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Контрольная работа в 7 классе за 1 четверть по УМК Тер-Минасова

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«Контрольная работа в 7 классе за 1 четверть по УМК Тер-Минасова»

Контрольная работа

за 1 четверть 7 класс

Task 1. Complete the sentences.

  1. A person who works much is …………. .

  2. A person who produces new and original ideas is ……….. .

  3. A person who likes to talk a lot is………………… .

  4. A person who overcome the difficulties…………………. .

  5. A person who is in love is…………………… .

Task 2. Fill in the gaps with absolute pronounce.

  1. This turtle belongs to __________(she)

  2. That bike belongs to _____________(you)

  3. This phone belongs to ____________(he)

  4. Those T-shirts belong to ________(they)

  5. These seats belong to _________(we)

  6. This watch belongs to ______ (I)

Task 3. Choose the correct variant.

1. ____ car is much cheaper than _____ .

a) Me … you, b) my …yours, c) mine … yours

2. Little Jane doesn’t like _____ new dress.

a) She, b) her, c) hers

3. Now all your problems are solved. Help us with _____ .

a) Our, b) ours, c) their

4. The cat is eating _____ food with pleasure.

a) His, b) her, c) its

5. Friend of _____ tells very funny stories.

a) Mine, b) my, c) me

Task 4. Make up sentences

  1. promised to, Nancy, on, us, Christmas, visit,.

  1. wants, to buy, electronic, She, dictionary, .

  1. two, shares, walls, with, A terraced house, the neighbouring, houses, .

  1. that, house, the, garden, and, are, theirs, beautiful, .

  1. was, this, written, by, book, J.K. Rowling.


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