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Контроль аудирования по английскому языку - 11 класс - 1 полугодие.

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Задания для Контроля навыков аудирования для 11 класса за 1-ое полугодие. Аудио взято из Starlight 11, WB. 

Ссылка на аудио: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/YawJ/EWZz7hRT9

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«Контроль аудирования по английскому языку - 11 класс - 1 полугодие.»

Listening Comprehension – 11th form

I. Answer the questions:

1. What animals does Ben have at home?

2. Where does Ben live?

3. What animals does Ben help?

4. How did Ben learn how to look after the animals?

5. What will the winner of the award get?

II. True – False – Not stated statements:

1. Ben keeps animals in his house.

2. The mother of Timmy and Domino was killed.

3. Ben collected butterflies and other insects as a child.

4. Ben and his parents share the same opinion on the animals.

5. Ben has had financial difficulties in the past.

III. Fill in the missing information:

1. Ben has spent most of his life ______________.

2. For some people Ben’s house looks like a ________.

3. From childhood, Ben has believed that animals must be treated _________.

4. The most memorable experience of Ben is ____________.

5. If Ben had a small clinic, that would ______________.


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