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Контрольная работа за 10 класс

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Итоговые контрольные работы за целый курс 10 класса  , 1 -ое и 2-ое полугодие .

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«Контрольная работа за 10 класс»

10- Test № 1 _________________________


Раздел 1. Социокультурные знания. Say if the sentence is true or false:

  1. Canada is situated in the south of the North American continent.

  2. Canada is the second largest country in the world.

  3. It is bordered by two oceans: the Atlantic and the Arctic.

  4. The population of Canada is over thirty million people.

  5. The capital of the country is Ottawa.

  6. There are two official languages in Canada.

  7. The most part of the country is a vast plain.

  8. The Great Lakes don't belong to Canada.

  9. Winters are usually cold and long in Canada.

  10. Summer is warm and lasts from four to five months.

Раздел 2. Чтение.

II. Прочитайте вопросы 1-4 и тексты, обозначенные буквами A-E. Установите, в каких текстах можно найти ответ на эти вопросы. Ответ на каждый вопрос можно найти только в одном тексте. С номером вопроса впишите соответствующую букву. В задании один текст лишний.

Where can tourists….

1. learn more about extreme sports?

2. see a country which is as large as America?

3. enjoy the most splendid view of the Niagara Falls?

4. have lunch at a sand dune?


Canada has an area of nearly ten million square kilometers. It is a country of lakes. Since the building of the St. Lawrence Seaway the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River form a great water way from the Atlantic to the heart of the country. The Niagara Falls on the Niagara River between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario are one of the most splendid sights in the world.


New Zealand is famous for its geysers, thermal springs, its national past time rugby and extreme sports. It is a mountainous country. Most of North Island and the south-west of South island have good forests of evergreen trees and large areas are rich grasslands. Tourists are offered such extreme amusements as tramping through virgin forest, rafting on rushing mountain rivers, jumping from helicopters and bridges into precipices and water.


Australia is massive and very sparsely peopled: in size in rivals the USA, yet it’s population is just over eighteen million. This is an ancient land, and often looks it. In contrast, its cities – most of which were founded as recently as the mid nineteenth century – express a youthful energy.


Indian people are very friendly and hospitable. I continued to travel in India at a snail’s pace. The longer we were out in the desert, the more beautiful it grew, so peaceful and romantic as the land shifted from scrub bush to sand dunes to rocky hills and back to sand dunes. Each day we could stop at a new sand dune for lunch.


Dubai (a land of sunrise) was once a part of a large desert. But now it is a green island of everlasting summer, a centre of world entertainment, and a civilized city in the United Arab Emirates. There are wonderful buildings of glass, skyscrapers, peaceful fountains in the middle of flower gardens, and meadows with colorful plants.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика.

Present Simple. Раскройте скобки. Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.

1) My mother (wake) me up in the morning.

2) They (live) in Kursk.

3) I (like) music.

4) She (leave) home at 8.30 every morning.

5) My sister (be) ten

10- Test № 2 _________________________


Тема «Западные демократии - демократичны ли они?»

1. Исправьте ошибки в таблицах, запишите правильные варианты :






House of lords

Federation Council

The UK




Federal Assembly







Federal Council


2. Выберите верный вариант:

  1. In the UK the … is the official head of state

  1. Prime minister

  2. monarch

  3. President

  1. makes laws, discusses political problems and is elected by people.

  1. the House of Lords

  2. the House of Commons

  3. the Parliament

  1. The government in the UK represents … branch of power.

  1. executive

  2. legislative

  3. judicial

  1. In the USA the President … federal judges.

  1. appoints

  2. ignores

  3. dismisses

  1. The Supreme Court can declare laws ….

  1. uncomfortable

  2. unpronounceable

  3. unconstitutional

3. Сопоставьте слова и запишите

  1. legislative

  1. monarchy

  1. rule

  1. government policies

  1. revise

  1. the country

  1. make

  1. power

  1. prime

  1. branch

  1. oppose

  1. minister

  1. judicial

  1. laws

  1. Constitutional

  1. a bill

4. Переведите на русский язык:

  1. The British Monarch is the head of state and has royal representatives in the country.

  2. The parliament represents the legislative branch.

  3. The Cabinet is responsible for government policies.

  4. The Cabinet coordinates the work of the government departments.

  5. In Russia people elect the President by voting.

10- Test № 3 _________________________


1 Fill in “the ” where necessary

        1 ….Pacific Ocean is one of the largest one in the world.

        2 …….UK is separated from……Europe by…… Straits of Dover.

3The group of Russian film-makers went to….. Cannes to takepart in the festival.

4….        Hague is the well-known city of ….Netherlands.

     5 He took part in the expedition across… Gobi desert.

2 The Degrees of comparison of adjectives.

Complete these sentences. Each time use the comparative form of one of the following adjectives.

thin quiet expensive earlier interested

1  You look……

. Have         you lost weight?

2  You are making too much noise. Can you be a bit        ?......

3  The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be much…. ?

4  You are late. I expected you to be here…..

5  He’s not so keen on his studies. He’s ……..         having a good


3Like and as.

Put  in “like” or “as".

  1.  Your English is very fluent. I wish I could speak…….. you.

2  You needn’t take my advice if you don’t want to. You can do….        

         you like.

  1.  There’s no need to change your clothes. You can go out…. you


4  The weather’s terrible for the middle of summer. It’s…… winter.

5  He’s decided to give up his job……. a journalist and become  a teacher

4 What do you know about the geographical position and the life of the people in the USA, the UK, Australia and Russia.

1 Much of the country is a useless desert

2 It’s known for the frontier experience

3 The people of this country started the fashion for seaside holidays

4 It’s situated in 2 continents

5 Many people live in the outback there

5 What do you know about the British and American political systems?

1…... In Great Britain        is the head of state.

А)the Prime Minister;

В) the Monarch;

С) the President.

  1.  In the USA…….is the head of government.

А) the Vice President;

В) the Prime Minister;

С) the President.

3 In Great Britтin.....represents         the        legislative        branch.

A) the Cabinet;

B) the House of Commons;


 4 In the USA......represents the legislative branch.

A) the Administration;


C) the Senate.

5  In the USA represents the executive branch.

A) the Senate;

B) the President and his administration;

C) Congress.

6 Match the youth group and its most distinguishing feature.

A member of a youth group / movement


1) Punk        


a) brightly coloured hair

2) Raver ■—

b) loyalty and responsibility

3) Hacker        —


c) wizards of the computer world

4) Scout

d) all-night dancing

5) Hippie        


e) love for all people

7 Yuppies: Who They Are!

. For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer А, В, С or D fits best each space.

The term “yuppie” is basically an invention of the mass media, yuppies do indeed exist. On the one hand, yuppies are a result of the

(1)          against        the        antiestablishment, against the free-minded

1960s (2)        .        But        on the other hand they are a phenomenon much

more complex, tied to the nation’s economy.

What is a yuppie? A Young Urban Professional, making a (3)        

in business. Being a Yuppie is a (4  )        of         life. Those who want

to be yuppies choose the yuppie (5)        system.        They        conform

(6)        the society standards. They believe that money cures all

ills. Yuppies are young: in their late twenties or thirties. Yuppies are

urban, and often disapprove (7)   suburban lifestyle. Most of all,

yuppies are professional: they work hard, rise quickly, and stop at nothing. Their behaviour does not (8)        social        norms, but to most

American intellectuals yuppie has negative connotation.


A. rebel

B. rebellion

C. behaviour

D. react


A. youth

B. adults

C. children

D. generation


A. culture

B. way

C. career

D. life


A. way

B. sense

C. behaviour

D. simple


A. life

B. image

C. fashionable

D. value


A. to

B. with

C. for



A. to

B. with

C. for

D. of


A. differ from

B. conform

C. support

D. protest against

8. Read the text.

Doubts About Democracy

Life has become better since the end of the cold war.* Now a majority of people lives under democratic systems - 54,8 percent of them, to be exact. So, the idea of democracy is a global reality. But there is just one problem. The democracy we see around the world often has an ugly face.

Suppose the election was free and fair. But it brought to power racists, fascists or separatists, who publicly oppose to peace and integration. It does happen: democratically elected leaders ignore constitutional limits on their power and the basic rights of the people.

The Western democracy has always meant liberal democracy - not only free and fair elections but also the respect of the basic rights. Now we see the rise of illiberal democracy - a lot of elections but few individual rights like the rule of law, free speech or private property. People in the countries without a tradition of ethnic harmony often vote along racial, religious or ethnic lines.

8.1   Which of these ideas come from the article?

  1. Many nations live under democratic systems now but there are liberal and illiberal democracies.

  2. Most people now have the right to vote freely. But it is not enough if governments ignore their basic rights.

  3.  Free and fair elections can guarantee the basic rights.

8.2Find the right Russian equivalent of the following phrases.

(reading for specific information/learning to translate)

1The democracy we see around the world often has an ugly face.

  1.  И мы видим, что демократия и мир вокруг нас нередко имеют безобразный лик.

  2.  Демократия, которую мы видим в мире, часто имеет безобразный лик.

2 Suppose the election was free and fair.

  1.  Подразумевается, что выборы были бесплатными и благоприятными.

  2.  Предположим, что выборы были свободными и справедливыми.

. 3 It does happen: democratically elected leaders ignorе constitutional limits on their power and the basic rights of the people.

  1.  И это действительно происходит: демократически избранные лидеры конституционным путем ограничивают как свою власть, так и основные права народа.

  2.  И это действительно происходит: демократически избранные лидеры игнорируют конституционное ограничение своей власти и основные права народа.

Нормы оценок:

37-42 (90%)

32-36 (70%)

31-21 (50%)

Excellent «5»

Good «4»

Satisfactory «3»

Try again «2»

Ключи к заданиям

Задание 1: 1) The Pacific Ocean;

2 The UK, Europe, the Straits of Dover;

3 the Cannes;

 4The Hague; the Netherlands;

5 the Gobi desert.

Задание 2

: 1) thinner;

2) quieter (or more quiet);

3) more expensive;


5) more interested.

Задание 3

: 1) like;

 2) as;

 3) as;

 4) like;

 5) as

Задание 4

: 1) Australia;

2) the USA;

3) Great Britain;

4) Russia;

5) Australia.

Задание 5

: lb;






: la;






: IB;








Задание 8




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