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Контрольная работа Spotlight 11. Module 7.

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Контрольная работа для 11 класса. Учебник Spotlight. Модуль 7.

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«Контрольная работа Spotlight 11. Module 7.»

Test 11- 7

  1. Fill in: long, dream up, attend, reject, achieve, using correct form of the verb:
    1. My sister ……..to be a doctor.
    2. Tim’s application was ……..because the course was full.
    3. Sam ………..a plan to solve all his problems.
    4. If you work hard, you can ……..good results.
    5. My son wants ……….English-speaking club.

    2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:
    1. He will go to University, if he ___________ (pass) his exams.
    2. If I were you, I ___________ (revise) Grammar every day.
    3. If Jane misses a bus, she __________ (take) a taxi.
    4. If he had read the book, he ___________ (write) a composition.
    5. I ___________ (cook) dinner, if I had come earlier.

6. If I pass my exams. I _________ (go) to university.

7. If you hadn’t helped me, I don’t know what I __________ (do).

8. If I ______________ (be) ready for the exams, would I be panicking like this?

9. I wish I __________ (go) to college, but my parents couldn’t afford to pay for me.

10. Bill wishes he _________ (get) better exams results. But he didn’t study hard enough.

3. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct particle: off, through, on, out
1. If you carry…….staying out late, you will be exhausted.
2. My brother carried……first prize in the sports competition.
3. He carries ……..any task he is asked to do.
4. Your friendship carried me ……..a difficult time in my life.

4. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition or particle “to”:
1. Sam is doing research …….cultural differences.
2. I graduated ……..University 5 years ago.
3. Students must never cheat …….an exam.
4. My sister is succeeded ……..becoming a professional dancer.
5. Sue wants ……finish school and start earning money.

5. Translate idioms into English:
1. Ходить вокруг да около
2. Отдуваться за других
3. Старого учить, что мертвого лечить
4. Век живи – век учись
5. Придумывать оправдания


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