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Разработка урока по теме Shopping in Great Britain


  • Образовательный аспект – совершенствовать ранее приобретенные навыки и умения устной речи и чтения (поискового и детального), научить умению осуществлять продуктивную речевую деятельность.

  • Развивающий аспект – развитие способности к общению; развитие логичности и доказательности в высказываниях; развитие у учащихся памяти, внимания и мышления.

  • Воспитательный аспект – формирование познавательного процесса расширение коммуникативных возможностей, привитие чувства уважения к культуре страны изучаемого языка, воспитание субъекта межкультурной коммуникации.

Задачи: формирование навыков устной речи по теме "Shopping and Money"; развитие навыков поискового и детального чтения на основе текста " Shopping: the world of money"; знакомство учащихся со знаменитыми торговыми марками Великобритании.

Оборудование: учебник, интерактивная доска, Презентация, компьютер.

I. Организационный момент + Речевая зарядка

– Good day, my dear pupils! I'm glad to see you at our lesson. The topic of our lesson is "Shopping and world of money". So firstly we are going to talk about shopping, then about money. So let's get down to our work. And now I want to ask you some questions.
– Do you like shopping?
– What famous shops in St. Petersburg do you know?
– What is shopping for you?
– What kinds of shops do you know?
– Why do people need money?

II. Развитие умений в чтении (ознакомительное чтение) + проверка понимания прочитанного

– You've named some famous shops in our city, and now we can take a trip to London and go shopping there. We will be travelling by bus. Well, let us start our trip! Let’s go shopping. Our first stop is Harrods, our next stop is Selfridges, stop 3 is Liberty, then we go to Foyles, and Sainsbury’s is our last stop. Let us name all the stops: Harrods, Selfridges, Liberty, Foyles, Sainsbury’s. The sales representatives of different British shops will tell us about their goods.

Kinds of shops. Popular shops in Great Britain

Harrods is the most famous London’s department store. Harrods has about 230 departments, among them 16 food halls and 34 for fashion. The store runs a library, has a bank, sightseeing tours, and also a kennel for customers’ dogs. 40% of Harrods’ business is to foreign customers and there is a total of 50 000 customer a day.
Selfridges is one of the best places to visit in London for its stylish mix of fashion, furniture, food and beauty. Located in Oxford Street, Selfridges is the ultimate shopping experience and the destination for all the latest in the fashion. It was opened on March 15, 1909 and was designed from the beginning as a department store. Its founder Harry Gordon Selfridge boasted that he "made the store the third biggest attraction for sightseers in London," next to Buckingham Palace and the Tower of London.
Liberty located in Regent Street is the region's top shopping destination. It was first built in 1968 on land known as 'Liberty' There are over 100 top name shops, including a wide range of fashion, lifestyle retailers and independent names. The Liberty also hosts a variety of exciting events throughout the year.

Foyles is one of London's most famous bookshops, and has five floors crammed with every kind of book imaginable. The store has been on Charing Cross Road since 1906 and still stocks the UK's largest range of books. Shoppers can also relax in the cafe, listen to music in Ray's Jazz Cafe or visit the art gallery.
Sainsbury's is one of the oldest shops with the most history in the city of London. It opened its first store in 1869 and, slowly, became one of the city?s most important supermarkets.
It is open 24 hours. This store is very important and has everything necessary to be able to go at any time and solve your problem. From food to games as well as clothes and technology. If your camera?s batteries have run out, Sainsbury?s will sort you out and, if you?re hungry when everything else is closed, this is definitely the place to go.

– Ok, we've got a lot of useful information.  And now I want you to help my friend. In a few weeks he is going to England and of course he will do shopping. Please give him advise what shop he should visit to buy 1) clothes, 2) food and drinks, 3) bestsellers and e-books. Thank you, I think you've helped my friend.


Well, let us buy some goods! Repeat after me.We bend down for a shopping basket. Bend down low. Good. Then we go fast along the departments of the shop. We pick some vegetables at the green grocer’s. We continue going. Watch left, watch right. Look. There are cash boxes. We’re ready to pay. Let’s stop here.

III. Развитие умений в чтении (изучающее чтение) + проверка понимания прочитанного

Money, money, money: As you know we can't pay for the products if we haven’t got money, credit cards or cheques. As you know we can't pay for the products if we haven’t got money, credit cards or cheques. To pay for our products we must choose how to pay for them. Repeat after me we can pay: in cash, by cheque, by a bank card.
So let's talk about money. But at first we will read the text.

Shopping: the world of money

Life in the modern world is unthinkable without shops where we can buy food, clothes or other things we may need. We buy white and brown bread, rolls, buns and pastries at the baker’s and go to the butcher’s for sausages, bacon, ham and all sorts of meat: beef, pork, mutton and chicken. Greengrocers supply us with vegetables, such as carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, peas, cucumbers and also with fruit: grapes, pears, plums, tangerines. Confectionary shops are the most popular with children because they provide chocolate, caramels and all kinds of sweets. At the beginning of a school year, stationeries are full of children and their parents who buy copy-books, paper, pens, pencils, paints, brushes, glue and other things children may need at school.  A lot of women are fond of shopping at department stores as they have a great variety of goods in stock: ready-made clothes, fashion clothes, footwear, children’s wear, jewelry, cosmetics, perfume, souvenirs, electrical appliances, hi-fi and what not.  Shop-assistants will help you to choose the right thing and show you the fitting rooms, where you can try on a dress, a suit or any other article of clothes. They will accept your payment and wrap a purchase for you. Customers can pay for their purchase in cash, by cheque or by a bank card. It’s very convenient especially in case you buy something expensive. If people don’t have enough money to buy a thing they want they can borrow money from the bank. Of course, if a bank lends you money, it checks your credit and asks for guarantees. It charges some money for its services as well. On the other hand, a customer has an opportunity to choose a bank where the charge is reasonable. Some people prefer to open a bank account and put their money in the bank to save the sum which is necessary to make a purchase. Modern shopping centres combine shopping and fun. They often look like a city under one roof where you can find cinemas, restaurants, cafes, theme parks with rides, amusements and games. Customers can do their hair at beauty salons, send a telegram or a letter at a post-office and choose a holiday abroad at a travel agency. However, there are people who prefer to do their shopping at a corner shop. These shops are usually situated in the neighbourhood and work long hours, so a customer can go there even at night. Certainly, a range of goods is not as wide as in supermarkets, but the service here is more personal because the shop-assistants who work there usually know their customers very well and can sell things on credit. There is one more advantage – you don’t have to spend your time and money on transport to go to the city centre where the most popular supermarkets and department stores are often located. So any person can choose a place to go shopping to but it sounds like a good idea to go window-shopping first to find the thing you really need at a reasonable price.

IV. Контроль понимания прочитанного:

– What do you associate money with? What kinds of shops are mentioned in the text? What goods can you buy: at the baker’s, at the green grocer’s, at the confectionary shops?
How can you pay for goods?

– Money is not only bills and coins. Nowadays we have different kinds of money.  Why and when do we use these types of money? (слайд)

V. – Tell me please what you associate money with? (слайд) Explain your choice, please.

VI. Your homework is to retell the text (слайд).

– Thank you for your work today. That was nice! Summing up.  (слайд)


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