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Lesson plans for teachers

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it is not new method but it is useful

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«Lesson plans for teachers»

For 6th form

1 Complete the table with what you should and shouldn‟t eat. (6x2=12)

2 Write the sentences.

1) can/I/a/cheese sandwich/make.

2) shouldn‟t/You/a lot of/eat/sweets.

3) to bed/You/go/late/shouldn‟t.

4) healthy/To be/you/eat/should/good food.

5) rabbits/Don‟t/a lot of/give/carrots.

3 Look, read and find the sandwich.

1) Cut circle eyes from an egg.

2) Put raisins for the eyes.

3) Put triangle hair from lettuce.

4) Put a square mouth from a carrot.

5) Put a circle cucumber for a nose.

4 Match the words and numbers.

1) one thousand seven hundred a) 214

2) one hundred and seven b) 550

3) two thousand four hundred c) 2400

4) two hundred and fourteen d) 107

5) five thousand fifty e) 5050

6) five hundred and fifty f) 1700

5 Read and put the words in the correct place

rabbits, bad, domestic, teeth, grass

Carrots are not good for rabbits‟ (1) ... . A lot of people don‟t know this. But (2) ... shouldn‟t eat carrots because rabbits‟teeth grow very quickly. Usually this is OK because in the wild rabbits eat a lot of grass. But (3) ... rabbits always stay at home. They don‟t eat much (4) ... . We give them other things like carrots. But this gives rabbits a problem. Their teeth grow and grow fast. They get very long and this is (5) ... for the rabbit.


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