the pictures and the words from your cards. And read the correspondent sentence.

VI. Активизация употребления названий планет.

Teacher: Many years ago people began to dream of travelling in space. One of them was Galileo. What do you know about this famous person?

Pupil: (с презентацией) Galileo Galilei (1453-1642), a famous Italian mathematician, astronomer and physicist, was born in Pisa. In 1589 he became professor of mathematics at the university there. Later, in 1592, he became a professor at the university in Padua where he lived up to 1610.

Galileo developed the first astronomic telescope and was the first to see sunspots, the four main satellites of Jupiter, mountains and craters on the Moon, and the appearance of Venus, which proved it was orbiting the Sun.

Teacher: In the sixteenth century Galileo made the first telescope and looked through it at the Moon and the planets. Look at this crossword puzzle and find eight planets. Which planet is missing? (Venus)

































































Teacher: Now look at the map of the Solar System in your cards and write the names of the planets according to the numbers. (учащиеся выполняют работу по карточкам, вписывают названия планет) Now look at this map of the Solar System and check up if you are right. Name the planets.

Teacher: Answer the questions about the planets you have named.

1. Which planet has the longest day than year? (Venus)

2. Which planet has the most moons? (Saturn)

3. Which is the hottest planet? Can you say why? (Venus, because of a greenhouse effect)

4. Which planet has the longest year? (Pluto)

5. Which planet has the closest length of day to the Earth’s? (Mars)

6. Which planet has the shortest day? (Jupiter)

7. Which is the smallest planet? (Pluto)

8. Which planet is nearly as large as the Earth? (Venus)

VII. Презентация паспортов планет.

1. Teacher: Look at the screen. You can see the passport of the Earth. What can you say about it?

Pupil: (учащийся рассказывает о планете Земля)

The Earth

The Earth is the fifth largest of the nine main planets in the solar system.

It’s the third planet from the Sun.

The Earth looks blue from space because 70% is covered with water. There are four oceans on the Earth: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian and the Arctic.

The Earth has one moon.

The Earth has the closest length of day to Mars.

It takes 365 days to orbit the Sun.

The average temperature on the Earth is from 51degrees below zero to 48 degrees above zero.

The Earth is nearly as large as Venus. It is larger than Mars but smaller than Uranus.

2. Teacher: Your home task was to prepare the passport of any planet you want. Now let’s listen to the information and look at your projects

(учащиеся рассказывают о планетах с представлением паспортов)


This planet is the most mysterious planet in our solar system. It is the smallest and the coldest of all the nine planets. It takes 248 years to orbit the Sun, so its year is the longest. A day on this planet is longer than on the Earth but shorter than on Mercury. It has as many moons as Mars. It is nearly as cold as Uranus.

There is no water or air on it, so there is no life there. This planet is the most distant planet from the Sun.


Venus is known as the morning star and evening star. It is the brightest object in the sky except the Sun and the Moon and you can see it with the naked eye.

Astronomers refer to Venus as the Earth’s sister planet. Both are similar in size, mass, density and volume. both were formed about the same time.

However, Venus is very different from the Earth. It has no oceans. It rotates from east to west. The atmosphere of Venus is composed mainly of carbon dioxide. It produces a greenhouse effect, which raises Venus’s surface temperature to 482 degrees. This makes Venus hotter than Mercury. Venus is quite dry.

VIII. Из истории освоения космоса.

Teacher: The dream of travelling into space became true only in the 20th century.

Listen to the information about Russian achievements in satellite technology and investigation of outer space.

(Учащиеся делают сообщение о первых космических достижениях с презентацией)

Pupil 1: We do not know when men began to dream of travelling in space. The first story that we know about a space flight was written in the year 150. The author described how, during a great storm, a big wave raised a ship up to the Moon, and the men on the ship found themselves in a new world.

Pupil 2: But the dream of travelling into space became true only in the 20th century. It happened in No­vember 1957. The first animal in space was Laika, a dog from Russia. Laika travelled around the Earth for 7 days in the satellite Sputnik 2. Then in 1961, all people on the Earth learned about the first man in space, Yuri Gagarin. He circled the Earth in Vostok spaceship. Since that time the 12th of April has been celebrated in Russia as Space Day.

Pupil 3: April 12, 1961 will never be forgotten. On that day Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin was launched into space. He circled the globe in the spaceship «Vostok» for 108 minutes.

Pupil 4: Yuri Gagarin's flight opened the door into the Universe. Those 108 minutes were a turning-point in history. The dreams of generations, the ideas of science-fiction writers and thin­kers were brilliantly realised by our contemporaries. Yuri Gagarin's name has become a legend, a symbol of heroism in the name of science and progress.

Pupil 3: His life was simple like thousands of others: schoolboy, vocational school student, fighter pilot, husband, father of two children. He was a part of our whole life. But the words “Gagarin character” have become a symbol of will-power, fearless­ness, purity.

Pupil 4: His name will remain immortal in the history of mankind, in the history of the Earth, which he affectionately called the Blue Planet.

Pupil 5: Russia leads in many areas of space researches. The most important achievements include work on orbital stations. The longest expedition lasted more than 350 days. More than seventy Russian spacemen have worked in orbit, many of them more than once. All of them say how beautiful our blue planet is, how small and fragile it is.

IX. Аудирование с просмотром видеосюжета.

Teacher: Now watch one part of a video film about space exploration and do the task in your cards.

Watch to ‘… Neil Armstrong walked on the moon.’ and complete what Tom says.

For centuries people dreamed about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in space.

On _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1961 that dream came true. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ put a man into space. His name was Yuri Gagarin. In his Vostok spaceship he made _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the Earth. Yuri Gagarin was a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not only in the Soviet Union but all over the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

In the 1960s many more _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from Russia and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ travelled into space.

Then on July _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ two American astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, landed on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. At half past _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the morning on _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ July, Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon.

Teacher: Now let’s read the text.


For centuries people dreamed about travel in space. On April the 12th 1961 that dream came true. The Soviet Union put a man into space. His name was Yuri Gagarin. In his Vostok spaceship he made one orbit of the Earth. Yuri Gagarin was a hero not only in the Soviet Union but all over the world.

In the 1960s more astronauts from Russia and America travelled into space. Then on July the twentieth, 1969 two American astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, landed on the Moon. At half past two in the morning on Monday 21st July, Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon.

X. Музей космоса в Санкт Петербурге.

Teacher: There is a museum of space in St. Petersburg. Our teacher visited this museum last summer and now she is ready to tell us some interesting facts from the history of space exploration.

XI. Перевод стихотворений.

Teacher: At the beginning of our lesson we listened to the poem about the Universe. Our students have made many variants of translation. Let’s listen to some of them.

(учащиеся зачитывают варианты перевода стихотворения о Вселенной)

XII. Подведение итогов.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Let’s look at the blackboard. Our galaxy has a lot of new stars that you have lit today. We congratulate you and wish you all the best.


В темном небе звёзды светят,

Планеты говорят «Привет!»,

Просят нас покинуть Землю

И увидеть звёздный свет!

Посмотреть на путь на Млечный,

Свет горящих звезд, комет.

Говорят, что много разных

Галактик малых и больших,

И что мир этот прекрасный

Конечно же Вселенная

И больше нет таких!!!



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