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Контрольно - измерительный материал для 6 класса (Биболетова М.З.)

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После каждой четверти в каждом классе проводятся контрольные работы. В нашей школе все контрольные разделили на МО школы на четыре части: аудирование, чтение, говорение и письмо. Так легче проверять стало контрольные работы и накопляемость оценок стала высока, и это подстегивает учащихся лучше учится.

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«Контрольно - измерительный материал для 6 класса (Биболетова М.З.)»


Приказ №124/1-ОД от 01 сентября 2015г.

Директор ГБОУ СОШ с.Елховка

Свиридова О.Г.



Заместитель директора по УВР ГБОУ СОШ с.Елховка

Куразеева Н.Г



Руководитель МО____

Протокол № ___

от «_31» 08 2015г.

Контрольно-измерительный материал

по английскому языку

Класс 6-А __________________________________________________________________

Учитель Семьянцева Марина Валерьевна

Дополнительная литература:

1)Учебник «Английский с удовольствием»- «Enjoy English» для 6 класса образовательных учреждений –Обнинск: Титул, 2013г.

2)Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику«Английский с удовольствием»- «Enjoy English» для 6 класса образовательных учреждений –Обнинск: Титул, 2014г.

3)Рогова Н.В. и др. тесты. Контрольные работы по английскому языку.- СПБ: КАРО, 2001г.

4)Контрольно-измерительные материалы Английский язык к УМК М.З.Биболетовой «Enjoy English» 6 класс, 2012г.

Контрольное аудирование по теме: «Международный клуб исследователей начинает свою работу!»

Дата: 18.09.2015

Цель: проверить сформированность навыка аудирования

Задание 1. Послушай четыре рассказа. Установи соответствие между рассказом каждо­го говорящего и видами путешествий. В задании указан один лишний вид путешествия. Ты услышишь рассказы дважды. Занеси свои ответы в таблицу.

A. Travelling by plane В. Travelling by car С. Travelling by train

D. A hiking trip E. A cycling trip

Speaker I

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4


Задание 2. Посмотри на картинку. Послушай разговор Индиры и Марка. Найди на картинке друзей Индиры. Соедини стрелками их имена и изображения. Ты услышишь разговор дважды.

Контрольное чтение по теме «Международный клуб исследователей начинает свою работу!»

Дата: 09.10.2015

Цель: проверить навыки чтения и умения извлечь из текста нужную информацию

Прочитай текст и выполни задания 1,2,3 London

Great Britain October 17th

Dear Ann.

Thank you for your letter. It was great to get some news from you.

I have already been at home for a week because of the flu. I can't say that I am having a good time, but I’m trying to enjoy myself.

I’m reading an interesting book about Mel Fisher. Have you ever heard of him? He was an explorer and a treasure hunter1.

When he was a boy, his favourite book was Treasure Island. Mel dreamed about travelling round the world, exciting adventures and treasure2.

When Mel grew up, he didn’t forget about his dream. It took him 16 years of hard *югк. He looked for treasure from the Nuestra Senora de Atocha and the Santa Margarita: Spanish ships which had sunk3 in 1662, near Florida. Every day Mel said, ‘Today is the day!” But only in 1985 Mel and his team found over 40 tons of silver and gold. There were Spanish coins, gold bars, wonderful decorations, royal plates and dishes and other historical things.

Mel gave part of the found treasure to a museum which was then named the Mel Fisher's Treasure Museum. Nowadays this museum in Florida is very popular among children and teenagers who like stories about pirates and their treasure.

Later Mel Fisher found some more ships, which were full of different historical works of art and so he has become a famous person. Nobody else has found so many tantastic and valuable things.

Would you like to find treasure? What would you do with the treasure you found?

I would like to take part in the expedition of treasure hunters and find a bag full of reasure. But I haven’t decided what I would do with the treasure.

Have you got a dream? Do you believe that it can come true? The book about Mel ^sher says it's possible.

hunter — охотник за сокровищами

treasure — сокровище, клад

sunk — утонули

Sorry, but I have to finish the letter. The doctor has come.

Write back, please.

Best wishes,


Задание 1. Найди и отметь верный ответ на вопрос. Обведи соответствующую букву.

What is the text about?

a) An unusual museum b) a famous explorer c) A well-known writer d) A Spanish ship

Задание2. Закончи предложения, выбрав правильный вариант из предложенных. Обведи соответствующую букву.

1)| In his childhood Mel Fisher wanted

A. to become a writer.

B. to build a ship.

C. to find treasure.

D. to open a shop.

  1. Fisher’s dream came true after

  1. many years of hard work.

  2. after a tour round the world.

  3. a visit to a museum.

  4. discovery of the book.

  1. Mel Fisher became famous because

  1. he wrote Treasure Island.

  2. he went round the world.

  3. he found some old ships.

he opened a museum

Задание 3. Прочитай предложения. Отметь предложения, которые соответствуют тексту,— Т (true), и предложения, которые не соответствуют тексту,— F (false).

  1. The adventure books played an important role in Fisher’s life.

  2. Mel Fisher was the captain of two big Spanish ships.

  3. Mel Fisher looked for treasure alone.

  4. You can see some of Fisher’s treasure in a museum.

Контрольное письмо по теме «Личная анкета члена клуба»

Дата: 04.09.2015

Цель: проверить лексико-грамматичекие навыки

Задание. Заполни анкету для поступления в международный клуб путешественников.

International Explorers' Club





Languages you speak Hobbies________________________________

Favourite subjects__________________________________________

Countries (places) you would like to visit_____

Контрольное говорение по теме: «Международный клуб исследователей начинает свою работу!»

Дата: 21.10.2015

Цель: проверить навыки устной речи, умение говорить на предложенную тему

Задание 7. Выбери одну карточку. Дай устный ответ.

Card 1

Give a talk about your last trip. Say:

  • where you went

  • what you did there

  • whether you enjoyed your last trip and why

Card 2

Give a talk about your house / your flat. Say:

  • what it is like

  • what your favourite place in the house / in the flat is and why

  • whether you have duties at home and what they are

Card 3

Give a talk about the place where you live. Say:

  • where it is situated

  • what kind of place it is

  • what it is famous for

Задание 8. Разыграй диалог со своим одноклассником.

Dialogue 1

Card 2

Ask your classmate:

  • whether he / she likes travelling

  • where he / she has already been

  • what kind of travelling he / she prefers (by car, hiking, a sightseeing tour etc) and why

  • Answer his / her questions.

(You begin the conversation.)

Answer yourclassmate’s questions.

Ask him / her:

  • whether he / she has ever taken part in a cycling trip

  • whether he / she would like to take part in a cycling trip

  • what kind of travelling he / she prefers (by car, hiking, a sightseeing tour etc) and why

Dialogue 2

Card 2

Ask your classmate:

  • what his / her favourite holiday is

  • how he / she celebrates the holiday

  • what British holiday he / she would like celebrate and why

Answer his / her questions.

(You begin the conversation.)

Answer your classmate’s questions.

Ask him / her:

  • what his / her favourite holiday is

  • what present he / she would like to get for his / her favourite holiday

  • what holiday he / she never celebrates and why

Контрольное аудирование по теме: «Совместное время провождение»


Цель: проверить сформированность навыка аудирования

Задание 1. Послушай четыре коротких диалога. Определи, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. В задании указано одно лишнее место действия. Занеси свои ответы в таблицу. Ты услышишь диалоги дважды.

A. In the zoo В. In а shop С. In а sports club D. In the street E. At school

Dialogue 1

Dialogue 2

Dialogue 3

Dialogue 4

Задание 2. Послушай разговор мамы и Джима. Выполни задания. Закончи предложе­ния, выбрав правильный вариант из трех предложенных. Обведи соответствующую букву. Ты услышишь диалоги дважды.

  1. Jim wanted to spend the weekend

  1. at home.

  2. in a museum.

  3. in the park.

  1. Jim’s mother

  1. agreed with Jim’s weekend plan.

  2. wanted to spend the day outdoors.

  3. was against staying at home.

  1. Jim’s dad is going to

  1. stay at home at the weekend.

  2. join his wife and his children.

  3. spend the weekend at the seaside.

  1. Jim’s grandparents

  1. are busy this weekend.

  2. will be glad to see their grandchildren.

  3. are going to visit their grandchildren

Контрольное чтение по теме «Совместное время провождение»

Дата: 26.11.2015

Цель: проверить сформированность навыков чтения и умения извлечь из текста нужную информацию

Прочитай текст и выполни задания 1,2,3.

Australia, the smallest continent in the world, is a very interesting country. There are many things to see, from desserts to beautiful beaches, from historical old houses to modern buildings, from unusual trees and plants to unique wildlife.

One of the most amazing animals of the world is the koala. It lives only in Australia and on some of the nearby islands.

Though koalas look like teddy bears they are not bears. The koala is the relative of the kangaroo, which is the symbol of Australia. Koala mothers also have small pockets where the tiny baby koalas grow like kangaroos. After a baby has been in the pocket for 6-7 months, it leaves the pocket and starts to eat the leaves of the eucalyptus tree1.

Koalas have nice large ears, big dark eyes and black noses. Koalas also have thick

fur which protects them from hot and cold weather and which is also a raincoat

for them.

Koalas spend as many as 18 hours a day sleeping and resting in the trees they live in. Sometimes they come down to the ground to look for another tree, but they seldom jump from one tree to the next. Koalas live-in the forest with other koalas, but each has its own trees which the other koalas don’t visit.

The word “koala” means “doesn’t drink”. Of course, as drink when necessary, but they get most of their water from the eucalyptus leaves which they eat. There r many kinds of eucalyptus trees in Australia, but only eat the young leaves of some eucalyptus they practically never eat anything else.

Koalas are endangered animals. Many years ago killed the animals for their fur. Now strict protect koalas from hunters, but people have cut many forests with eucalyptus trees. Now they are trying to save the rare forests with their wonderful land small teddy bear-like animals.

Задание 1. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос. Обведи соответствующую букву.

What this text about?

  1. kangaroo which is the symbol of Australia

  2. the koala which is a relative of the kangaroo

  3. The eucalyptus trees which grow in Australia.

  4. the endangered animals which live in Australia.

Задание 2. Закончи предложения, выбрав правильный вариант из предложенных. Обведи соответствующую букву.

Koalas are NOT afraid of bad weather because

  1. it is warm in Australia.

  2. they have thick fur.

  3. they live in trees.

  4. they like bad weather.

Koalas live in trees because

  1. they hide from the people.

  2. they like to climb trees.

  3. they are afraid of other koalas.

  4. they eat the leaves of the trees.

The animal got the name “koala” because

  1. it drinks little water.

  2. it has warm fur.

  3. it eats green leaves.

  4. it lives in trees.

  1. Koalas live in Australia, Asia, North and South America.

  2. Like kangaroos koalas have a special pocket for their babies.

  3. Koalas are friendly, they often visit the trees of other koalas.

  4. Koalas are in danger because there are few eucalyptus forests in Australia now.

Контрольное письмо по теме «Совместное время провождение»

Дата: 03.12.2015

Цель: проверить сформированность лексико-грамматических навыков

My parents are busy and my mum always asks me to help her about The house. I have to set the table and put the plates into the dishwasher clean my room and the sitting room.

I also have to take our dog for a walk in the morning i think I spend too much time on my home duties What do you have to do at home? Do you share your home duties with your brother or sister? What do you do after school?

Write back soon With best wishes,


Контрольное говорение по теме: «Совместное время провождение»

Дата: 18.12.15 г.

Цель: проверить сформированность навыков устной речи на заданную тему

Задание. Выбери одну карточку. Дай устный ответ


Card 1

Card 2

Give a talk about your school. Say:

  • what it is like

  • what clubs and sports facilities the school has got

  • what school events you have got during the school year

Give a talk about your weekend. Say:

  • whether you like the weekend and why

  • how you usually spend your weekend

  • what special meal you have on the weekend

Card 3

Give a talk about your favourite food. Say:

  • what your favourite food is

  • whether you help your mother (granny) in the kitchen and what you do

  • whether you like school food or not and why

Задание 8. Разыграй диалог со своим одноклассником

Dialogue 1

Card 1

Card 2

Ask your classmate:

Answer your classmate’s questions.

• whether he / she has ever been to the zoo

Ask him / her:

• what he / she did there

• what his / her favourite animal is and why

• which animal impressed him t her most of

• whether he / she has ever been to the zoo

all and why

• whether he / she liked it

Answer his / her questions.

VYом begin the conversation.)

Dialogue 2

Card 2

Ask your classmate:

  • which week day is the most difficult for him / her and why

  • whether he / she has much homework to every day

  • whether he / she has joined any school clubs and, if so, what club

Answer his / her questions, begin the conversation.)

Answer your classmate’s questions.

Ask him / her:

  • what his / her favourite school subject is and why

  • what school events he / she likes most of all

  • whether he / she usually takes part in any school event

  • Контрольное аудирование по теме: «Узнай больше о Соединенном Королевстве Великобритании и Северной Ирландии».

  • Дата: 03.03.16г

  • Цель: проверить сформированность навыка аудирования

  • Задание 1. Послушай четыре рассказа юных путешественников. Установи соответствие между рассказом каждого говорящего и названием его увлечения. В задании дано одно лишнее название. Ты услышишь каждый рассказ дважды. Занеси свои ответы в таблицу.

  1. Learning a language

  2. Travelling

  3. Doing sport

  4. Dancing

  5. Reading

    • Speaker 1

    • Speaker 2

    • Speaker 3

    • Speaker 4

  • Задание 2. Послушай разговор Эндрю и Джессики. Отметь картинки, которые соответствуют рассказу Джессики. Ты услышишь разговор дважды.

  1. In Wales, Jessica liked ... most of all.

  2. In Scotland, Jessica and her friends…

  3. Jessica thought that Northern Ireland is a nice place for people who like…

  4. In the evening in English, Jessica and her friends…

  • Контрольное чтение по теме «Узнай больше о Соединенном Королевстве Великобритании и Северной Ирландии».

  • Дата: 27.01.16 г.

  • Цель: проверить сформированность навыков чтения и умение извлечь нужную информацию из текста

  • Прочитай текст и выполни задания 1,2,3

  • Cornwall Great Britain

  • May, 17th

  • Dear Katie,

  • I am writing to you from an ancient castle on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. This castle is in the west of Great Britain, in a place, which is called “Cornwall”. It is different from the other parts of England. You won’t find any national parks or royal palaces here.

  • Cornwall has been always famous for its fish. Yesterday, I visited an old fishing village called “Mousehole”, which has got its own legend. Once upon a time, there was a terrible storm in the ocean which lasted for many days and just wouldn’t stop. Huge waves destroyed the village and its boats. Local people were dying from the cold and hunger. But one smart cat changed everything. An old fisherman tried to catch some fish for the village and the cat went with his old master. When they got into his boat the cat started purring2 to the ocean. The ocean liked it very much and the storm stopped. The old fisherman and the cat caught lots of fish so they saved the people of the village. The people were happy and made a tasty pie with a whole fish. It is called “Stargazy Pie”.

  • Cornwall is a great place for tourists; it is rich in sandy beaches, the ocean is quite warm and the rocks are beautiful. There is a lot of sea food in the restaurants and you can explore hidden paths, ride a bike, or go surfing.

  • I like this place very much, but I miss you, too. How are you? I’ve bought a lot of souvenirs for you: nice seashells and a starfish. And, of course, a toy legendary Mousehole cat. I think this place is a real wonder. You should come and see it yourself.

  • Hope to hear from you soon.

  • Best wishes,

  • Barney

  • Started purring — стал мурлыкать

  • Задание 1. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос. Обведи соответствующую букву.

  • What is this letter about?

  1. A royal castle on the coast.

  2. An old English fishing village.

  3. A place in the west of Britain.

  4. A special whole fish pie.

  • Задание 2. Закончи предложения, выбрав правильный вариант из предложенных. Обведи соответствующую букву.

  1. According to the legend the storm was stopped thanks to (благодаря)

  1. an old fisherman.

  2. a special fish pie.

  3. a brave mouse.

  4. a cunning cat.

  • 2)According to the legend, when the heroes returned to the village, people

  1. caught lots of mice for the cat.

  2. made a special fish pie.

  3. built a fish restaurant.

  4. made plenty of toy cats.

  • 3) Cornwall is worth visiting because there are many

  1. parks and palaces.

  2. old fishing villages.

  3. ancient castles.

  4. beautiful beaches

  • Задание 3. Прочитай предложения. Отметь предложения, которые соответствуют тексту,— Т (true), и предложения, которые не соответствуют тексту,— F (false).

  • А . In his letter, Barney told his friend a legend about a cat.

  • В. Cornwall is rich in green parks and royal palaces.

  • С. Tourists come to Cornwall to swim and sunbathe.

  • D.Barney has brought a legendary fish pie for his friend.

  • Контрольное письмо «Ответ о проблемах, которые возникают с членами семьи.

  • Дата: 02.03.2016 г.

  • Цель: проверить лексико-грамматические и орфографические навыки

  • Задание . Прочитай отрывок из письма. Напиши ответ своему другу по переписке. Ответь на его вопросы.

  • ...My family isn’t big. There are four of us: my mum, my dad, my younger sister, Linda, and 1.1 get on well with my parents, but I often argue with my sister. I have to share a room with her. Linda is only six and she likes to take my things. It makes me crazy, but my mum always defends her. Do you get on well with the members of your family? Have you got any problems? How do you spend your free time?

  • Please, write me soon.

  • All the best, Ann

  • Контрольное говорение по теме «Узнай больше о Соединенном Королевстве Великобритании и Северной Ирландии».

  • Дата: 11.03.2016 г. / 16.03.2016 г.

  • Цель: проверить навыки говорения на предложенную тему.

  • Задание1 . Выбери одну карточку. Дай устный ответ.

  • Card 1

  • Talk about the country of the United Kingdom you would most like to visit. Say:

  • where it is situated

  • what its symbols are

  • what it is famous for

  • Card 2

  • Talk about your free time. Say:

  • whether you have got much free time

  • how you usually spend your free time

  • what other activities you would like to try

  • Card 3

  • Talk about your favourite writer. Say

  • what country he / she is / was from

  • which books of his / hers you have read

  • why you like his / her books

  • Задание 2. Разыграй диалог со своим одноклассником.

  • Dialogue 1

    • Card 1

    • Card 2

    • Ask your classmate:

    • whether he / she would like to \isit the UK

    • what part of the country he / she would like to visit first and why

    • what British tradition he / she would like to take part in

    • Answer his / her questions.

    • (You begin the conversation.)

    • Answer your classmate’s questions.

    • Ask him / her:

    • which British city / town he / she would like to visit and why

    • where it is situated

    • what it is famous for

  • Dialogue 2

    • Card 1

    • Card 2

    • Ask your classmate:

    • whether he / she likes reading

    • what kind of books he /' she prefers reading

    • who his / her favourite writer is

    • Answer his / her questions.

    • (You begin the conversation.)

    • Answer your classmate’s questions.

    • Ask him / her:

    • what he / she prefers: reading a book or watching a film

    • what book he / she is reading now

    • what the book is about and whether he / she likes it

  • Контрольное аудирование по теме: « Разговор об активном отдыхе»

  • Дата: 29.05.2016

  • Цель: проверить сформированность навыков аудирования.

  • Задание 1. Послушай четыре рассказа юных путешественников. Установи соответствие между рассказом говорящего и названием праздника. В задании дано одно лишнее на­звание праздника. Ты услышишь каждый рассказ дважды. Занеси свои ответы в таблицу.

  1. St Valentine’s Day

  2. Pancake Day

  3. Mother’s Day

  4. Bonfire Night

  5. Christmas Day

  • Speaker 1

  • Speaker 2

  • Speaker 3

  • Speaker 4

  • Задание 2. Послушай разговор Линды и Тома. Выполни задания. Закончи предложе­ния, выбрав правильный вариант из трех предложенных. Обведи соответствующую букву. Ты услышишь разговор дважды.

  1. Linda

  1. has already bought a present.

  2. has no idea what present to buy.

  3. wants to buy a small turtle.

  1. Travelling underwater is

  1. an interesting novel.

  2. a computer game.

  1. Their friend, Sam, likes

  1. taking colourful photos.

  2. going fishing in the sea.

  3. studying the underwater world.

  • 4) Tom decides to buy

  • A. a computer game

  • B. some exotic fish

  • C. an adventure book

  • С. an adventure film

  • Контрольное чтение по теме « Разговор об активном отдыхе»

  • Дата: 06.04.2016 г.

  • Цель: Проверить навыки чтения и умение извлекать нужную информацию из текста

  • Прочитай текст и выполни задания 1,2,3

  • Laura and Catherine didn’t want to go camping. They didn’t want to sleep in a tent, or eat roots or drink dirty water from a river. All they wanted was to be home in their nice warm beds, with no bugs, wild animals, or dirt on the ground. But they had to walk along the forest path together with their mum and dad. They had crossed a river and now their socks and shoes were

  • wet. It was terrible! They were so tired, they wanted to eat and sleep.

  • At last, they stopped for the night. Dad set up the tents and made a fire, then he caught some fish in the river for supper. The sisters didn’t like fish very much but they had to eat it because they were very hungry. After supper, the girls pulled their wet clothes off, and put on their nice clean pyjamas.

  • “Mum, it’s uncomfortable to sleep in a tent,” said Laura.

  • The girls wanted to fall asleep but they couldn’t.

  • “What’s that noise?” Catherine asked.

  • “HOO! HOO! HOO!”

  • “EEEEEEE!” screamed the two sisters.

  • Mum and Dad jumped out of their tent.

  • “There’s a monster in that tree!” screamed Laura.

  • Dad laughed. “It’s only an owl. Now go back to sleep, please!”


  • “EEEEEEE!” screamed the girls.

  • “That’s just a frog. It won’t hurt you. Please go to sleep, girls!” Mum said.

  • Later that night, Laura woke up again. She looked outside the tent and saw a big shadow3. She screamed again, “EEEEEEE! Dad! Help!”

  • “Girls, it’s only me,” Mum said. “It was cold so I went to get another blanket-1 out of my backpack.”

  • The next morning, the girls felt a little silly about the night before.

  • “We’re sorry, Mum, Dad. We were like babies,” said the sisters.

  • “It’s all right, girls,” Dad said. “At least tonight you won’t be scared because you know what those noises are.”

  • They hiked a long way that day and were tired. The girls happily climed into their tent and dad wished everyone “good night”. “HISSSSSSSSS!”

  • “EEEEEE!” screamed the girls.

  • Dad looked at Mum and sighed, “Here we go again!”

  • Задание 1. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос. Обведи соответствующую букву.

  • What is this text about?

  1. A family who went for a walk in the forest.

  2. A family who went on a cross-country camping trip.

  3. A family who lived in a big forest.

  4. A family who hated hiking and camping.

  • Задание 2. Закончи предложения, выбрав правильный вариант из предложенных. Обведи соответствующую буквы.

  • 1) The sisters wanted to stay at home because they did NOT like

  1. long cross-country trips.

  2. cold wet weather.

  3. setting up tents.

  4. fish for supper every day.

  1. The first night was terrible for die girls because

  1. they were hungry.

  2. they were alone.

  3. they were scared.

  4. they were cold.

  1. During the second night, the sisters

  1. slept well in their tent.

  2. went fishing to the river.

  • C. sat next to the fire with their father.

  • D. cried and screamed again.

  • Задание 3. Прочитай предложения. Отметь предложения, которые соответствуют тек­сту,— Т (true), и предложения, которые не соответствуют тексту,— F (false).

  1. The sisters were happy to go hiking with their parents.

  2. Though they were hungry, they didn’t eat fish for supper.

  3. The sisters were afraid of the forest’s night noises.

  4. The sisters couldn’t fall asleep during the second night, either.

  • Контрольное письмо. «Семейный праздник»

  • Дата: 28.05.2016

  • Цель: проверить лексико-грамматические и орфографические навыки

  • Задание 1. Прочитай отрывок из письма. Напиши ответ своему другу по переписке. Ответь на его вопросы.

  • Yesterday, our class got an unusual piece of homework. We have to write about the holidays which people celebrate both in Britain and in other countries. Each student got a holiday to describe. Could you help me, please?

  • I need some information about a holiday which is similar to our Pancake Day. Have you got a similar holiday in Russia? How do you celebrate it? Do you like this holiday and why?

  • Hope to hear from you soon

  • Best wishes.

  • Jim

  • Контрольное говорение по теме « Разговор об активном отдыхе»

  • Дата : 13.05.2016

  • Цель: проверить навыки говорения на предложенную тему

  • Задание 1. Выбери одну карточку. Дай устный ответ.

  • Card 1

  • Talk about Russia. Say:

  • what the capital of the country is

  • what you know about the geography of the country

  • what the country is famous for

  • Card 2

  • Talk about sport. Say:

  • what sports are popular in Russia

  • why people do sports

  • whether you do any sports (or would like to do)

  • Card 3

  • Talk about holidays. Say:

  • what similar Russian and British holidays you know

  • which of these holidays you like and why

  • whether you celebrate it and how

  • Задание 8. Разыграй диалог со своим одноклассником.

  • Dialogue № 1

    • Card 1

    • Card 2

    • Ask your classmate:

    • whether cross-country trips are popular in Russia

    • whether he / she would like to take part in a cross-country trip and why

    • what clothes people need for a cross­-country trip

    • Answer his / her questions.

    • (You begin the conversation.)

    • Answer your classmate’s questions. Ask

    • him / her:

    • whether he / she has ever taken part in a cross-country trip and how long he / she went for

    • what season is best for a cross-country trip and why

    • why people take part in cross-country trips

  • Dialogue № 2

    • Card 1

    • Card 2

    • Ask your classmate:

    • whether cross-country trips are popular in Russia

    • whether he / she would like to take part in a cross-country trip and why

    • what clothes people need for a cross­country trip

    • Answer his / her questions.

    • (You begin the conversation.)

    • Answer your classmate’s questions. Ask

    • him / her:

    • whether he / she has ever taken part in a cross-country trip and how long he / she went for

    • what season is best for a cross-country trip and why

    • why people take part in cross-country trips

  • Список проектных работ.

  • Класс 6

  • Предмет: английский язык Учитель: Семьянцева Марина Валерьевна

    • п/п

    • Дата

    • Тема

    • Цель проведения

    • Вид работы

    • 1.

    • 28.10.2015

    • Презентация проекта « The International Explorers’conference starts its work (Международный клуб исследователей начинает свою работу!».

    • Проверить сформированность овладения коммуникативными навыками сотрудничества, в ходе выполнения проекта

    • Презентация обучающихся

    • 2.

    • 23.12.2015

    • 24.12.2015

    • Проектная работа «Let’s cook special dish for Christmas» (Давайте приготовим особое блюдо на Рождество)

    • Проверить сформированность овладения коммуникативными навыками сотрудничества, в ходе выполнения проекта.

    • Проекты обучающихся

    • 3.

    • 17.03.2016

    • 18.03.2016

    • Проектная работа «Let’s read our favorite British books». (Давайте почитаем нашу любимую книгу)

    • Проверить сформированность овладения коммуникативными навыками сотрудничества, в ходе выполнения проекта

    • Презентация обучающихся

    • 4.

    • 18.05.2016

    • 19.05.2016

    • Проектная работа «Visit our school website “Welcome to Russia”».(Посетите наш школьный вебсайт “ Добро пожаловать в Россию”)

    • Проверить сформированность овладения коммуникативными навыками сотрудничества, в ходе выполнения проекта

    • проект



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