Благодаря готовым учебным материалам для работы в классе и дистанционно

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Проверка знаний

Объяснение материала

Закрепление изученного

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Курс по домашнему чтению

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Практический материал по домашнему чтению в старших классах. Можно использовать для элективного курса. 

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«Курс по домашнему чтению»

Федеральное государственное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 8» г. Севастополя

Курс «Домашнее чтение на английском языке»

(По материалам сборника фантастических рассказов «Маг»

для чтения на английском языке в старших классах)

Дуженковой Елены Витальевны

учителя английского языка

Утверждено на заседании МО

учителей английского языка

рекомендовано к использованию

в общеобразовательном учреждении

Пр. № 1 от 25.08.2014

Руководитель МО

____________ Дуженкова Е.В.

Курс домашнего чтения на английском языке предназначен для учащихся 10–11 классов общеобразовательных школ и рассчитан на один урок в неделю (32 ч в год). Современная концепция обучения английскому языку предусматривает формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся. Ее составной частью является речевая компетенция, предполагающая развитие коммуникативных умений в четырех основных видах речевой деятельности и, в том числе, чтения. В рамках классно-урочной системы присутствует в основном «интенсивное» чтение – чтение небольших по объему текстов, по цели подразделяющееся на три вида: ознакомительное, изучающее и поисковое. Среди текстов, предназначенных для такого чтения, встречаются и отрывки художественных произведений, но многие школьники за годы обучения не читают ни одной книги на английском языке целиком. Чтение на английском языке пугает учащихся из-за большого объема текста, незнакомой лексики и грамматических структур. Основной курс английского языка не предполагает «экстенсивного чтения», чтения для удовольствия, а ведь важность его как составной части изучения иностранного языка трудно переоценить. Курс домашнего чтения на английском языке дополняет основной курс английского языка. Цель курса домашнего чтения - обеспечить «сформированность устойчивого интереса к чтению как средству познания других культур».

Задачи курса.

1. Формирование интереса к чтению на английском языке. Под руководством учителя, учащиеся научатся преодолевать языковые трудности, почувствуют вкус к литературе.

2. Углубление знаний в области культуры стран изучаемого языка. Курс дает учащимся возможность познакомиться с классическими и лучшими образцами современных произведений зарубежных авторов, узнать больше о традициях англоязычных стран, их истории и образе жизни. 3. Обучение предусмотренному ФГОС литературному анализу. Выполняя задания по сборнику, школьники научатся излагать основное содержание, составлять характеристики героев, познакомятся с некоторыми литературными приемами.

4. Формирование прописанного в ФГОС умения «использовать иностранный язык как средство для получения информации из иноязычных источников в образовательных целях». Вспомогательные задачи (решающиеся совместно с основным курсом)

1. Расширение словарного запаса учащихся за счет лексических единиц текстов книг и, что особенно важно, устойчивых словосочетаний.

2.Дальнейшее развитие навыков фонетического чтения.

3.Дальнейшее развитие устной монологической и диалогической речи при помощи пересказов разных видов, обсуждения прочитанного, дискуссий, театрализованных чтений.

4. Формирование навыков творческого письма через выполнение специальных заданий.

Результаты освоения курса

Личностные результаты:

– повышение учебной мотивации путем формирования интереса к чтению, а также благодаря творческому компоненту;

– расширение кругозора учащихся и стимулирование познавательной деятельности;

– воспитание толерантности и уважения к чужой культуре;

– повышение учебной самостоятельности школьников: от чтения под руководством учителя до самостоятельного внеклассного чтения на иностранном языке.

Метапредметные результаты:

– формирование умения работать с книгой как источником информации;

– воспитать «грамотного читателя», умеющего работать с глоссарием, анализировать прочитанное;

– дальнейшее развитие умения вести дискуссию, отстаивать свою точку зрения, формирование навыков проектной деятельности, благодаря разнообразию форм работы на уроках.

Предметные результаты:

Курс вносит заметный вклад в формирование коммуникативной иноязычной компетенции учащихся:

– в области речевой компетенции: способствует формированию умений в четырех основных видах речевой деятельности;

– в сфере лингвистической компетенции: позволяет овладеть новыми языковыми средствами, как лексическими, так и грамматическими;

– в области социокультурной компетенции: приобщает учащихся к культуре, традициям, реалиям стран изучаемого языка.

Содержание и учебно-методическое обеспечение курса

Курс построен на работе с текстами сборника, представляющими собой сокращенные и адаптированные, но завершенные литературные произведение. В ходе работы над книгой учащиеся:

  • знакомятся с содержанием книги, развивая при этом навыки чтения и аудирования;

  • знакомятся с биографией автора и особенностями описываемой эпохи;

  • выполняют разнообразные задания на проверку понимания;

  • анализируют прочитанное, обсуждают ситуации и поступки героев;

  • учатся пересказывать текст подробно и кратко (выбирая основное содержание), а также от лица героев;

  • расширяют свой словарный запас и овладевают новыми грамматическими структурами;

  • выполняют творческие задания разных типов;

  • овладевают навыками творческого письма;

  • выполняют проектные задания;

  • учатся сотрудничать, так как многие виды учебной деятельности внутри курса предполагают работу в парах и группах.

Формы работы и виды учебной деятельности

Курс домашнего чтения позволяет комбинировать разнообразные формы работы – индивидуальную, групповую и фронтальную. Так, например, учащиеся самостоятельно читают новую главу и выполняют задания на проверку понимания, в группе готовят презентацию образа героя или театрализованные чтения одной из сцен, всем классом участвуют в дискуссии или викторине по прочитанной книге. Очень удобна и эффективна на уроках курса работа в паре. Взаимодействуя друг с другом при выполнении разных заданий, от элементарных (таких как совместный поиск информации в тексте) до творческих (например, разыгрывание интервью с одним из героев книги), учащиеся приобретают навыки работы в сотрудничестве. Парная работа удобна организационно – она не требует перестановки парт, времени на деление на группы и распределение функций внутри них, а также облегчает учителю контроль участия каждого в учебной деятельности. Работа в паре повышает мотивацию, добавляет элемент взаимообучения (при котором в паре более сильный ученик помогает более слабому) и создает психологически более комфортную обстановку для неуверенных в себе учащихся. Таким образом, при комбинировании разных форм работы парная может быть использована как повседневная, базовая форма.

При проведении контроля чтения целесообразно использовать два под­хода:

  • Контроль как средство проверки понимания информации, заложен­ной в тексте;

  • Контроль-обсуждение как средство развития устной речи на основе содержания текста.

В первом случае контроль направлен на усвоение содержания текста, помогает осмыслению событий и той обстановки, в которой протекают собы­тия, описанные в тексте, раскрытию характеров действующих лиц.

Эта система контроля должна быть, как можно больше ориентирована на самоконтроль читающего. При этом контрольные задания могут быть со­общены учащемуся до или после чтения.

В рамках использования данного подхода контроля обратная связь осуществляется в процессе чтения и способствует более полному осмысле­нию информации текста.

При использовании второго подхода контроля домашнего чтения по­нимание текста - лишь часть задания, подготовка к следующему этапу - бе­седе по прочитанному.

По существу, данный подход является скорее упражнением в устной речи, нежели в чтении. Обсуждение предполагает понимание содержания текста. В свою очередь понятое содержание служит базой для построения бе­сед, сообщений и т.п.

Упражнения для организации беседы по прочитанному представляют собой последовательную серию заданий, направленных на постепенный пе­реход от подготовленной речи к речи неподготовленной. Эта система ориен­тирована на выяснение взаимоотношений действующих лиц, вскрытие и оценку мотивов их поступков.

Все вышеизложенное позволяет сделать некоторые выводы:

  1. Домашнее чтение является важной и неотъемлемой частью учебного процесса по иностранному языку;

  2. Оно осуществляется главным образом на механизмах беспереводно­го чтения, сформированных у учащихся в процессе чтения текстов в классе;

  3. Целью домашнего чтения является получение информации из тек­стов на иностранном языке;

  4. Систематическое и планомерное домашнее чтение является важным дополнительным источником и средством увеличения лексического запаса и развития устной речи учащихся;

  5. Процесс чтения должен быть легким, материал чтения должен со­держать интересную информацию и оказывать воспитывающее воздействие;

  6. Домашнее чтение должно стать ежедневной потребностью учащих­ся. Средний объем материала чтения в старших классах должен составлять порядка 100 страниц на учебный год;

  7. В зависимости от интересов учащихся и назначения материала для чтения в школе возможны индивидуализированный, общеклассный и комби­нированный варианты;

  8. В организации домашнего чтения следует различать два этапа: соб­ственно чтение, как процесс получения информации из текста и беседа на материале домашнего чтения;

  9. При проведении контроля чтения целесообразно использовать два подхода: контроль как средство проверки понимания информации, заложен­ной в тексте и контроль-обсуждение как средство развития устной речи на основе содержания текста.

Разработки поурочных заданий

Assignment 1.

  1. Read Chapter 1 (p.4-5)

  2. Transcribe the words and read them.

surgeon, disturb, fix, marriage, conversation, friend, magician.

  1. Give your own examples with the following words and word

combinations to show you understand their meanings.

affection, marry, gravely, by chance, conversation, scornful tone, occult

science, odd, quite, quiet.

  1. Prepare the passage starting with the words:” Arthur Burden and Dr. Porhoet walked … they had planned together” for reading out loud. (p. 4)

  2. Retell the chapter. Don’t fail the usage of all the ‘active’ vocabulary and word combinations.

walked in a silence

to be sure of smth.





stout fellow

scornful tone

to deal with smth.



to be able to


  1. Answer the following questions.

  1. Who was Arthur Burdon?

  2. What was the purpose of his visit to Paris?

  3. For how long they were postponing their marriage?

  4. How old was Margaret when Arthur first asked her to marry him?

  5. How did Oliver Haddo look like?

  6. Where did he meet him?

  7. What was Oliver’s profession?

Assignment 2.

  1. Read chapter 2.

  2. Transcribe the words and read them:

studio, deal, hand, owe, devotion, instinct, short, never

  1. Give your own examples with the following words and word combinations to show you understand their meaning.

to look forward to, monotonous (life), maternal, to hand over to, to adore, gaze, whisper, due.

  1. Prepare the passage starting with:” Susie knew, Arthur was very

embarrassed.” for reading out loud. (p.5)

  1. Retell the chapter. Don’t fail the usage of all the ‘active’ vocabulary and word combinations.

p.5 to look forward to




hand over

to adore





p.6 to owe smth to smb


to suggest




a pang of jealousy


p.7 chatter

to hesitate


  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. Where did Margaret Dauncey live?

  2. How many years did Margaret spend in Paris?

  3. Who was Susie?

  4. What did happen when Margaret farther died?

  5. Did Arthur marry Margaret?

  6. What did Susie feel when she saw how much they loved each other?

  7. What did she say to Margaret when Arthur left?

Assignment 3

  1. Read Chapter 3

  2. Transcribe the words and read them: quarter, gesture, obesity, sheiks

  3. Give your own examples with the following words and word combinations to show you understand their meaning.

empty, gesture, to lean, feature, to hesitate, to compare with smth., to be verified, set off.

  1. Prepare the passage starting with the words:” The newcomer stood... ...which he addressed everybody.” for reading out loud (p.8)

  2. Retell the Chapter. Don’t fail the usage of all the “active” words and word combinations. p.7 furious argument

flung open

threw off



p.8 newcomer






to look at smb.

in a way




Sardonic smile





false modesty


disclose suspicion

p,9 black slaves


to the fair

set off

to go down the stairs.

  1. Answer the following questions

  1. Where did Susie Boyd and Margaret usually dine?

  2. Who joined them?

  3. What was the connection between Dr. Porhoet and Oliver Haddo?

  4. Why did everybody in restaurant leave?

  5. How did Oliver start talking to them?

  6. Why did Oliver’s face turn red with anger?

Creative assignments

(chapters 1-3)


  1. Review chapters 1,2,3.

  1. Write a summary 200 words.

  2. Retell them as if you were, Oliver Haddo, Susie Boyd, Arthur.

  3. Act the dialogues between Arthur and Oliver.

Assignment 4.

  1. Read Chapter 4. End with the words “... and some words in Arabic.” (p.10)

  1. Transcribe the words and read them: narrow, Haddo, fear, fair, fur, canvas.

  1. Give your own examples with the following words and word combinations to show you understand their meaning.

apparent reason, tremble, well-behaved, meditating, victim, occupy, to possess.

  1. Prepare the passage starting with the words: It was in full swing…in Arabic.” for reading out loud, (p.10)

  1. Retell the chapter as if you were Haddo, Arthur, it.

  1. Put in the missing words, so that the sentences make sense.

  1. Suddenly, for no apparent_______, the animal began to tremble.

  2. He has a wide _____ of the literature of alchemy.

  3. He was _____ to the fact that they did not want his company.

  1. Answer the following questions.

1.What did Arthur take to get to the fair?

2.What did Susie notice?

3. How did the horse react to the Haddo hand touch?

4.What happened at the Dr. Porhoet house?

5.Is there anything new you have learnt about Oliver Haddo from this part of Chapter 4?

Assignment 5

  1. Read the rest of the Chapter 4.

  1. Transcribe the words and read them.

circle, tent, body, yet, rage, disgusted

  1. Retell chapter 4 (part 2)

  1. in one sentence

  2. 3 sentences

  3. 5 sentences

  1. Write a 100-word summary of chapter 5.

  1. Make up your own story using the “active” vocabulary.





horned serpent




to look at

to admit smth

to be convinced


  1. Prepare the passage starting with the words: “A shudder went through…in stopping the blood.” for phonetic reading out loud.

Assignment 6.

  1. Read the Chapter 5

  1. Transcribe the words and read them, dark, kneels, cause, breathe, essay

  1. Find the antonyms.

    1. dead

    2. dark

    3. down

    4. heavy

    5. strong

    6. to take

    7. quick

    8. horrible

    9. strange

    10. good


  1. evil

  2. wonderful

  3. light

  4. alive

  5. weak

  6. up

h to give

i light

j slow

  1. Retell the Chapter 5 as if it were you.

  1. Find the sentences with the following words and translate them into Russian

p. 12 deadly hatred

urgent message


to go up to him


p. 13 mercy


to fell sorry for smb.

to know by heart



  1. Prepare the passage starting with the words: “For a moment he kept silence… She seemed to be under spell.” for reading out loud.

Assignment 7.

  1. Read chapter 6.

  2. Answer the following questions.

  1. Did Margaret believe that Oliver Haddo was a magician?

  2. What did Haddo do to make believe that he was a magician?

  3. Where did Oliver live?

  4. Why wasn’t Susie at home?

  5. What did Arthur promise to Margaret?

  1. Give your own examples -to-with the following words and world combinations to show you understand the meaning.




to overcome smb.

the burst


  1. Transcribe the words and read them.

think, convince, province, knees, notice, trivial.

  1. Prepare the passage:

“The idea occurred to Margaret...... I promise you that nothing will happen (p. 15)”.

  1. Write a 50-word summary. Don’t fail the usage of “active” vocabulary.

Assignment 8.

  1. Read chapter 7. End with the words: “Then the only alternative is that you should marry me.”

  1. Transcribe and make up your own sentences with the following words. advantage, distract, resist, automaton, astonishment.

  1. Make a detail summary using the vocabulary

to be unable to do smth,

hypnotic power

to distract smb from doing smth

to resist

to lose and will

to be astonished


dull life




  1. How do you imagine Oliver Haddo looks like? Describe, him. Do you like him? Why?

Assignment 9.

  1. Read the last part of Chapter 7.

  1. Make up your own examples ... to show you understand their meaning

Sank, failed, a bench, to abandon, despair

  1. Prepare the passage

“Wednesday happened to be Arthur’s birthday ... .out her hand to him smiling.” for reading out loud.

  1. Prepare the 100-word summary of chapter 7.

Assignment 10.

  1. Read Chapter 8.

  1. Answer the following questions.

  1. What was the letter about?

  2. What did Susie decide to do at first?

  3. How did Arthur react to the news?

  4. What was the joke that he played on everybody?

  5. Why did Margaret marry Oliver Haddo?

  6. Did Arthur suffer a lot? Why?

  7. What did he decide to do?

  1. Make up a detail retelling using the following words:

comprehension, nodded, concierge, invalid, impulse, dismay, high jinks,

to astonish, to torture smb., hook.

  1. Retell the chapter as if you were Arthur, Margaret, Frenchman.

  1. Prepare the passage: “He noticed now the hoarseness it was

terrible to look upon.” (p. 19) for reading out loud.

Assignment 11.

  1. Read Chapter 9.

  2. Make up your own examples to show you understand their meaning.

extraordinary, eccentric, to accept, gorgeous, surgery, by all means, to come from, on smb account, to feel sick at heart.

  1. Find antonyms.

1. pretty a. to refuse

  1. sick b. loose

  2. to accept c. healthy

  3. to win d. ugly

  1. Transcribe the following words:

indignation, extravagance, eccentric, receipts, hesitate.

  1. Prepare the passage starting with the words: “Susie felt it impossible...

... Monte Carlo. for reading out loud.

  1. Answer the following questions.

  1. Did appearance of Margaret change after she got married?

  2. What changes did Susie notice?

  3. Who have invited Arthur to the supper party?

  4. What did Arthur meet there?

  5. How did Margaret behave herself during supper?

Assignment 12.

  1. Read Chapter 10

  1. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations:

to overcome smth., to call upon smb., to conceal, affection, gloomy, wax, comprehension, disgust, to stand smth., to pour smth. to.

  1. Transcribe the words and read them:

disgust, obediently, divorce, gaiety, wax.

  1. Prepare the passage: “Arthur hired a little…… she could not explain what she meant.” (p.26) for reading out loud.

  1. Retell the chapter as if you were Margaret. Don’t fail the usage of all the “active” vocabulary.

p.10 uncertainty porter

to call upon smb. to be concealed affection

to size someone’s hands to “bleed” p.11 to suffer



to resist





to stand smth

p.12 obediently


a suit for divorce gaiety

p.13 skepticism



Assignment 13.

  1. Read chapter 11.

  2. Put in the missing words, so that the following sentences make sense.

  1. _______last he could stand it no more.

  2. He told another surgeon that private business_______ him to leave London.

  3. He gave a sigh of as they drove to the station.

  4. Mr. Richardson the door angrily.

  1. Make up your own examples to show you understand their meaning:

to calm down, to stretch, to distract, to relief; to arouse, crops, cattle, shrug.

  1. Transcribe the words and read them:

prominent, suspicious, exhumation, due, calm.

  1. Answer the following questions.

  1. What did Arthur do after Margaret went back to Haddo?

  2. What did he find out when he came to England?

  3. How did Margaret die?

  4. Why did Arthur and Susie go to Richardson?

  5. Did they believe that Margaret had died of the heart disease?

  1. Write 100 words summary of chapter 11.

Assignment 14.

  1. Read chapter 12.

  2. Learn new vocabulary. Translate the following words an word combinations.

p. 29 inn

to reply





miserable end

to blame for

to fall upon smb.


p.30 to cheat smb.

to speak hoarsely



necromancers to put out smth.



to be fascinate! by smth.

p.32 odour




to cease


  1. Make up the sentences

1. felt, oppression, ah, she, extraordinary, breath, and, panted, for, she.

  1. twiggs, braziers, sharply, sword, a, as, the, flames, then, put, once more, cutting, he, more, the, upon, the, and, sprang, up, darkness, with.

  2. the, flames, like, died, persons, away, and, in, they, a, saw, vision, one, of, another, death, only, of, by, glow, dimly, ashes, the.

  3. Write 300 words summary using the “active” vocabulary.

  4. Prepare the passage: “Suddenly Dr. Porhoe ………… of a woman terrified.” (p.32-p.33) for phonetic reading.

Assignment 15.

  1. Read Chapter 13 from p.33 till p.35.

  1. Find the antonyms.

    1. to leave

    2. loud

    3. agree

    4. enemy

    5. to come

    6. fat

    to go away

  1. disagree

  2. to come

  3. thin

  4. quite

  5. Friend

  1. Answer the following questions.

  1. What has become the madness of Arthur’s mind?

  2. Why was the window open?

  3. What happened after?

  4. Who was lying dead there?

  5. What had happened to Haddo’ s body?

  6. Did they go to the Skene? Why?

  7. What was behind the small door?

  1. Prepare the passage: “They went back and again extraordinary.” (p.35) for reading out loud.

  1. Make up your own sentences with the following words.

thunder, intruder, to clench, sorrow, to dare.

Assignment 16.

  1. Read the rest of the text (p. 36-37).

  2. Transcribe the following words: vessel, furnace, adore, lurid, dawn.

  3. Answer the following questions.

  1. What did they see after Arthur pulled away the cloth from the vessel?

  2. What has Haddo discovered?

  3. Was Haddo dead?

  4. What was Arthur going to do?

  5. What was the end of the story?

  1. Prepare the passage:” The three friends stood in silence and

they stared for a moment with an odd unseeing glance.” For reading out loud.

  1. Retell the whole chapter as if you were Arthur.

Assignment 17.

  1. Read the text “The Great Keinplatz experiment” from page 38 till the third passage on page 41.

  2. Transcribe the following words.

enthusiastically, violent, audience, hence, frivolous.

  1. Make up your own sentences with following words and word combinations to show you understand their meaning.

to intend, frequently, inert, indecent fashion, astonishment, considerable, slang, hence, frivolous, unprecedented.

  1. Prepare the passage beginning from : “Five minutes passed it

was only a very good joke.” for reading out loud.

  1. Answer the following questions.

  1. Who was the main character of the story?

  2. What was his experiment about?

  3. Who was the young Fritz?

  4. Whom did he love?

  5. How did it happen that Fritz agreed to take part in professor’s experiment?

  6. What happened during the experiment?

  7. What happened after the experiment?

  1. Retell the part of the story as if you were the Professor.

Assignment 18.

1. Read the second part of the story.

  1. Answer the following questions.

  1. Where did Professor go after the experiment?

  2. Why were students shocked?

  3. Whom did they see instead of Fritz?

  4. Why did Fritz (professor) refuse to go anywhere with students?

  5. How did he behave with Martha?

  6. How did they find out that they switched their souls?

  7. What did they decide to do?

  8. Did Fritz marry Professor’s daughter?

  1. Transcribe the following words: astonishment, grave, insolence, grizzly, peasant.

  2. Make up your own examples.

to put smth down to smb.

a grave face


for smb. sake

release smth.

  1. Prepare the passage: “Some students and peasants as a

visible sign of her affection.” for good reading aloud.

  1. Write 200 words summary of the whole story.

Assignment 19.

  1. Read the text “Lord Mountdrago”. Begin with: “Dr. Audlin looked at the clock on this desk.” and finish with the words: “and I decided not to give it a second thought.” (page 50)

  2. Transcribe the following words:

while, miraculous, foreheads, ceased, condemn.

  1. Make up your own sentences with the following words and word combinations to show you understand their meanings.

gossip, snob, enchant, to be in a rage, to begin to giggle, an agony, a ridiculous, odious, to sit petrified.

  1. Prepare the passage: “At 24 he had married and was quite

capable of killing you the next.” (p.46). for good reading aloud.

  1. Answer the following questions.

    1. How did Dr. Audlin look like?

    2. Whom was he waiting for?

    3. Who was Lord Mountdrago?

    4. Why did Lord come to Dr. Audlin?

    5. What was the first dream about?

    6. How did Lord feel after those dreams?

  1. Make up the sentences.

Not, he, understand, could, that, his, he, knew, where, from, not, power, came.

Assignment 20.

  1. Read the rest of the story.

  2. Answer the following questions.

    1. What was strange about Mr. Mountdrago’s dreams?

    2. What were all his dreams about?

    3. Who was Mr. Griffith?

    4. How did Mr. Audlin try to help him?

  1. Transcribe the following words.

grotesque, vulgar, injury, career, due.

  1. Make up your own sentences with the following words and word combinations to show you understand their meaning.

cad, shabby clothes, to dismiss smb., to be due to smth.

  1. Prepare the passage: “I’m ready to tell you everything than the

policemen at the door. But that was no business of mine, “(p.p.51-52) for good reading aloud.

  1. Write the 200-word summary of this story.

Assignment 21.

  1. Read the story “The man and the snake.”

  1. Transcribe the following words.

Luster, luminous, mere, disgust.

  1. Make up your own sentences with the following words to show you understand their meaning.

venomous, landscape, to be able to retreat, dreadful sign.

  1. Answer the following questions.

  1. What was there under the bed?

  2. Was it usual to have snakes under the bed in a bedroom of a modem city? Why?

  3. What had happened when he rose his feet and prepared to back softly away from the snake?

  4. How did it happen that he broke his nose?

  5. What were Dr. Dmnring and his wife doing?

  6. What did Dr. Dmnring find in Mr. Brayton’s room?

  1. Prepare the passage: “He heard somewhere the continuos throbbing a

big drum and was again in their slavery.” for reading out loud.

  1. Find the synonyms.

    1. malicious

    2. movement

    3. unknown

    d. the previous day

    e bed

    g. look

    g sleeproom


  1. sofa

  2. the day before

  3. bedroom

  4. unfamiliar

  5. malignant

  6. motion

  1. Write the 100-word summary.

Assignment 22.

  1. Read the text “The waxwork” p.57-60

  1. Transcribe the following words.

stout, request, manufacture, manikins, alters.

  1. Make up your own sentences.

definite, to have difficulty, dimly.

  1. Prepare the passage: “The dim light fell on the looked behind

him.” for reading out loud.

  1. Retell this part as if you were Henson.

Assignment 23.

  1. Read the rest of the story “The waxwork”.

  2. Transcribe the following words: absurd, breath, hypnotic.

  3. Write the 100-word summary.

  4. Retell the story as if you were Dr.Bordette.

  5. Fill in the blanks.

  1. Figures seem to____ when not been watched.

  2. ______ which I won’t describe here to you.

  3. I like men with thick ____, thick red _____.

  1. Make the sentence.

He, if, only, had, known, it, never, he, here, would, come, have.

Assignment 24.

  1. Read the story “Dog Star.”

  2. Learn the new vocabulary and retell the story.

p. 63 frantic barking





p.64 to regret

to obey

to except

to become attached to smb.


p.65 hosts




to abandon

p.66 to shake





  1. Prepare the passage:” Sometimes I regretted that decision

always obeyed me.” For reading out loud. And learn it by heart.

  1. Retell the story as if you were Laika.

Final Vocabulary Test

  1. Translate from English into Russian

  1. I know this all done for my sake! It is a trick in order to see me.

  2. Beer, wine and schnapps, my boys- order what you like and put it all down to me.

  3. Sometimes I wake now in the silence of the Moon, and wish that the dream could last a few seconds longer

  4. It was an unprecedented event, yet no one knew of it, least of all those whom it concerned

  5. She sank helplessly into her chair.

  1. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. Ярмарка, на которую они собирались идти, устраивали неподалеку, Артур взял такси.

  2. Не могу понять, что на неё нашло.

  3. Это меняет всё.

  4. Единственное, что остаётся, это мужественно перенести боль.

  5. Она ощущала необычайную тяжесть и задыхалась.

  1. Prepare the following passage for reading out loud. Learn it by


She sank helplessly into her chair. Because she had refused to think of the future, it had never occurred to her that the time must come when it would be necessary to leave Haddo or to join her life with hi forever. It would be madness. Margaret realized that. Though an irresistible passion bound her to this man, she hated and feared him. She remembered Arthur’s great love and all that he had done for her and felt disgust for herself.

  1. Make up your own mysterious story using all of new vocabulary.

1. When did Arthur arrived to Paris?

  1. two days after Margaret died.

  2. he arrived as soon as he got acquainted with Haddo.

  3. he had just arrived.

  1. What was the purpose of his visit?

  1. to see Margaret Dauncey.

  2. To study the methods of Latin doctors.

  3. To become a magician

  1. How old was Margaret when Arthur first saw her?

  1. eleven

  2. twenty

  3. ten

  1. Who was Oliver Haddo?

  1. He was a Swedish magician

  2. He was a French scientist.

  3. He was an English magician.

  1. What did Dr. Porhoet find out about Haddo?

  1. He was a well-educated person.

  2. He had an extraordinarily wide knowledge.

  3. He wasn’t a magician.

  1. Where did Margaret Dauncey live?

  1. she lived in Boulevard Montpanasse.

  2. She lived in art studio

  3. She lived in Arthur Burdon’s house.

  1. How many years did she live in Paris?

  1. for few years

  2. for two years

  3. for one year

  1. How did Susie got to know about Arthur?

  1. she heard some things from Margaret’s conversation

  2. she wrote letters to Arthur

  3. Margaret offered to her to read Arthur’s letters.

  1. How did Margaret find out that she was leaving with help of Arthur’s money?

  1. her farther told her

  2. by chance

  3. Arthur wrote a letter to her

  1. Why didn’t they get married?

  1. she wasn’t old enough

  2. they didn’t love each other

  3. Arthur had to continue working

  1. Where did Margaret and Susie usually dine?

  1. at the studio

  2. at the restaurant “Blue Banana”

  3. at the Chien Noir

  1. What was the most unusual thing about Oliver Haddo?

  1. his eyes

  2. his mysterious smile

  3. his charming voice

  1. Oliver Haddo. ..

  1. shot more wolves than any man alive

  2. shot more lions than any man alive

  3. shot more tigers than any man alive

  1. Which statement is false?

  1. Oliver Haddo was educated at Eton and left Oxford in 1996.

  2. Oliver Haddo’s family has married into the most noble people in England.

  3. Oliver Haddo was a relative of Cagliostro.

  1. Why did Oliver's face turn red with anger ?

  1. he was embarrassed of himself

  2. Arthur made bad reply

  3. He was the one to marry Margaret.

  1. How did they get to the fair?

  1. on the taxi.

  2. By bus

  3. By taking a cab

  1. What was the horse’s reaction to the Oliver’s hand touch?

  1. the horse began to jump

  2. the horse began to shake

  3. the horse began to tremble

  1. Why did Margaret draw back in a terror?

  1. the Arthur was looking at her

  2. she saw a snake

  3. it was Oliver’s mysterious smile

  1. How did Haddo prove that he was a great magician?

  1. he stopped the blood after a venomous snake bit him

  2. he killed the rabbit

  3. he killed cobra

  1. The Arthur...

  1. believed in Haddo’s magic.

  2. Looked at Haddo with great rage

  3. He was convinced that Haddo was a charlatan.

  1. What was Susie afraid of?

  1. she was afraid that Oliver Haddo could hurt Arthur

  2. she was afraid that he would sent a spell on them

  3. she was afraid of Haddo’s magic

  1. What did Margaret feel when she saw Oliver falling down to the ground?

  1. she felt that she loved him

  2. she felt she had to go up on him

  3. she felt strong hateress

  1. What did happen at the studio?

  1. Oliver began complaining about his unhappy life.

  2. Oliver proved that he was a charlatan

  3. Oliver said he loved Margaret

  1. Why did Oliver want to get Margaret attention?

  1. because he was truly in love with her

  2. he wanted to hurt Arthur

  3. he didn’t want to be a charlatan

  1. Haddo was looking at

  1. acopeof“LaGioconda”

  2. Leonardo da Vinci

  3. Boulevard Mounsette

  1. What is occult philosophy about?

  1. people’s nature

  2. animal’s nature

  3. love and hate, life and death, etc

  1. Why Susie came back without Nancy ?

  1. because she didn’t have enough time to wait for her

  2. because she didn’t feel good that morning

  3. because the telegram was sent by somebody from Paris

3. What were the thing that Arthur promised to Margaret?

  1. He promised that they wift be married in a few weeks

  2. that nothing will happen

  3. he will be the one to blame if something happens to Margaret

  1. Who has sent the telegram?

  1. Margaret

  2. Nancy

  3. Haddo

  1. What did Margaret feel?

  1. she felt that some awful thing will happen to her

  2. she felt that Haddo wanted to marry her

  3. she felt that she was safe from Haddo’s magic

  1. Where did she decide to go?

  1. to the studio

  2. to the lessons

  3. to the Rue de Vangiraud

  1. Why Margaret could not go back home?

  1. She was under the Haddo’s spell

  2. She couldn’t’pen the door

  1. Haddo didn’rner to go.

  1. Whom did Margaret love more?

  1. Arthur

  2. Haddo

  3. Dr Porhoet

  1. Why did Margaret have to marry Haddo so fast?

  1. she didn’t want to stay in Paris anymore

  2. Haddo said he would kill Arthur

  3. Haddo was leaving Paris

5. At what time did Margaret appoint the meeting with Arthur?

  1. at seven

  2. at one

  3. at twelve

  1. Susie got. ..

  1. a letter

  2. a telegram

  3. a note

  1. Susie asked Arthur to come back at

  1. five o’clock

  2. six o’clock

  3. twelve o’clock

  1. What was the Arthur’s reaction to the note?

  1. he was full of joy, because he got a letter.

  2. He leaned his head on his hands and he remained silence

  3. He went away

  1. Why did Dr. Porhoet come to the Studio?

  1. he wanted to tell them the news

  2. he came to the party

  3. he came to see Margaret

  1. What was the truth that Arthur refused to believe in?

  1. that she didn’t love him

  2. she married Haddo of her own free will

  3. she broke her word

  1. Where did Susie go after Margaret had left Paris?

  1. she went back to the studio.

  2. She accepted her friend’s invitation to spend the winter in France.

  3. She accepted her friend’s invitation to spend the winter in Italy.

  1. how did the Margaret appearance changes after she had married Haddo?

  1. she became more beautiful

  2. she became serious

  3. she was as beautiful as ever.

  1. During the dinner Margaret

  1. ate too much

  2. acted as she was happy

  3. was very nervous

  1. What did Margaret say to Susie

  1. that Susie was always in love with Arthur

  2. that she knows a lot of anecdotes.

  3. That Arthur is killing himself on her account.

  1. Who has invited Arthur to the party?

  1. Margaret

  2. Haddo

  3. Arbuthhot

  1. For what purpose did Arthur come to Margaret?

  1. He was hoping to be excused.

  2. to say that he doesn’t blame her for anything.

  3. to take her back home.

  1. Why couldn’t she leave Haddo?

  1. Haddo made her happy

  2. Arthur couldn’t take her back

  3. She loved him against her will.

  1. At the door there was a waiting for them.

  1. Haddo

  2. Taxi

  3. Cab

  1. What did Haddo sent to Arthur?

  1. a box of chocolate with a card

  2. a note with no chocolate

  3. a box of chocolate with Margaret.

  1. What could they do?

  1. They could go to the police.

  2. They could unchaste the spell.

  3. They could do nothing.

        1. What did Arthur do after Margaret left him?

  1. He went to London to find her

  2. He went to London and had thrown himself into the work

  3. He went to the Skein

  1. What had happened to Margaret?

  1. No one knew.

  2. They came back to London.

  3. She died of heart disease.

3. Dr. Richardson was

a. a tall man of fifty-four with a white beard

b. a little man of fifty-five with a white beard

c. a tall man of fifty-five with a black beard

  1. Why did Arthur come to the doctor?

  1. He wanted to find out what the real reason of the Margaret’s death was.

  2. He wanted to find out where Haddo was.

  3. He wanted to find out what Dr. Richardson thought about Margaret’s death.

  1. What was Arthur going to do?

  1. He was going to find Haddo

  2. He was going to exhumate Margaret’s body

  3. He was going to kill the doctor.

Quiz 12.

1 Why did Susie began to cry?

  1. She thought about Margaret.

  2. because she thought about Athur’s miserable end.

  3. because she loved Arthur.

  1. How was Arthur planning to see Margaret again?

  1. He was going to exhumate her body.

  2. He was going to call for her soul.

  3. He was going to die to see her.

  1. What was the first thing that Dr. Porhoet did?

  1. He drew strange signs.

  2. He put twigs up on the braziers.

  3. He began to say some strange words in Latin.

  1. How many times doctor called for Margaret?

  1. one time

  2. two times

  3. three times

  1. Who was walking in front of everybody?

  1. Authur

  2. Dr. Porhoet

  3. Susie

  1. Arthur began to think

  1. how to kill Haddo himself

  2. what law can offer to him

  3. how to commit suicide

  1. Who was there in the room with Susie and Arthur and Porhoet?

  1. Margaret

  2. Haddo

  3. Monster

  1. What did Arthur do with Haddo?

  1. He began to laugh aloud, hysterically at him.

  2. His self-control left him and he killed Haddo.

  3. He brought him to the Skene.

  1. Who was walking in front of everybody?

  1. Arthur

  2. Dr. Porhoet

  3. Susie

  1. What was behind the small door?

  1. There was a picture.

  2. There was another door.

  3. There was a staircase.

Quiz 14.



was under the vessel?


A monstrous body


Haddo’s body


a hip of glass



has Haddo discovered?


a secret of Paracelsus


a secret of monstrous thing


a secret of life



kind of expression did Haddo’s eyes keep?


they kept the expression of amazement


of terror



  1. For whom they were waiting in the hall?

  1. for Arthur

  2. for Susie

  3. for Porhoet

  1. What did happen to the Skene?

  1. It burnt.

  2. Nothing

  3. It disappeared.

Quiz 15

  1. How many years did Professor’s experiment last?

  1. over 20 years

  2. less than 20 years

  3. about 20 years

  1. How did professor look like?

  1. He was clever and hardworking fellow.

  2. He was tall and thin with long narrow face and steel gray eyes.

  3. He drank more than everybody did, his language was violent.

  1. Who was in love with Elise?

  1. Keinplatz

  2. Fritz

  3. Baumgarter

  1. What did professor promise to do after the experiment?

  1. He promised that Fritz would be the best student.

  2. He promised that Fritz would go and have a party.

  3. He promised that Fritz and Elise would be married.

  1. What happened after the experiment?

  1. Fritz’s soul flew away and never came back.

  2. Fritz’s soul switched bodies.

  3. Fritz’s soul went to see Elise.

Quiz 16.

  1. Where did the professor body go?

  1. He went to the plaza.

  2. He went home.

  3. He went to the Gruner Mann.

  1. Professor called for

  1. a bottle of milk

  2. a cup of coffee

  3. a bottle of wine

  1. Where did Fritz go?

  1. He went to the laboratory.

  2. He went to see his students.

  3. He went home.

  1. How did they find out that they had switched their souls?

  1. Professor’s wife told them.

  2. They saw each other.

  3. Students told them.

  1. How many kids have they presented?

  1. one child

  2. two children

  3. none

Quiz 17.

  1. How old was Dr. Audlin?

  1. He was less than 50.

  2. He was more than 15.

  3. He was more than 50.

  1. Dr. Audlin could not understand

  1. his power that came from he knew not where

  2. his experience that came from he knew not where

  3. his miracles that came he knew from not where

  1. What were the good qualities of the lord?

  1. He had intelligence and industry

  2. He had courage and industry

  3. He had respectability and industry

  1. How old was his wife when they got married?

  1. 24

  2. 18

  3. 19

  1. What was his first dream about?

  1. an official party

  2. Griffith without no pants on

  3. A wedding ceremony

Quiz 18.

  1. What was strange about his dreams?

  1. He felt that they were real.

  2. He couldn’t fall asleep.

  3. He couldn’t go to work.

  1. In Mr. Mountdrago’s dream how did Griffith addressed to him?

  1. Lord

  2. Old lord

  3. Old chap

  1. Mr, Griffith was

  1. a member of Labour Party.

  2. minister.

  3. a member of House of Commons.

  1. In order to save Lord Mountdrago from a breakdown he was going to

  1. give him a medicine.

  2. hypnosis him.

  3. make him go to sleep.

  1. At the end of the story who have died?

  1. Lord Mountdrago

  2. Mr. Owen Griffith

  3. Both of them

Quiz 19.

  1. Lying upon a sofa Harker Brayton noticed ______under the bed.

  1. “Marvels of Science”

  2. a snake

  3. two small points of light

  1. How long was the snake’s body?

  1. as long as his arm.

  2. He didn’t know.

  3. It was short.

  1. What did the snake do after Brayton fell down on the floor?

  1. It sprang upon him.

  2. It thrown its coils about his throat.

  3. It had not moved at all.

  1. Where were Dr. Doming and his wife?

  1. They were in the library.

  2. They were at the bedroom.

  3. They were in the laboratory.

  1. Dr. Druring pulled out

  1. the toy snake

  2. the real snake

  3. the poison

Quiz 20.

  1. How did the Manager look like?

  1. He was a small, pale man with a tired face and thin brown hair.

  2. He was a youngish man, well dressed, stout and rather tall.

  3. His clothes were beginning to show signs of their owner’s losing battle with the world.

  1. Hewson was going to write about

  1. morning echo.

  2. Mariner’s murders.

  3. Crippen.

  1. Crippen was

  1. a great artist

  2. a killer

  3. a murderer

  1. What did Dr. Bourdette do during the day?

  1. He worked at the museum.

  2. He murdered people.

  3. He worked as a doctor.

  1. Dr. Bourdette was supposed to before he kills them.

  1. hypnotize his victims

  2. stare at his victims

  3. look at his victims

Quiz 21.

  1. What did Hewson say he ‘d do if he sees anybody move

  1. he said that if he sees them moving he would run away.

  2. He will smash them to pieces

  3. He will call for manager

  1. When Hewson turned around whom did he see in front of him?

  1. his dead wife

  2. hypnotic eyes

  3. Bourdette

  1. What Hewson couldn’t do without Bourdette’s command?

  1. he couldn’t move

  2. he couldn’t speak

  3. both a and b

  1. Mr. Bourdette the Hewson.

  1. shaved

  2. killed

  3. hypnotized

5. The visitor would walk with feeling of________.

  1. admiration

  2. fear

  3. both a and b

Quiz 22.

  1. Who was Laika?

  1. She was a nightmare

  2. She was a dog

  3. She was a girlfriend

  1. Why did her masters abandon her?

  1. she was mad

  2. she wasn’t quite Alsatian.

  3. she had other master

  1. What happened when they were staying at their friend’s house?

  1. Laika woke up their hosts

  2. The author didn’t feel good

  3. The earthquake began

  1. What did the author prefer when he got the opportunity to fly to the moon?

  1. He preferred to go to the moon.

  2. He preferred to stay with Laika.

  3. He stayed on the Earth.

  1. What did happen with Laika?

  1. The aurther took her to the moon with him.

  2. He thrown it out into the street.

  3. He gave it to the old physicist and his wife.

Ключи к тестам


              1. Маг. Сборник фантастических рассказов: Книга для чтения

на английском языке в старших классах. Составитель Н.И. Кролик. – М.: Просвещение,1996.


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