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Контрольная работа 5 класс

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«Контрольная работа 5 класс»


1. Translate using the possessive case.

1. мяч детей – _______________________________

2.цветок девочки – __________________________

3. игра мальчика – ____________________________

4. еда собаки –_______________________________

5. кухня мамы –______________________________

6. книги учителей –___________________________

7. хвосты мышей– ____________________________

8. машина папы– _____________________________

9. зубы Пэм –_______________________________

10. сестра Кейт –______________________________

2. Circle the correct answer.

1. This is my brother. Look at him/his.

2. Mr Darrel is they/their English teacher.

3. Where are me/my trainers?

4. Her/she name’s Cathy.

5. Can you give us/our two pencils?

3. Fill in the gaps with can or can’t.

1. ____________ you play the guitar? Yes, I __________.

2. I can speak French, but I _______________ speak Italian.

3. __________ Harry drive a car? – No, he ____________ .

4. My brother is good at Maths. He ______________ help me.

5. My sister ________________ walk. She’s a baby.

4. Write the time in words.

1. 20:45_______________________________________

2. 12:51 _______________________________________

3. 6:30 _______________________________________

4. 3:00_______________________________________

5. 5:15_______________________________________

6. 2:07_______________________________________

5. Read the text and answer the questions.

My name is Mike and I’m ten years old. My favourite room is my bedroom. I’ve got a lot of things in my room: a bed, a computer, a bookcase and a wardrobe. I’ve got posters on the walls and a big mirror next to my bed. My walls are white, blue and yellow. My desk is under the window and I do my homework on the computer. My cat likes to sleep under my bed! I really like my room!

e.g. How old is Mike? Ten years old.

1. What is his favourite room?___________________

2. What is on the walls? ________________________

3. What colour are the walls? ____________________

4. Where is his desk? __________________________

5. What is always under his bed? _________________


1. Translate using the possessive case.

1. мяч детей – _______________________________

2.цветок девочки – __________________________

3. игра мальчика – ____________________________

4. еда собаки –_______________________________

5. кухня мамы –______________________________

6. книги учителей –___________________________

7. хвосты мышей– ____________________________

8. машина папы– _____________________________

9. зубы Пэм –_______________________________

10. сестра Кейт –______________________________

2. Circle the correct answer.

1. This is my brother. Look at him/his.

2. Mr Darrel is they/their English teacher.

3. Where are me/my trainers?

4. Her/she name’s Cathy.

5. Can you give us/our two pencils?

3. Fill in the gaps with can or can’t.

1. ____________ you play the guitar? Yes, I __________.

2. I can speak French, but I _______________ speak Italian.

3. __________ Harry drive a car? – No, he ____________ .

4. My brother is good at Maths. He ______________ help me.

5. My sister ________________ walk. She’s a baby.

4. Write the time in words.

1. 20:45_______________________________________

2. 12:51 _______________________________________

3. 6:30 _______________________________________

4. 3:00_______________________________________

5. 5:15_______________________________________

6. 2:07_______________________________________

5. Read the text and answer the questions.

My name is Mike and I’m ten years old. My favourite room is my bedroom. I’ve got a lot of things in my room: a bed, a computer, a bookcase and a wardrobe. I’ve got posters on the walls and a big mirror next to my bed. My walls are white, blue and yellow. My desk is under the window and I do my homework on the computer. My cat likes to sleep under my bed! I really like my room!

e.g. How old is Mike? Ten years old.

1. What is his favourite room?___________________

2. What is on the walls? ________________________

3. What colour are the walls? ____________________

4. Where is his desk? __________________________

5. What is always under his bed? _________________


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