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Методическая разработка по английскому языку "Времена группы Perfect"

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«Методическая разработка по английскому языку "Времена группы Perfect"»

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect.

1. – You (see) the latest video game? – No. I not (see) it yet. I am not a gameaholic. 2. Sorry, I think I (lose) the file. You (see) it? – No, I not (see) it. 3. My computer (crash). May I use yours? 4. You’re late. The plane already (take off). 5. Hurrah! We (win) the match! We’re the champions now. 6. Your taxi just (arrive). 7. I’m afraid Fiona isn’t here. She (leave) the office. 8. – Hi, John. I not (see) you for ages! – Hi, Ted. I’m sorry that I not (be) in touch with you recently. I really (be) very busy all this time. 9. – You (finish) the report yet? – No, I (write) only half of it. 10. – You (speak) to your parents today? – I just (call) them. 11. – They (reply) to your email? – Yes, we just (get) a fax from them. 12. You (see) my mobile? I’m sure I (leave) it here. 13. They say that this bank (collapse) and many people (lose) their savings. 14. At last I (do) what I always (want) to do. 15. Look! It (stop) raining and the sun (come out). 16. Since October the dollar (fall) by 10 percent against the other mail currencies.


Упражнение 2.Употребите already или yet. В некоторых случаях возможны оба варианта.

1. Has your new office furniture arrived ………. ? 2. I haven’t met our new secretary ………. .3. Have you ………. finished breakfast? 4. They haven’t got married ………., but they have ………. signed the contract. 5. The film festival hasn’t begun ………., but we have bought the tickets ………. . 6. It has ………. stopped raining. 7. Has it stopped snowing ………. ? 8. – I have ………. paid all my bills . – And I haven’t done it ………. . 9. – Have you seen the new movie ………. ? _Yes. We have ……….. seen it. 10. Has Michael left for work ………. ? 11. – I’m half an hour late ……….. – Don’t worry. 12. – I’ve ……….. had coffee, thank you. – But you haven’t tasted my apple pie ………. . 13. So, have you ………. got those faxes? 14. – Have you heard the latest new ………. ? – Yes, Dick has ………. told me about it. 15. – Has she spoken to you ………. ? – Yes, we’ve ………. discussed everything.


Упражнение 3. Употребите for или since.

1. Mrs. Honey has been a teacher ………. thirteen years. 2. My father has had this car ………. half a year. 3. We have known each other ………. . 2004. 4. I haven’t heard from her ……….. a long time. 5. They haven’t had news from home ……….. May. 6. The astronauts have been in space ……….. a year already. 7. She has had a toothache ………. ten years. 9. The tourists have been in Russia ……….. a week. 10. He has loved her ………. he first saw her. 11. She has been interested in Art ……….. she visited Paris. Dick has been able to count and read ………… he was three years old. 13. He hasn’t been anywhere ……….. he got into hospital. 14. I have known her ……….. my babyhood. 15. He has been in this business ……….. he came back from the Army. 16. He has owned this firm ……….. ten years.

Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Perfect.

1.It was warm and sunny. Spring (come) at last! 2. It snowed yesterday just as the weatherman (promise). 3. Nobody lived in the village. Tsunami (destroy) it. 4. He bought a video camera yesterday. He (dream) of it for so long. 5. The child felt much better now. The doctor (give) it some medicine. 6. Her name was Apple. Her parents (call) her so. 7. They realized that times (change). 8. He couldn’t believe that he (achieve) everything, that he (make) a good career. 9. He (live) in Samara before he came to St. Petersburg. 10. By the time the children returned home from school, Mother (cook) dinner. 11. He was upset. He (lost) his mobile phone again. 12. She couldn’t believe that he (forget) to congratulate her on her birthday. 13. The composer sang the song which he (write) many years before. 14. He was going to tell the detective some facts which he never (tell) anyone. 15. They were discussing the information they (manage) to get.


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