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Конспект урока английского языка "Environment"

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Grade: 11

Theme: Environment.

Aim: to teach students to use new lexis in everyday life, to teach to express their own opinion, to broaden their outlook, to teach to work in team.


educational: to enrich students’ vocabulary stock with words     concerning  the theme

developing: to develop speaking, reading and writing habits

bringing – up: to motivate students’  interest in learning English, to educate the feelings of patriotism, to make students feel themselves rich and successful

The type of the lesson: getting information

The kind of the lesson: traditional lesson

The visual aids:

І. Organization moment. Greetings.

II .Warming up – Ex. 1, p. 77

ІІІ. Checking up a home task. Ex. 11, p. 80

IV. Quiz.

We represent the worldfamous organization "Green peace".

1) Environmental problems endanger people's life.

2) The most serious ecological problems are water pollution, air pollution, land pollution.

3) Pollution of water is a very important problem. Many fish and sea animals are already dead.

4) Some factories pollute the atmosphere with toxins and dangerous chemicals. Most of the pollution comes from cars and buses. That's why it is difficult to breathe in big cities. We need good filters at factories and on cars to make the air clean.

5) Our land is also polluted with toxins and chemicals. There are plastic bottles, tins, glasses everywhere. It is very ugly.

6) The other problem is a problem of disappearing of animals because of bad ecology. The second reason of their death is a man, who kills them for their skin or meat.

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«Конспект урока английского языка "Environment"»


Grade: 11

Theme: Environment.

Aim: to teach students to use new lexis in everyday life, to teach to express their own opinion, to broaden their outlook, to teach to work in team.


educational: to enrich students’ vocabulary stock with words concerning the theme

developing: to develop speaking, reading and writing habits

bringing – up: to motivate students’ interest in learning English, to educate the feelings of patriotism, to make students feel themselves rich and successful

The type of the lesson: getting information

The kind of the lesson: traditional lesson

The visual aids:

І. Organization moment. Greetings.

II .Warming up – Ex. 1, p. 77

ІІІ. Checking up a home task. Ex. 11, p. 80

IV. Quiz.

We represent the worldfamous organization "Green peace".

1) Environmental problems endanger people's life.

2) The most serious ecological problems are water pollution, air pollution, land pollution.

3) Pollution of water is a very important problem. Many fish and sea animals are already dead.

4) Some factories pollute the atmosphere with toxins and dangerous chemicals. Most of the pollution comes from cars and buses. That's why it is difficult to breathe in big cities. We need good filters at factories and on cars to make the air clean.

5) Our land is also polluted with toxins and chemicals. There are plastic bottles, tins, glasses everywhere. It is very ugly.

6) The other problem is a problem of disappearing of animals because of bad ecology. The second reason of their death is a man, who kills them for their skin or meat.

7) Today people create different organizations such as "Green Peace", "World Wild Life Fond". They want to help the environment. We must solve ecological problems together.

8) Every day we throw away millions of tones of rubbish. A lot of this is paper, plastic, glass and metal that we can reuse. We must find ways to recycle them.

9) We must use special containers for rubbish.

10) Many natural resources are not forever. Coal, gas, metals, minerals will finish some day. People must find ways to save them. We must also find alternative ways to make energy. We can use the sun, the wind, the sea and the heat of the Earth.

V. Speaking.

Important definitions of the key words:

People are more worried about the environment (the air, water, and land around us) as a result of the harmful (dangerous/damaging) effects of human activity. Some of these activities cause pollution (dirty air, land and water) and some are destroying the environment (damaging it so badly that soon parts will not exist).
The Greens is a short name of the organization called Green Peace. It's an international organization whose members work actively to protect the environment from damage caused by industrial processes or military activities. It is known especially for using its own boats to try to prevent governments from testing nuclear weapons, to prevent companies from pouring poisonous chemicals into the sea, and to try to save whales and other sea animals from being killed.

Here are some of the problems:

  • the ozone layer: a layer of gases. It stops harmful radiation from the sun reaching the earth; recent research shows that there is now a hole in parts of the ozone layer;

  • global warming: an increase in world temperature caused by an increase in carbon dioxide;

  • acid rain: rain that contains dangerous chemicals; this is caused by smoke from factories;

  • smoke from factories;

  • car exhaust fumes;

  • dumping (throwing away) industrial waste (unwanted material) in seas and rivers;

  • aerosol cans (usually called sprays); some of these contain CFCs (a chemical) which can damage the ozone layer;

  • cutting down tropical rainforests (e.g. The Amazon); this increases carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

How can we help?

  • Don't throw away bottles, newspapers, etc. Take them to a bottle bank or newspaper bank, and then they can be recycled (used again).

  • Plant more trees.

  • Don't waste (use badly) resources, e.g. water, gas. Try to save them.

  • Note: a resource is a valuable possession. There are natural resources, e.g. water or gold; and human resources, e.g. knowledge and skills. The word is usually plural.

VI. Reading.

VII. Pair-work.

VIII. consolidation:

IX. Conclusion moment.

X. Giving marks and homework. Revision.


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