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Итоги урока

Medical history

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«Medical history»

Medical history.

1. Introduction

1. What is your name?
2. What is your surname?
3. How old are you?
4. Are you single?
5. Are you married?
6. Where do you work?
7. What is your profession?
8. Where do you live?
9. When were you born?

2. Patient complaints:
1. What kind of trouble do you have?
2. What are your complaints?

3. Patient's anamnesis:
1. Is the trouble acute or chronic?
2. When were you last well?
3. When did your symptoms first begin?

4. Localization and nature of pain:
1. Where do you have pain?
2. Is the pain sharp or dull?
3. Does the pain appear suddenly and disappear quickly?

5. Anamnesis of life:
1. What child diseases did you have?
2. What kind of sickness did you have in the past?
3. Did you ever have measles? Chicken-pox? Whooping cough? German measles?

6. Severe diseases and injuries, operations:
1. Did you have scarlet fever? Malaria? Severe? Anemia?

2. Do you have diabetes?

3. Did you have a serious injury?
4. Did you have a serious operation?

7. Habits:
1. Do you smoke or drink?
2. How often do you take alcoholic drinks?
3. How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?
4. Do you use narcotics?
5. Do you suffer from insomnia?

8. Family history and heredity:
1. Are your parents living?
2. Are they well?
3. Does diabetes (hypertension, tuberculosis, nervousness) run in your family?


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