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Контрольная работа Spotlight 11. Module 5.

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Контрольная работа для 11 класса. Учебник Spotlight. Модуль 5.

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«Контрольная работа Spotlight 11. Module 5.»

Test 11-5

1. Match the words:
1. lack a mess
2. heavy traffic b public transport
3. bird c of trees
4. stray d on the roads
5. overcrowded e animals

2. Fill in: posh, pedestrianized, well-lit, fully-furnished, abandoned
1. The council is going to renovate this old …………… building.
2. Always walk on …………..streets at night to be safe.
3. He decided to rent a ……………..house.
4. Cars aren’t allowed here. It’s a ……………….area.
5. Wealthy people usually live in a big …………..house.

3. Complete the sentences with: must, would, mustn’t, may, should, might, can’t,

don’t have to
1. The car …….. fit in that parking place.
2. People ……. walk their dogs in this park if they clean up any mess.
3. You ……. stop at a red light.
4. You ………. be late for the lessons.
5. You ………. visit your granny. She is ill.

6. ………. you hold the door open for me, please?

7. You ………. use public transport when you have a car.

8. Tom ………. move to the country soon because he hates living in the city.

4. Fill in: at, of (2), beyond, in
1. I am really in need …….a new lap-top.
2. This cooker can’t be fixed. It is …………repair.
3. My house is within easy reach ……..new supermarket.
4. My computer is …….really good condition.
5. Can you take a look …… my car?

5. Fill in: without, up (2), in (phrasal verb “do”)
1. Fixing that car has really done me ………
2. They had to do ……….dictionary at the lesson.
3. I am doing ……..my old cottage.
4. Do …….your shoe lace, Nick!


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