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Конспект урока "Travelling"

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Цели и задачи:

  1. Развивать творческие способности учащихся, умение их грамотно демонстрировать и применять в учебном процессе.
  2. Развивать устную речь учащихся, их коммуникативную грамотность, внимательность и умение слушать и уважать собеседника.
  3. Развивать познавательный интерес, желание изучать культуру других стран.
  4. Тренировать в различных видах речевой деятельности (чтении, аудировании, устной и письменной речи).
  5. Стимулировать учебную мотивацию школьников.
  6. Воспитывать уважительное, толерантное отношение к представителям и культуре других стран. 

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«Конспект урока "Travelling"»

Тема: Travelling

Цели и задачи:

  1. Развивать творческие способности учащихся, умение их грамотно демонстрировать и применять в учебном процессе.

  2. Развивать устную речь учащихся, их коммуникативную грамотность, внимательность и умение слушать и уважать собеседника.

  3. Развивать познавательный интерес, желание изучать культуру других стран.

  4. Тренировать в различных видах речевой деятельности (чтении, аудировании, устной и письменной речи).

  5. Стимулировать учебную мотивацию школьников.

  6. Воспитывать уважительное, толерантное отношение к представителям и культуре других стран.


Компьютер, проектор, экран, плакат-растяжка «Travelling», магнитофон, аудиокассета с записями текста для аудирования, песен, презентации на данную тему, карточки самооценки.

Ход урока.

  1. Орг. Момент

T: I’m glad to see you at our lesson today. I think all people like to travel. Do you like travelling? Holidays are the great time for travelling. Let’s remember your last holidays. You have made projects about your travelling. We’ll read, listen, tell about your holidays, ask and answer questions, share your opinions, present your projects. I think you’ll improve your English and get much interesting information about travelling and holidays.

  1. Речевая зарядка.

T: Answer my questions:

  • How do people travel? (by bus, by train, by plane, by car)

  • Why do people travel? (to see different places, to meet new friends, to see different cultures, systems of values, styles of life).

T: Arthur spent his holidays in Great Britain. Ask him some questions about his travelling.

  • Where did you go?

  • Where did you stay?

  • What did you see?

  • What was the weather like?

  1. Грамматический материал

T: Imagine. You are returning home after your travelling. What will you do?

P: I’ll tell my parents and friends about it.

T: What will you do if your friends live very far in different cities and you can’t phone him?

P: I’ll write him a letter.

T: You are right. Now read the letter about holidays in Spain and do some tasks.

Работа с письмом.

T: Read the letter, complete and answer the questions.

115 Parklane Drive


15 August 2008

My dear Mary!

Last summer my husband Danny and I travelled abroad. We went to Spain. We had wonderful holidays. The weather was wonderful. It was hot and sunny.

I went to the beach, swam in the sea and sunbathed all morning. I relaxed near the swimming pool in the afternoon. I met some nice people at the hotel. We ate at the restaurant and went dancing in the evening. We had a lot of fun at beach parties and discos. Sometimes we went shopping. It was so exciting. I bought a lot of good things, but I didn’t tell Danny about it. And Danny didn’t ask any questions. He is such a dear husband. I had a really great time.

Danny relaxed at the bar all the time. He didn’t swim in the sea. He didn’t go shopping or dancing. He didn’t eat. He drank bear. We didn’t say a word to each other, as we didn’t see each other much. He says he had fantastic holidays too.

But why did we spend so much money?

Best wishes,


T: Complete and answer the questions

1. Where and when ___ Sharon and Danny travel?

2. Did they __ to France?

3. ____ was the weather like?

4. What ___ Sharon do?

5. Where did ____________swim?

6. ___ did Sharon and Danny relax?

7. Where ___ Sharon eat?

8. Did ____________meet some old friends there?

9. Did Sharon __ shopping?

10. Did Danny __ to the beach?

11. ____ did he eat?

12. What do they think about _____ holidays?

T: Now check yourself.

1-2 – «5»

3-4 – «4»

5 – «3»

5 – «2»

T: Answer the questions.

1. Where and when did Sharon and Danny travel?

2. Did they go to France?

3. What was the weather like?

4. What did Sharon do?

5. Where did she (Sharon) swim?

6. How did Sharon and Danny relax?

7. Where did Sharon eat?

8. Did she (Sharon) meet some old friends there?

9. Did Sharon go shopping?

10. Did Danny go to the beach?

11. What did he eat?

12. What do they think about their holidays?

T: You will answer the questions in oral form.

T: Write down your marks in your lists.

  1. Аудирование

T: Holidays are the great time for teenagers, they can travel too. Mark Farell is a reporter. He talked to teenagers about their holidays. Now let’s listen to him and do some tasks.

  1. There are few difficult words and expressions in the text. Listen to them and repeat after the speaker.

jet-skiing — водные лыжи

snorkelling — плавание под водой (с маской)

culture — культура

to treat smb. относиться к кому-л.

lecturer — лектор

to allow to do — позволять делать

amazing place — удивительное место

to be full of life — полный жизни

  1. Listen to the text and answer the question:

What is this text about?

Where did they spend their holidays?


We all love holidays. But what is the perfect holiday? Mark Farell talked to some teenagers in London about their experiences and about their ideas for a dream holiday.

Nadia, 17. We go to Ireland every summer, because my mum Irish and we always go and visit her family. It's good in see all my cousins and everyone. Two years ago I went to Egypt and met my family in Cairo — my dad's Egyptian. Then my cousins and I went to the Red Sea, which I thought was beautiful. We did a lot of water sports. We went jet-skiing, snorkelling, and we went on a banana boat and things like that. It was really good fun.

My ideal holiday would be to go to Brazil, to Rio de Janeiro. Latin American culture is interesting.

Terry, 17. Last month I went on a college trip, to France, Which was a lot of fun. We weren't treated like kids; the lecturers gave you freedom — you were allowed to do whatever you wanted.

In the summer I usually stay in London arid go out with my friends. But three years ago I went to Hong Kong. It's an amazing place. It's a beautiful city and it's really full of life: there's never a time when you have to go to sleep.

My dream holiday would be to go with my friends to Hawaii or somewhere like that.

  1. Listen to the text again and do some tasks. Before listening you have 2 minutes to read the tasks.

  2. Choose the most appropriate variant of "the sentence that corresponds to the main idea of the text.

The text is about

a) Teenagers' dream holiday

b) Nadia's visit to Egypt.

c) Terry's college trip to France.

  1. Choose the right answers.

1) Why does Nadia go to Ireland every summer?

a) Because her father is Irish and they always visit his family

b) Because her mother is Irish and they always visit her family

c) Because she has a boy-friend there.

2) Where did Nadia spend her best holiday?

a) in India

b) in Syria

c) in Egypt

3) Who did Nadia go to the Red Sea with?

a) with her friends

b) with her parents

c) with her cousins

4) What would Nadia’s ideal holiday be?

a) to go to the USA

b) to go to Latin America

c) to go to the UK

5) Last month Terry went on

a) a college trip

b) a business trip;

с) a journey;

6) Where did Terry go to three years ago?

a) Hong Kong

b) Egypt

c) Canada

7) What would Terry's dream holiday be?

a) to go to India

b) to go to Hawaii

c) to stay at home

  1. Do the comprehension test. Agree (+) or disagree (-) with the following statements.

a) Every summer Nadia goes to Ireland because her mum is Irish.

b) Nadia's best holiday was five years ago.

c) Nadia's father is Egyptian and her mother is Irish.

d) Nadia went to the Black Sea with her cousins.

e) Nadia went jet-skiing, snorkelling and on a pine-apple boat.

f) Nadia's ideal holiday would be to go to Russia.

g) Last month Terry went on a college trip to France.

h) The pupils were treated like kids there,

i) Three years ago Terry went to Hong Kong.

j) Terry's dream holiday would be to go to Cairo.


4. a

5. 1) b 2) c 3) c 4) b 5) a 6) a 7) b

Now check yourself.

1 – «5»

2 – «4»

3-4 – «3»

4 – «2»

Answer my question

  • What is your dream holiday?

  • Where would you go?

  1. Диалогическая речь

T: The necessary things in your travelling are booking tickets, making reservations at the hotel, waiting for taxi. And you must remember about it. Divide into pairs and act out dialogues on different topics. (Дети сами выбирают тему)

    1. Booking train tickets

    2. Making airplane reservation

    3. At the hotel

    4. Taxi

Разыгрывание диалогов

T: Now you will listen to the dialogues then you must answer the questions.

Questions: When would Cliff like to leave and to come back?

How much does the ticket cost?

Booking train tickets

Clerk: Can I help you?

Cliff: I'd like to book one ticket to Boston.

Clerk: One-way or round-trip, please?

Cliff: Round-trip.

Clerk: When would you like to leave and to come back?

Cliff: Tomorrow. And I have to return on Wednes­day next week.

Clerk: Which train, please?

Cliff: As far as I know there is a train that leaves for Boston at about 11 a.m. I'd rather take this one.

Clerk: So I'll reserve for you one ticket for the 9.45 Tuesday train. And what about your way back? There is a train arriving here at 9.00.

Cliff: That suits me all right. How much does it cost?

Clerk: 93 dollars.

Cliff: Where can I get the tickets?

Clerk: At the railway station, window 2.

Cliff: Thank you.

Questions: What day is Molly planning to leave for London?

Where would Molly like to sit: smoking or non-smoking area?

What airport does the plane land at?

Making airplane reservation

Travel agent: What can I do for you?

Molly: I would like to fly to London next week.

Travel agent: What day are you planning to leave for London?

Molly: On Friday, the 6th of December. By the way, I don't want a night flight.

Travel agent: There are two flights to London on that date.

Molly: Are there any British Airways flights?

Travel agent: Yes. The flight at 8.50 is with Brit­ish Airways. Where would you like to sit: smoking or non-smoking area?

Molly: Non-smoking, please. Is it a non-stop-flight?

Travel agent: Yes.

Molly: What airport does the plane land at?

Travel agent: Heathrow Airport.

Molly: How much will it be?

Travel agent: 700 dollars. How will you pay?

Molly: By American Express credit card.

Travel agent: Happy journey, madam.

Molly: Thank you very much.

Questions: How long does Mr. Jones want to stay?

How much is a room with a bath­room on the third floor?

At the hotel 1

Mr. Jones: Good morning. Can I have a single room with a bathroom?

Receptionist: We're practically full, but I'll see. How long do you want to stay?

Mr. Jones: I think I shall be here for three nights.

Receptionist: Yes, you can have a room with a bath­room on the third floor.

Mr., Jones: How much is it?

Receptionist: 30 pounds per night.

Mr. Jones: All right, I'll take that.

Receptionist: Will you fill in this form, please.

Mr., Jones: Christian name. Nationality. Perma­nent address. Place and date of birth. Signature. Is that all right?

Receptionist: Yes, that's all, thank you. Here are your keys.

Mr. Jones: Thank you.

Questions: When will Mrs. Williams be arriving?

Does Mrs. Williams want a double room or a single one?

At the hotel 2

Receptionist: Hotel Napoleon.

Mrs. Williams: Ah, good morning. I'd like to book a room if possible. Receptionist: Yes, madam. When do you want it and for how long?

Mrs. Williams: Well, we'll be arriving on the fourth of July and we'll need it for a week.

Receptionist: Do you want a single room or a double one?

Mrs. Williams: A double room.

Receptionist: Yes, I think we can arrange that. Could I just have your name and address?

Mrs. Williams: Mrs. Williams. 17, Brick Street, London.

Receptionist: Good. We'll look forward to see­ing you.

Questions: Why does Scott want a double room?

Is the room expensive?

At the hotel 3

Scott: Good morning.

Receptionist: Good morning. What can I do for you?

Scott: I'd like a room, please.

Receptionist: A single room or a double room?

Scott: A double room, please. I'm with my friend here.

Receptionist: With a bathroom?

Scott: Yes, I'd like a double room with a bathroom, a TV set and a fridge.

Receptionist: Number 354. It's on floor 3.

Scott: Is it expensive?

Receptionist: Oh, no! It's a very comfortable room and not expensive all. It's cheap.

Scott: OK.

Receptionist: How many nights would you like to stay?

Scott: We'd like to stay for 3 nights.

Receptionist: What's your name?

Scott: Scott White.

Receptionist: Yes, sir. Where are you from?

Scott: From New York.

Receptionist: Very well. Here is the key. We're glad to have you here, sir.

Scott: Thanks.

Questions: Where would A like to go?

How much does it cost?

In a taxi

A.: Taxi! Hello, I'd like to go to Gardens in Kensington, please.

В.: Right you are.

A.: How much will it cost roughly?

В.: I think that'll be about 7 or 8 euro from here shouldn't be more than eight.

A.: OK, you can stop here. How much do I owe you?

В.: That's 7.30, please.

A.: Right, here you are, it's okay? You can keep the change.

В.: Oh right. Thank you very much.

A.: Thank you. Bye!

T: I think if you get into troubles during your travelling, your knowledge of English will help you and you will be OK.

  1. Защита творческих проектов.

T: You’ve made projects on different topics and now you can present them. I want you to get more interesting information.

The first project is «Camping»

The authors are ……….


I have a pen friend in America. His name is Mike Thompson. We write letters and communicate in the Internet.

He is an ordinary American boy. He lives in Florida with his parents. In July, I invited him to visit Russia. He did not want to go to a big city and I offered him to go camping. He was very happy, because he liked camping very much.

We went camping early in the morning when he found a nice place. We put up a tent and made a campfire. We cooked our food on it; we ate burnt potatoes, sausages and vegetables. Mike didn’t know Russian and we spoke English. We picked up berries, mushroom, swam in the river, and went fishing. In the evening we gathered at the campfire and sang a song. «Фестивальная». It is the best known song of all tourists in Russia.

Вопросы классу:

  • Do you lire camping?

  • Why or why not?

Let’s imagine we are in the forest and sing a song «Фестивальная»

Релаксирующая пауза.

The second project is «In the Village»

The authors are …………..

In the Village

I’d like to tell you about my last summer holidays. First, we went to the country. There is nothing like our village. Our family has got a small country house there. Our grandparents live in the village. There is a large river there. We often went boating, swimming in the river. The weather was always fine and we liked to be outdoors. We went for long walks to the forest, picked flowers, gathered berries and mushrooms. We made jam and salads. We watered plants in the garden, fed domestic animals and birds and helped our grandmother about the house.

My grandfather was a partisan and in the evenings he told me about his young years and we sang partisans songs. He told me the famous song “Катюша” was the hymn of Italian partisans.

I met many new friends there. We went to the local library and when the weather was bad we read many interesting books about Russian history, symbols, tsars. Now we know “Matreshka” is the national Russian toy. Many villages in Russia are famous for their specific crafts: painted boxes in Palekh, wooden tableware in Khokhloma and toys in Dymkovo.

Girls learnt a poem about Russia. Let’s listen to it and see a presentation.

Вопросы классу:

  • What is the national Russian toy?

  • What song was the hymn of Italian partisans during the world war the second.

Релаксирующая пауза.

The third project is «Moscow and St. Petersburg»

The authors are………………

Let’s have an excursion

Moscow and St. Petersburg

We went to Moscow last summer. It was my first visit. I was very happy and excited. Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. There are o lot of old mentions, cathedrals, old churches and monuments in Moscow. The heart of Moscow is Red Square. The main Kremlin Tower, the Spaskaya Tower has become the symbol of Russia. There are great old cathedrals and historical monuments on the territory of the Kremlin. They are the Bell Tower of Ivan the Grate, the Tsar Bell, the Tsar Cannon, the biggest cannon and bell in the world.

I went to St. Petersburg with my parents. It’s the second largest city in Russia. It was founded by Peter the Great in 1703. The Hermitage, the Winter Palace, the Russian Museum, the Peter and Paul Fortress, St. Isaac’s Cathedral is in it. St. Petersburg is famous for its beautiful white nights.

Moscow and St. Petersburg are attracting many tourists from every corner of the world every day.

Вопросы классу:

  • What is the heart of Moscow?

  • What is the biggest bell in the world?

  • What sightseeings can you see in Red Square?

  • Who was the founder of St. Petersburg?

  • What is the most famous museum in St. Petersburg?

The fourth project is England.

The authors are……………………..

Путешествие в Англию (Лондон)

London is the capital of Great Britain. It’s a city of dream for everybody interested in English history and culture.

The Tower of London is a very old building. It’s more than 900 years old. English kings lived in it many years ago. It was a fortress, a royal palace and a prison. But now it’s a museum. The ravens are another famous sign of the Tower.

St. Paul’s Cathedral is the largest church in England. It is the beautiful building with many columns and towers. In one of them there is one of the largest bells in the world.

Trafalgar Square is the center of London. It is the most beautiful square in it. It is usually full of visitors feeding the pigeons and looking at the statues fountains. In the middle of the square you can see Nelson’s column.

The Houses of Parliament is a symbol of London. Big Ben is a large clock in one of the towers of the Houses of Parliament. It is the seat of the British Parliament.

Buckingham Palace is the London home of the Queen. When the flag is flying on the top, she is at home.

Westminster Abbey is situated opposite the Houses of Parliament. It’s one of the most beautiful and famous churches in London.

Nearly all English kings and queens have been crowned here. Many famous British people buried here: Newton, Darwin, Dickens, Kipling and others.

Вопросы классу:

  • What is the capital of Great Britain?

  • What are the most famous places in London?

  • What is the home of English Queen?

  • What is the Tower famous for?

I want to show you Arthur’s presentation.

You will see England as he could see it “England in his eyes”

Релаксирующая пауза.

  1. Закрепление

T: Now check yourself. What did you get to know?

Answer the question: What is this? (слайд-шоу)

  1. Подведение итогов, выставление оценок.

T: You’ve prepared and worked perfectly at our lesson. Did you like it? What new information did you get to know?

What places would you like to visit?

What wood you like to see?

I’ll give you excellent marks for your projects, they were very interesting. Our lesson is over. Good bye. I wish you good luck! Thank you.



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