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Контроль навыков письма. Английский язык, 6 класс

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Контроль навыков письма. Английский язык, 6 класс

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«Контроль навыков письма. Английский язык, 6 класс»

Writing Comprehension 6 Form

  1. Выберите подходящий вариант

  1. She …. now.

a). are not cooking c). will not cooking

b).does not cooking d). is not cooking

  1. It …. warm yesterday.

a). am c). was

b). is d). are

  1. …she read this book every day?

a). Does c). Is

b). Do d). Shall

  1. Подберите 3 формы неправильных глаголов.

  1. be bought gone

  2. beat ate felt

  3. feel went been

  4. bite fought broken

  5. do chosen bitten

  6. eat was/were chosen

  7. become beat done

  8. go felt bought

  9. break became fought

  10. buy bit beaten

  11. fight broke eaten

  12. choose did become

  1. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в необходимую форму.

  1. They …... (to go) to the Natural History Museum this week.

  2. …. Mary ….. (to take) her younger brother to the Zoo yet?

  3. Sue ….. already ……(to visit) the exhibition in the Art gallery.

  4. You ….. never ….. (to be) to the theatre in this city.

  5. Ann ….. already …. (to watch) a documentary about wild animals today.

  6. We ….. (not / to be) at the disco this month.

Writing Comprehension 6 Form

  1. Выберите подходящий вариант

  1. She …. now.

a). are not cooking c). will not cooking

b).does not cooking d). is not cooking

  1. It …. warm yesterday.

a). am c). was

b). is d). are

  1. …she read this book every day?

a). Does c). Is

b). Do d). Shall

  1. Подберите 3 формы неправильных глаголов.

  1. be bought gone

  2. beat ate felt

  3. feel went been

  4. bite fought broken

  5. do chosen bitten

  6. eat was/were chosen

  7. become beat done

  8. go felt bought

  9. break became fought

  10. buy bit beaten

  11. fight broke eaten

  12. choose did become

  1. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в необходимую форму.

  1. They …... (to go) to the Natural History Museum this week.

  2. …. Mary ….. (to take) her younger brother to the Zoo yet?

  3. Sue ….. already ……(to visit) the exhibition in the Art gallery.

  4. You ….. never ….. (to be) to the theatre in this city.

  5. Ann ….. already …. (to watch) a documentary about wild animals today.

  6. We ….. (not / to be) at the disco this month.


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