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Конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе. Тема: «Why do people travel?»

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Конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе

УМК "EnjoyEnglish". Английский с удовольствием. Биболетова М.З. Трубанева Н.Н. Издательство: Титул Год издания: 2012


Тема: «Why do people travel?»

Gr.; Past Simple, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous.

Цель: Активизация новых лексических единиц по теме. Развивать способность к фунуционально-адекватному сочетанию лексических единиц и логическому изложению.

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«Конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе. Тема: «Why do people travel?»»

Конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе

УМК "EnjoyEnglish". Английский с удовольствием. Биболетова М.З. Трубанева Н.Н. Издательство: Титул Год издания: 2012

Тема: «Why do people travel?»

Gr.; Past Simple, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous.

Цель: Активизация новых лексических единиц по теме. Развивать способность к фунуционально-адекватному сочетанию лексических единиц и логическому изложению.

Задачи: -расширение кругозора учащихся;

-развитие умения применять материал на практике;

-воспитание толерантности, культуры общения, умения слушать друг друга.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, экран раздаточный материал, грамматическая таблица.

Ход урока



Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. Today we shall speak, read as usual.

What s good news for today? Yes and we are always glad to see guests in the class.

S1: I have not got any news.

S2: We have many guests today at the lesson.

Taking into consideration all this information try to guess the theme of our lesson.

The theme of our lesson is travelling.

Read the expression written on the board and try to explain the main meaning of it.

Do you like travelling? Is here anybody who does not like travelling?

What do you think travelling is dangerous or not?

S1: We all like travelling.

S2: But I think travelling is sometimes dangerous.

OK, if travelling is dangerous, why do people travel? Why do we have mentions about travelling from ancient times?

Let’s try to find reasons for travelling. Why do people travel?

Если учащиеся испытывают затруднения, учитель предлагает открыть стр. 61, упр. 1

На экране появляется word-web

Учащиеся называют причины, они появляются на доске. (to have a rest, to visit interesting places, to learn something new, etc.

So, there are many reasons for travel and there are many means of travel.

Among them we can name…

Everybody knows that everything changes with time and means of travel changes as well. Many years ago they were as such ones.

Now we are going to compare the situation of nowadays and in the past, What has changed? But for this let’s look through phrases on p.61, ex 3. Let’s read them and if you have some difficulties with understanding you can ask questions. Pay attention on the board.

Exhausting [ɪg’zɔ:stɪd]

Suffer from – страдать от..

Desert [’dezərt]

Ocean |’əʊʃən|


Luxury |’lʌkʃəri|

Thirst [ θə:st ]

In the past travelling was dangerous and exhausting, today we can get to the opposite side of the planet in hours.

Thank you for your work. Now let s rest a little and do our exers-es.

Now we understand that previously travelers had very hard time, all discovers require hard efforts. Pay attention on the board. There is a fragment from traveler’s dairy. But some information was lost and our task is to fill in the gaps with necessary verbs.

First of all tell me please what forms of verbs are represented in the frame.

Before we start let’s refresh your knowledge concerning these grammar tense. Take cards, which are on your desks.

Учитель объясняет различия между тремя временами.

Заполняем пропуски на экране.

Forms of Past Simple, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous.

Let’s play tick-tack. Pay your attention on the board. There are 9 tasks. And you should do the task and then fix your sing on the board. With every right answer your understand the theme better and better.

Ученики выходят к доске и выполняют задания.

Have you noticed that all sentences are connected with travelling?

Do you like travel?

Now I offer to

What places do you want to visit?

Look at the map. Now I would like to offer you to compose a map of your future trips.

Now look through the map and imagine what country you would like to visit. Using these stickers let’s mark these places and I am sure we obligatory will visit them.

For example, I would like to see with my own eyes Lake Baikal. I think it helps me to open my mind and allows to proud our country.

Учащиеся выходят к доске, на которой висит карта мира и отмечают стикерами места, которые они хотят посетить.

S1: I d like to...

S2: I would…

S3: I d prefer…

Ученики называют разные города и страны.

Students, tell me please, what we have learnt today

We’ve learnt new words, repeat grammar tenses & etc.

Your home task is to learn new words and do ex. 5 p.86

Stand up. Thank you for your work. Good bye.

Good bye.


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