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Мастер-класс по английскому языку

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Мастер класс по английскому языку для учителей с разными видами деятельности.Есть презентация.

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«Мастер-класс по английскому языку»

Мастер класс учителя английского языка Реус Е.С. на семинаре с учителями английского языка Слободзейского района.

Plan: Good morning, dear friends, my colleagues!

Slide 1: Everybody is now so busy teaching that nobody has any time to learn.

Slide 2: The only way that we can live is if we grow,

The only way that we can grow is if we change.

The only way that we can change is if we learn.

So, my highly respected guests, our motto for the lesson is: Learn. Use. Pass on.

Slide 3: Can you make the word using these letters? (NOICMMUTIVACE).

Slide 4: Well, the theme of our seminar is “The formation of communicative universal learning activities at English lessons”.

The topic of my master-class is introducing with innovative ways of communicative approaches in teaching English.

Materials: pictures, handouts, cards with words, worksheets.

To begin with, the primary task of the English teacher is to develop students’ linguistic skills so that they can communicate effectively and get in touch with English speakers. In addition, the most important tool of the competent teachers is success. Teaching results depend on organization of interesting and exciting lessons.

It is very hard to teach pupils nowadays, because the new generation want to know more and express their opinions. It makes you work harder and find new ways of teaching. It is very important for the teacher to organize different activities to improve pupils’ speaking skills and to make learning English joyful and more interesting.

The formation of communicative universal learning activities at English lessons is actual in modern system of education.

There are a lot of tasks aimed at the formation of universal learning activities.

Slide 5: Typical tasks aimed at communicative activities.

  1. Preparation of oral stories

  2. Dramatization and acting-out

  3. Verbal drawing

  4. Creative retelling on behalf of different characters

  5. Composing on the base of own impressions

  6. Tasks for pair and group working

  7. The use of 3 types of dialogues: a teacher-pupils; a pupil-pupils; a pupil-a pupil.

  8. “Finish the sentence...”

  9. “Describe orally”

  10. “Explain”

  11. “Prove”

  12. “Guess who we are speaking about”

Slide 6: Therefore, we can say, that communicative universal learning activities provide social competence in communication and interaction with schoolfellows and adults.

Now, dear colleagues, enough with theory and it’s high time to begin our practical part of work. When you entered the classroom, you took colourful strips of paper. I ask you to make up groups according to the shape and take your places.

Read about your character according to the shape you’ve chosen.

Today we have 4 groups and each group will have own task.

Let’s begin our work aimed at the formation of communicative universal learning activities. Dear friends, look at the smart board. Before starting your speech practice, have a phonetic drill!

Slide 7: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Dear colleagues, I want you to make some creative tongue-twisters now.

Well, our first group will have a task “Picture gap”.(verbal drawing)

Aim: speaking, listening

Describing people and actions.

Note: One student of the first group should come to the front of the classroom. The teacher gives him a picture and asks him not to show the picture to other students. Students will try to draw a copy of this picture from his description. Then, students will compare two of them and discuss differences.

The second group will do the task “Jigsaw story”

Aim: to encourage students to practice reading.

Note: The teacher writes the title of the story on the blackboard. Each student takes or receives a strip of paper with sentences on it. The teacher tells the second group to put the strips of paper in the right order. Then one of the students reads a full story and after that we’re going to watch a cartoon and compare.

The third group will have the task «Ask the right question”.

Aim: To develop speaking, asking different kinds of questions, making up short dialogues.

Note: The teacher gives students worksheets with words. Students should ask questions taking into account that the word on a piece of paper is the answer to the question.

And, at last the fourth group, they will get a creative task “Role-play” (dramatization).

Aim: to practice oral speech, develop students’ imagination.

Note: Teacher gives students a picture story or a story and asks them to act out this story.

All groups have their tasks and begin to prepare.You have 10-12 minutes. (Music is playing during the work)

(All groups do the tasks, teachers take part in work and discuss).

Well done, my dear colleagues. Stand up now, please! We are going to have some interesting activity. (The singing walrus)-Rest

Of course, these are not the only tasks, which I have prepared for you. You can use in your work other kinds of tasks aimed at communicative competence.

And I can offer you some of them .They are in your file-folders.


-Giving advice

-Explain what you will do in different situations

-Role-playing (using role-cards)

-sentence combining

- The use of topic-cards

-Asking WH-questions

Also, you can use presentations for speaking activity. Today I can offer you one of such kinds of work. The presentation ”Travelling” is aimed at the development of speaking activities. Let’s start.

Moreover, you see that you can find the materials on the Internet.


I would like to thank everybody for the good work. You were very active and got a lot of useful information.

Slide 8: So, did you like our lesson? What is your opinion? Do you find all the materials useful? (Reflex ion) I‘ve prepared for you the technology, which is called «Suitcase, mincer, dustbin”. Now you choose any you consider suitable for yourself and put your colourful shapes into one of these envelopes. Don’t forget to write the kinds of work you choose.

My dear colleagues, you remember at the beginning of our lesson we said that everybody should learn. That’s why I want to finish my lesson with the following words:


Learning gives creativity,

Creativity leads to thinking,

Thinking provides knowledge,

Knowledge makes you great!

Slide 10: Thank you for being with us!


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