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Контрольная работа №3 по теме «Science and technology» 9 класс (Rainbow English О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева)

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Контрольная работа содержит задания по аудированию,чтению , лексике и грамматике

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«Контрольная работа №3 по теме «Science and technology» 9 класс (Rainbow English О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева)»

Контрольная работа №3 по теме «Science and technology»

9 класс (Rainbow English О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева)

Task I. Listening. Listen and match the names of the speakers (1-6) with the names of the devices they are describing (a- g) . There is one names of the device you don’t have to use.

( SB 9 , ex.1 p. 54 track 54 )

  1. Katy a) fridge

  2. Alex b) mobile phone

  3. Don c) television

  4. Patricia d)computer

  5. John e)dishwasher

  6. Emma f)washing machine

g) vacuum cleaner









6 баллов

Task II. Read the text and decide which of the facts below are true (T), false (F) or not stated ( NS)

What Will Our Life Be Like?

Can you imagine what our life will be like in the year 2050? What will our cities be like in the future? How will we live and behave? Will medical science win its battle against the terrible illnesses that mankind continues to suffer from?

If things go as researchers plan, by 2050 computers and Internet connections will be in every room in the home, and so will robots!

By 2030 most of us will be working on the move. Your office will be wherever you are. It'll be possible to have a virtual meeting instantly. Simply say to your computer "I want to have a meeting with my team at 11 o'clock" and they'll appear before your eyes on the screen of your wearable computer.

By 2028 we will have cars that drive themselves. By 2040 we could be driving on fully automated highways. Some scientists believe one day there will be flying cars, too.

Our power will come from sources cleaner than coal, oil and gas.

In the near future, progress in technology, electronics and genetic engineering will make it possible to regulate DNA. We'll become healthier and will be able to live longer.

In the next thirty years, we may all know someone who has travelled in space. Space travel is really expensive at the moment, but scientists are trying to find a solution.

"Fly me to the moon" may become a common demand, with package tours to lunar resorts.

By the end of the century we will travel to Mars as easily as we do to New York.

Mars could be the base for space exploration into the outer regions of the solar system and the Earth may even become a quieter planet

  1. By 2030 your office will be wherever you are.____________

  2. Soon we will have cars that drive themselves.____________

  3. Our power will not come from sources cleaner than coal, oil and gas. _________

  4. It will be possible to regulate DNA.__________________

  5. Scientists will find medicine for cancer in the nearest future.______________

  6. Package tours to lunar resorts become common in the next twenty years. ________

  7. Some scientists believe that in 2050 there will be flying cars.____________

  8. By 2085 we will travel to Mars as easily as we do to New York. __________

  9. We'll become healthier and will be able to live longer. _____________

  10. Space travel is not really expensive at the moment._____________

10 баллов

Task III. Write this in English.

1)Благодаря науке и технике ;

2) более высокий жизненный уровень;

3) оружие массового уничтожения;

4)транспорт, связь и использование энергии;

5)запустить ракету в космос;

6)достичь цели;

7)с одной стороны;

8)удовлетворительные результаты;

9)исследовать космическое пространство;

10)нарушить обещание

10 баллов

Task IV. Choose suitable prepositions (through ,down, out, into, in). 

1.We can’t move further. Our car has broken ________.

2. He dances so funny, that I broke _______laughter.

3. Sally broke _________my talk with Sue.

4. Space exploration was a real break_________ in science and technology.

5. How did it happen that a fire broke ______________ in the house?

  1. баллов

Task V . Translate these sentences into Russian.

1. I think the article is easy to translate.

2. It was impossible to believe her words.

3. John is the person to ask for help.

4. That was the cheapest camera to buy.

5. Who was the man to discover America?

6. I think it is the most interesting book to read.

7. Kate was the last to know the truth.


Task VI. Make up the sentences using these words.

  1. “Cheburashka”/ exciting/ the / film/ is/ it/ to/ watch

  2. Were/ gadgets/these/ expensive/ too/ to/ buy

  3. food/ are used/My family/Chinese/to eating.

  4. my/ is/ father/ used/to/newspapers/reading/at/breakfast

  5. my/ mother / to/ my coming/home/late/objects.

  6. money/ it /easy/ not, is/ to , the /project/find /for.

  7. Impossible/ to/ it/ is /the /rock/ climb/

  8. This / is / dangerous/country /visit /to.

  9. Difficult/was / the /it /war / win /to.

  10. To / read/ was/it/ boring, novel /the .

10 баллов

Общее количество баллов - 48

«5» -48 -43 бал.

«4» -40-33 бал.

«3» - 32-25 бал.

«2»- 24 -0


Задание I

1d 2e 3c 4g 5a 6 b f - extra

Задание II.

1.T. 2.T. 3.F. 4.T. 5.NS. 6.F. 7.NS. 8NS. 9.T. 10.F.

Задание III

1. Thanks to science and technology 2 better living conditions 3 weapons of mass destruction 4 transportation, communications and use of energy 5 to launch a rocket into space 6 to achieve the aim 7 on the one hand 8 satisfactory results 9 to explore space 10 to break one’s promise

Задание 4.

  1. Down 2.into 3.in 4. through 5.out

Задание 5.

1.Эту статью легко переводить. 2.Было невозможно поверить ее словам. 3.Джон – тот человек, которого нужно попросить о помощи.4.Это была самая дешёвая камера, которую можно было купить. 5.Кто был человеком, открывшим Америку? 6.Я думаю, это самая интересная книга, которую нужно прочитать. 7.Кейт была последней, кто узнал правду.

Задание 6.

  1. It is exciting to watch the film “Cheburashka

  2. These gadgets were too expensive to buy.

  3. My family are used to eating Chinese food.

  4. Me father is used to reading newspapers at breakfast.

  5. My mother objects to my coming home late.

  6. It is not easy to find money for the project.

  7. It is impossible to climb the rock.

  8. This country is dangerous to visit.

  9. It was difficult to win the war.

  10. It was boring to read the novel.


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