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Литературная Британия Урок- разработка

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«Литературная Британия Урок- разработка»

Урок английского языка в 9 классе

Literary Britain

«Литературная Британия»

Предмет: Английский язык

Класс: 9

Тема урока: Unit 1. “Reading? Why not?”

Lesson 5 “Books and Authors”

“Literary Britain” (учебник: English-9, Кузовлев В.П.)

Цели: 1. Обогащение духовного мира учащихся путем приобщения их к вершинным произведениям мировой классики на языке оригинала и в переводе.

2.Формирование обобщенных знаний по теме «Литературная Британия» на более высоком культурологическом уровне

Задачи урока:

практическая - обеспечить развитие навыков аудирования, диалогической и монологической речи;

образовательная –- совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся, эмоциональную и эстетическую стороны в процессе обучения иностранному языку; расширение кругозора учащихся;

развивающая – развивать и углублять знания учащихся по страноведению, внимание и воображение, память школьников;

воспитательная – прививать любовь к культуре страны изучаемого языка, к английской литературе, чтению; повышать познавательный интерес к иностранному языку в процессе декламирования поэтов на уроке.

План урока:

I.Начало урока.


II.Всё о книгах.

1. «Книги – наши друзья». (Устная речь)

2. «Знаменитые английские поэты и писатели». (МР, аудирование, )

- W.Shakespeare (sonnet)

- R.Burns (poem)

- R.Kipling (poem)

III. Контроль знаний.

IV.Окончание урока.

.Итоги урока.

Ход урока:


1.Teacher: Good afternoon, dear friends! Today we’ll have a seminar. We’ll speak about English literature and English writers. First of all answer my questions, please.

-Do you like reading?

-Is reading important?

-Why do you think so?

- What British writers and poets do you know?

-Do you think it is important to know foreign literature?

-Why do you think it is important?

I think it is very important to study foreign literature, because we should know not only the language but also the traditions and the customs and the literature of other nationalities. And what do you think about reading?

Dialogues :

- Who is your favorite writer?

- My favorite writers are A.Pushkin, N.Neckrasov, D.Defoe. I like poems. Today I want to read one poem of John Richard Moreland “The Birch-trees”.

The night is white,

The moon is high,

The birch-trees lean

Against the sky.

The cruel winds

Have blown away

Each little leaf

Of silver grey………

- It’s very nice poem. I like this poem. But sorry, I must go. Good-bye.

- Good-bye.


- Hi!

- Do you like to read books?

- Yes, I do.

- What kind of books do you like to read?

- I like to read historical and adventure stories. I also prefer to read modern novels.

- Good-bye.

- Good-bye.

II. Teacher:

Great Britain gave the world a lot of talented people. Many famous writes and poets were born in Great Britain. What famous English writes do you know? (Byron, W.Scott, J.Galsworthy, J.Jerome, W.Shakespeare, L.Carroll, D.Defoe, J.Swift, R.Burns…)

Listen to the stories and try to guess who are who.

Pupil 1:

I’m the world’s greatest poet and dramatist. I was born on April 23,1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. My mother was a daughter of Robert Arden, a farmer. My father was a glover who had an office at Stratford-upon-Avon.

Little is known about my childhood, I got my education at the Grammar School. I got married in 1582 to Ann Hathaway and had three children.

I lived in Stratford until I was about 21; when I went to London. I became an actor and a member of one of the big acting companies. Soon I began to write plays for this company and a few years became a well-known author.

I wrote 37 plays such as “Hamlet”, “King Lear”, “Othello”, “Twelfth Night”, “Richard III”.

I spent the last years of my life in Stratford.

Teacher: Who is he? (He is W.Shakespeare.) Now listen to one of his poems. It’s Sonnet 90. (Ученик читает стихотворение наизусть на английском языке.)

Then hate me when thou wilt; if ever, now;
Now, while the world is bent my deeds to cross,
Join with the spite of fortune, make me bow,
And do not drop in for an after-loss:
Ah, do not, when my heart hath 'scoped this sorrow,
Come in the rearward of a conquer'd woe;
Give not a windy night a rainy morrow,
To linger out a purposed overthrow.
If thou wilt leave me, do not leave me last,
When other petty griefs have done their spite
But in the onset come; so shall I taste
At first the very worst of fortune's might,

And other strains of woe, which now seem woe,
Compared with loss of thee will not seem so.


But now listen to the Russian translation of this sonnet. (Ученик читает стихотворение наизусть на русском языке).

Уж если ты разлюбишь - так теперь,
Теперь, когда весь мир со мной в раздоре.
Будь самой горькой из моих потерь,
Но только не последней каплей горя!
И если скорбь дано мне превозмочь,
Не наноси удара из засады.
Пусть бурная не разрешится ночь
Дождливым утром - утром без отрады.
Оставь меня, но не в последний миг,
Когда от мелких бед я ослабею.
Оставь сейчас, чтоб сразу я постиг,
Что это горе всех невзгод больнее,

Что нет невзгод, а есть одна беда -
Твоей любви лишиться навсегда.

(Перевод С.Я.Маршака)

Pupil 2:

I was a famous and popular Scottish poet. I was born in 1759. I was born in a family of a poor farmer. I was the eldest of seven children, so I had to help my father on the farm. My father was a kind person who loved and understood people. My mother had a beautiful voice and often sang songs and told many folktales to me and sisters.

I remembered mother’s songs and stories all my life. My father wanted that I to be an educated person and sent me to school at the age of 6. I liked to read books. My favorite writer was W.Shakespeare.

At the age of 15 I started to write poems. I wrote about people, about everyday life. The heroes of my mother’s stories became the heroes of my poems.

In 1777 I moved to another town where I organized a society of young people. We discussed moral, social and political problems of that time. In 1784 my father died and I had to work at the farm.

In 1786 I published a book of my poems which soon made me popular.


Who is this person? (He is Robert Burns.) Now listen to his poem “My Heart's in the Highlands”. (Ученик читает стихотворение наизусть на английском языке)

My heart's in the Highlands

My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here

My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer,

A-chasing the wild deer and following the roe -

My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go.

Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,

The birth-place of valour, the country of worth!

Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,

The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.

Farewell to the mountains high-covered with snow,

Farewell to the straths and green valleys below,

Farewell to the forests and wild hanging woods,

Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods!

My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here

My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer,

A-chasing the wild deer and following the roe -

My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go


Now you’ll listen to the translation of this poem. (Ученик читает стихотворение наизусть на русском языке)

В горах мое сердце, оно не со мной,

Летит мое сердце оленьей тропой,

За диким оленем и косулей летит,

В горах мое сердце, где б я ни был в пути.

О горы, прощайте, и Север, прощай,

Ты - родина чести, достоинства край,

И где б ни скитался, куда бы ни плыл,

Я горы родные навек полюбил.

Прощайте, вершины и снег у вершин,

Прощайте, долины и зелень низин,

Прощайте, дубравы, где ветви сплелись,

Прощай, шум потоков, несущихся вниз.

В горах мое сердце, оно не со мной

Летит мое сердце оленьей тропой,

За диким оленем и косулей летит,

В горах мое сердце, где б я ни был в пути.

Teacher: Listen to one more story about the famous English writers and poets.

Pupil 3:

I am the famous English writer. I was born in Bombay, India, where my father a professor, worked at that time. I spent my early years in India. When I was six years old, my parents sent me to England, where I went to a school.

I came back to India when I was seventeen years old. At twenty-one I published my first book of my poems. A year later I wrote a book of short stories about India.

Between 1887 and 1899, I visited many countries and lived for some years in America where I married an American girl. I also wrote poems.

At the end of my life I lived in a small village in England. I wrote poems “Six honest serving-men”.


Who is this person? (He is Rudyard Kipling.)Listen to the poem of this poet “Six honest serving-men”. (Ученик читает стихотворение наизусть на английском языке.)

I keep six honest serving-men

(They taught me all I knew);

Their names are What and Why and When

And How and Where and Who.

I send them over land and sea,

I send them east and west;

But after they have worked for me,

I give them all a rest.

I let them rest from nine till five,

For I am busy then,

As well as breakfast, lunch, and tea,

For they are hungry men.

But different folk have different views.

I know a person small-

She keeps ten million serving-men,

Who get no rest at all!

She sends’em abroad on her own affairs,

From the second she opens her eyes-

One million Hows, two million Wheres,

And seven million Whys!

Teacher: One of our pupils has prepared the translation of this poem. Listen to him. (Ученик читает стихотворение наизусть.)

Есть у меня шестерка слуг,

Проворных, удалых.

И все, что вижу я вокруг, —

Все знаю я от них.

Они по знаку моему

Являются в нужде.

Зовут их: Как и Почему,

Кто, Что, Когда и Где.

Я по морям и по лесам

Гоняю верных слуг.

Потом работаю я сам,

А им даю досуг.

Даю им отдых от забот —

Пускай не устают.

Они прожорливый народ —

Пускай едят и пьют.

Но у меня есть милый друг,

Особа юных лет.

Ей служат сотни тысяч слуг, —

И всем покоя нет!

Она гоняет, как собак,

В ненастье, дождь и тьму

Пять тысяч Где, семь тысяч Как,

Сто тысяч Почему!

III. Teacher: Thank you for your information and now I’d like you to do some tasks to check your knowledge. You have lists of paper with written names on your desks. I

The first task will be the contest “Right or wrong?” I will give you sentences about English literature and books in general. You will need to decide whether they are right or wrong.

  1. Jungle book was written by George Byron. -

  2. Fairy-tale is a book that tells an exciting story of crime and violence. -

  3. Smoking, eating and dancing are allowed in the library. -

  4. “Alice in Wonderland” was written by Lewis Carroll. +

  5. Shakespeare was born in London. -

  6. Robert Burns is a Scottish poet. +

  7. Stratford-upon-Avon is the birthplace of Winston Churchill. -

  8. “Romeo and Juliet” is a comedy. -

  9. Many famous British writers are buried in Westminster Abbey. +

  10. Charles Dickens is the author of “Oliver Twist”. +

  11. There are no famous writers in Britain. -

  12. Dictionaries are books about hobbies, crafts, plants, animals and weather. -

Teacher: Oh, you seem to be extremely knowledgeable at English literature. But there is another task.

Key: 1- 2- 3- 4+ 5- 6+ 7- 8- 9+ 10+ 11- 12-

Here you need to compose the parts of the titles of well-known books written by the British writers. Try to do it correctly as quickly as possible. And let us know when you’re ready.












…in a boat






Three men…






…in Wonderland

Key: 1B 2F 3A 4E 5C 6D

And the third task is to choose the correct name.

1….is an English writer whose most famous novel is “Robinson Crusoe”.

  1. D.Defoe;

  2. J.Swift:

  3. W Scott.

2. “Tom Sawyer” is the famous novel written by a well-known American writer:

a) B.Shaw;

b) M.Twain;

c) J.London.

3. “Treasure Island” is an adventure story about…looking for buried treasure:

a) pirates;

b) children;

c) policemen.

4. …wrote his novel “Oliver Twist” in 1838:

a) J.London;

b) Conan Doyle;

c) Ch.Dickens.

5. The English have loved… since the days of Shakespeare:

a) music;

b) the cinema;

c) the theatre.

Teacher: Your time for test is up. Please pass your lists of paper with written names. I hope that today you have learnt much new information. It’s very useful.

Sum up:

  1. Love books. Books are our friends.

  2. Wash your hands before you begin to read.

  3. Never read when you are eating.

  4. Don’t read books in bed. It is bad for your eyes.

  5. Don’t make marks on the pages of a library book with a pen or a pencil.

  6. Don’t make dog’s ears in your book.

  7. Don’t tear the pages of a book.

  8. Take your books back to the library in time.

  9. Choose an author as you choose a friend.

  10. Don’t lose your books. That means that you lose your friends


- Thank you for your work. I’ll give you a useful card «Some good advice» Please, study it once and try to follow this advice.

- That’s all we have time for. Let’s say “Good-bye” to each other.

Progress Check



Task 1













Task 2







Task 3






  1. Love books. Books are our friends.

  2. Wash your hands before you begin to read.

  3. Never read when you are eating.

  4. Don’t read books in bed. It is bad for your eyes.

  5. Don’t make marks on the pages of a library book with a pen or a pencil.

  6. Don’t make dog’s ears in your book.

  7. Don’t tear the pages of a book.

  8. Take your books back to the library in time.

  9. Choose an author as you choose a friend.



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