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Lexical-Grammar Test (9 form)

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В  данном тесте собраны задания для проверки и закрепления знаний по следующим темам: видо-временные формы глаголов, местоимения so/such (a); (a) little/ (a) few, единственное/множественное число существительных, прилагательное/наречие, словообразование, типы вопросов.

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«Lexical-Grammar Test (9 form)»

Name __________________________ Form __________

Lexical-Grammar Test

Ⅰ. Open the brackets and put the verb in the necessary form:

  1. I (to look) for Liz. Do you know where she is?

  2. Ron and Michael (to sit) at the table and (to do) their homework.

  3. When I (to come) home, my mother already (to cook) dinner.

  4. Hey, stop! You (to hurt) somebody.

  5. I (to turn) off the computer a minute ago.

  6. At ten o`clock yesterday in the evening she (to have) lunch.

  7. What you (to do) yesterday at 7 p.m.?

  8. The train (to arrive) at 5 o`clock tomorrow.

  9. People (to live) on other planet in 2080.

  10. Mary (to do) all her homework by 5 o`clock yesterday.

  11. Nick is a good footballer. Do you know how long he (to play) football?

  12. If I (to have) time, I (to go) with you.

  13. I wouldn`t drink that wine if I (to be) you.

  14. That letter (to write) by John yesterday.

  15. I think I (to buy) a new sports car.

Ⅱ. Fill in so, such, such a:

1. I like Mark and Mary. They are______________________kind people.

a) so b) such c) such a

2. Everything is ______________ cheap here, isn’t it?

a) so b) such c) such a

3. Today the weather is awful, isn’t it? I didn’t expect it to be ________awful day.

a) so b) such c) such a

4. You must hurry up. You don’t realize it is ________________late.

a) so b) such c) such a

5. She always looks great. She wears ______________ nice clothes.

a) so b) such c) such a

Ⅲ. Fill in a few, few, a little, little:

  1. I have _____ water left. There's enough to share.

  2. I have _____ good friends. I'm not lonely.

  3. He has ____ education. He can't read or write, and he can hardly count.

  4. We've got _____ time at the weekend. Would you like to meet?

  5. Julie gave us _____ bananas. Shall we share them?

ⅠV. Nouns: put these words into plural form.

  1. Tooth

  2. Child

  3. Man

  4. Woman

  5. Person

  6. Foot

  7. Mouse

  8. Fish

  9. Ox



  1. Cherry

  2. Goose

  3. Tomato

  4. Loaf

V. Choose the adjective or adverb:

1. The students wanted to finish their homework quick / quickly.

2. James walked very sneaky / sneakily down the hallway.

3. Tom was in such a hurry, that he did bad / badly on the assignment.

4. The girl sang beautiful / beautifully.

5. The classroom was very noisy / noisily.

6. We happy / happily joined the party.

7. The person who baked a cake did a wonderful / wonderfully job.

8. She was running down fast/ fastly.

9. Ted answered the question wrong / wrongly.

10.The flowers smelled good / well.

VI. World-farmation:

  1. a ______________________________ person (fury)

  2. a ___________________________ novel (history)

  3. an ______________________ excursion (interest)

  4. to look _________________________ (suspicion)

  5. a lot of _______________ waste (industry)

VⅠI. Put the questions to the following sentences:

  1. Peter is reading an interesting book right now. (General)

  2. They do morning exercises every day. (Who)

  3. My parents seldom leave for work early in the morning. (Disjunctive)

  4. We had to do shopping yesterday. (Alternative)

  5. It was an uninteresting book. (Disjunctive)

  6. She used to eat a lot of sweets when she was a child. (Special)


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