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Методическая разработка контрольной работы за 1 четверть 7 класса

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итоговая контрольная за 1 четверть, по учебнику Spotlight 7

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«Методическая разработка контрольной работы за 1 четверть 7 класса»

7 класс


  1. Translate into Russian:

fresh air


run into


fairy tale


Knitt knittng

board games


crowded streets

/ 10 баллов

  1. Choose the correct answer:

/ 6 баллов

  1. Choose the odd word out:

  1. bald – young – teenager – elderly

  2. slim – plump – freckles – well-built

  3. spiky – wavy – curly – middle-aged

  4. pretty – ugly – tall – cute

/ 4 балла

  1. Put the verbs into Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple:

  1. Alice… (have) a sister.

  2. They… (drink) tea yesterday.

  3. Her friends usually… (call) her at about 8 o’clock.

  4. I… (play) computer games now.

  5. Sam and Bob… (watch) an interesting film at the moment.

  6. Last summer we… (go) to the seaside.

  7. My mother… (sleep) in the bedroom, so I… (listen) to music in the kitchen.

  8. Nick… (be) my brother, he often… (go) for a walk with me.

  9. My father… (catch) a big fish a week ago.

  10. Look, they… (feed) the kittens.

/ 10 баллов

  1. Read the text and answer the questions:

Hello, Pedro,

Thaks for your letter. I’m very happy you’re my pen friend. Look at the photo I’ve sent you. Here are my friends Bob, Jenny, Kim and I. We live in London. We are Londoners.

Jenny’s mother is from Scotland and her father is from Wales. Bob’s dad is Italian and Bob often visits his grandparents in Italy.

London is great! We have a fantastic zoo and a lot of museums and parks. I usually watch a football match on Saturday afternoons. Do you play football? Bob plays for the football team at school.

My friends and I sometimes go ice-skating or to the cinema. Every Wednesday wo go to an indoor swimming pool. Kim’s the best swimmer. Jenny doesn’t like swimming and I don’t like diving.

Your friend,


  1. Who is Pedro?

  2. Who are Mark’s friends?

  3. Why are they Londoners?

  4. Where is Jenny’s mother from?

  5. What can you do in London?

  6. What do the Londoners do on Wednesdays?

  7. Is Kim a better swimmer than Mark?

  8. What does Mark usually do on Saturdays?

  9. Where do Bob, Kim, Jenny and Mark live?

  10. Does Mark like diving?

/ 10 баллов

  1. Write an article for the school magazine about a person you admire.

Write 60-100 words/ Use:

  • Name and profession

  • Describe the appearance

  • His/her profession

  • Why do you admire him/her

/ 10 баллов


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