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Контрольная работа "Indefinite Pronouns both, either, neither, none" 11 класс

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Данная котрольная  работа разработа для отработки использования местоимений either,neither,both,none.

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«Контрольная работа "Indefinite Pronouns both, either, neither, none" 11 класс»

TEST 11 Form

Indefinite Pronouns both, either, neither, none

I. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences.

1. Sally has got two little daughters. ___ them can write well. (neither of/neither/none)

2. ___ of us wants to stay at home tonight. (all/none/both)

3. ___ the tickets for the opera were sold. (all/neither/none)

4. Would you like a hamburger or a cheeseburger? ___. I’d like a chicken burger. (all/neither/both)

5. Mark and Jill have common interests. They ___ enjoy rock music. (none/neither/both)

6. I have lived in this place ___ my life. (all/neither/both)

7. Have we got any cucumbers left? No, there are ___.(all/neither/none)

8. Jack and Tim are not smart enough. ___ of them failed to pass the exams. (none/neither/both)

9. These dresses are really nice, but ___ one fits me well. (all/neither/both)

10. ___ of the CDs are mine. They are Jane’s. (all/neither/none)

11. Our team consists of twelve people. ___ of them are good players. (all/neither/both)

12. ___ Sandra nor Greg studies at university. (none/neither/both)

13. ___ of the European countries have such strict laws. (none/neither/both)

14. There are five differences between the pictures. You have to find ___ of them. (all/neither/both)

15. There were lots of people in the house but ___ of them were able to escape fire. (none/neither/both)

16. I’ve been to the museum and to the gallery. I should say ___ places are worth visiting. (none/neither/both)

17. Do you prefer black tea or green one? ___. I always drink coffee. (all/neither/none)

18. My little brother hates ___ reading and writing. (none/neither/both)

19. Mary is going to take ___ her clothes to the seaside. (all/none/both)

20. I’ve just eaten one chocolate and one vanilla ice cream. ___ of them were so sweet. (all/neither/both)

21. There are three windows in the room. ___ of them are closed. (none/neither/both)

22. ___ cities of the world have their own charm. (all/neither/both)

23. ___ of these two songs sounds familiar to me. (none/neither/both)

II. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences.

1. My friend doesn’t like tomato juice. (So do I./Neither do I./ Neither I do.)

2. In the shop I tried on several coats but I liked ( both/none/any) of them.

3. I have two photo-cameras but (some/both/none) are broken.

4. I didn’t like (neither/either/none) of the jackets.

5. In the Cup Final (both/the both/neither) teams were at the top of their form and right up until the end the result was in doubt.

6. – How many E-mail messages did you get yesterday? –(no one/none/no) .

7. I tried on several dresses but I liked(neither/none/no) .

8. I’ve got two CD players at home, but (none/either/both)of them are broken.

9. We went to two concerts last week and(none/both/all) of them were fantastic – we really enjoyed them.

10. (Either/No one/Neither) of these ideas will work so you’d better think of something else.

11. I’m going(or/nor/and/both/either/neither) to fail the exam(or/nor/and/both/either/neither) just scrape through.

12. Would you like your coffee with milk or sugar, or(none/either/both) ?

13. The personnel manager has told me you need 2 types of qualification for this job. - (none/either/both) is acceptable.

14. I think it’s important to listen to(other/either/both) sides of the argument.

III. Choose the appropriate word in the brackets.

  1. I was really disappointed (on/with) John when he failed his exams.

  2. We’ve made a lot of plans. Now we must put them (Into/in) practice.

  3. Could you call (up/in) at the bank after 4 p.m.?

  4. All sensible people would call (for/out) peace and struggle against war.

  5. Kate can make unusual clothes for women. She is a (model/fashion designer).

  6. This man is in charge of making a film. His job is a (actor/film director).

  7. You can use this printer with (either /any) of our four computers.

  8. I’m sure (none/no one) will arrive on time in such weather.

  9. They are thinking about (if/whether) to buy this set of spoons or not.

  10. (Neither/either) of us knew what to do under the circumstances.


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