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Методическая разработка по развитию читательской грамотности на уроках английского языка

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Данная разработка включает в себя два варианта. В каждом варианте вы найдете текст о знаменитой личности и задания к ним, такие как озаглавь текст, верно/неверно, множественный выбор, а также задание на страдательный залог и дополни предложения. Задания составлены на основе УМК Rainbow, 8 класс, Unit 4. Можно использовать в качестве итоговой контрольной работы по разделу. Есть ключи к данной разработке. Но здесь прикрепить нет возможности

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«Методическая разработка по развитию читательской грамотности на уроках английского языка»


Variant 1

1). Read the text and choose the most suitable title.

a. The life and achievements of Russian scientist and poet Lomonosov

b. Lomonosov's love for bread and butter

c. Why Lomonosov preferred poetry over science

Lomonosov was a brilliant Russian scientist and poet who made many important contributions to his country. He was born in 1711 and entered university when he was only 19 years old. He graduated with honors and went on to improve his knowledge in many fields, including physics, chemistry, and astronomy.

Lomonosov had many opportunities to develop his skills and make a name for himself. He became a respected member of the scientific community and was known for his groundbreaking work in many areas. His contribution to the field of chemistry, in particular, was highly regarded by his peers.

Despite his success as a scientist, Lomonosov never forgot his love of poetry. He continued to write throughout his life, and his poems were highly regarded by his contemporaries. In fact, some people believe that his poetry was just as important as his scientific work.

In conclusion, Lomonosov was an important figure in Russian history who made significant contributions to science and poetry. He was able to enter university at a young age and graduate with honors, which gave him the opportunity to develop his skills and become a respected member of society. Despite his success in science, he never forgot his love of poetry, which was also an important part of his bread and butter.

2) True or False:

1. Lomonosov was a Russian scientist and poet. _______

2. Lomonosov entered university when he was 29 years old. _______

3. Lomonosov was highly regarded for his work in physics, chemistry, and astronomy. ____

4. Lomonosov's poetry was not as important as his scientific work. _______

5. Lomonosov's peers did not respect his contribution to the field of chemistry. _______

6. Lomonosov was not able to make a name for himself in the scientific community. ______

7. Lomonosov's love of poetry was forgotten after he became a scientist. _______

8. Lomonosov's contemporaries did not appreciate his poetry. _______

9. Lomonosov's success in science prevented him from pursuing his love of poetry. _______

10. Lomonosov was an important figure in Russian history. _______

3) Choose the correct option:

1. Who was Lomonosov?

a) A Russian scientist and poet

b) A French artist

c) An American politician

d) A German philosopher

2. When did Lomonosov enter university?

a) When he was 19 years old

b) When he was 25 years old

c) When he was 30 years old

d) When he was 35 years old

3. What fields did Lomonosov improve his knowledge in?

a) Physics, chemistry, and astronomy

b) Biology, geology, and psychology

c) History, literature, and art

d) Sociology, economics, and politics

4. What was Lomonosov known for in the scientific community?

a) His groundbreaking work in many areas

b) His ability to speak multiple languages

c) His love of poetry

d) His social skills

5. Which field of science was Lomonosov's contribution highly regarded in?

a) Chemistry

b) Physics

c) Astronomy

d) Biology

6. Did Lomonosov continue to write poetry throughout his life?

a) Yes

b) No

7. How were Lomonosov's poems regarded by his contemporaries?

a) Highly regarded

b) Not regarded at all

c) Somewhat regarded

d) Moderately regarded

8. Was Lomonosov's poetry considered less important than his scientific work?

a) No

b) Yes

9. What did Lomonosov never forget despite his success in science?

a) His love of poetry

b) His love of mathematics

c) His love of history

d) His love of sports

10. What did Lomonosov's success in university give him the opportunity to do?

a) Develop his skills and become a respected member of society

b) Travel the world

c) Become a professional athlete

d) Become a famous actor











4) Complete the sentences using the words below.

put down, powerful kingdom, neighborhood, in babyhood, put out the fire, put up with, boredom, leadership, put off till tomorrow, in childhood, brotherhood

1. I'm going for a walk by the ____________________today.

2. When I was ___________________, I used to play with my toys all day long.

3. __________________, my parents used to sing me lullabies to help me fall asleep.

4. The ____________________ had a mighty army and ruled over many lands.

5. I experienced ________________ while waiting for my friend to arrive.

6. ______________skills can be developed through practice and experience.

7. ____________________can be gained from reading books and speaking to wise people.

8.The bond between siblings is called ____________________.

9. You should call the fire department if you cannot ________________ yourself.

10. Don't procrastinate, it's best to do things now and not ___________________.

11. It's not polite to _____(11) others because of their mistakes or shortcomings.

5) Open the brackets using Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive or Present Continuous Passive

1. The table _____(make) of wood.

2. This paper _____(make) from recycled materials.

3. Romeo and Juliet _____(write) William Shakespeare.

4. The pyramids _____(build) in ancient Egypt.

5. America _____(discover) by Christopher Columbus.

6. The newspaper _____(read) by my grandfather.

7. Dinner _____(cook) by my mom every night.

8. The walls _____(paint) any color you want.

9. A hard hat _____(wear) on a construction site.

Name ________________________________________________________________

Variant 2

1). Read the text and choose the most suitable title.

a. The Life and Contributions of Benjamin Franklin

b. Benjamin Franklin, the Inventor of the Telephone

c. The Negative Impact of Benjamin Franklin's Inventions on Society

d. Did Benjamin Franklin Spend His Entire Life in Boston?

Franklin was a brilliant man who made many contributions to the world. He was born in Boston and had to enter the workforce at a young age to support his family. Despite not having a formal education, Franklin was a self-made man who worked hard to improve his knowledge and skills.

Franklin had many opportunities in his life, but he always remained humble and respectful of others. He believed that hard work was his bread and butter, and he never took anything for granted.

One of Franklin's most respected accomplishments was his development of the lightning rod. This invention helped protect buildings from lightning strikes and saved many lives. Franklin was also known for his love of poetry and his ability to write well.

In addition to his inventions and writing, Franklin was also an immigrant who believed in the power of education. He graduated from a school for boys and girls, which was a rare opportunity for someone of his background. He used his knowledge to help develop the United States into a respected nation.

In conclusion, Franklin was a remarkable man who made significant contributions to the world. His brilliance and hard work allowed him to achieve great things, and his legacy continues to inspire people today.

2) True or False:

1. Franklin was born in Boston. ___________

2. Franklin had a formal education. ___________

3. Franklin was a self-made man. ___________

4. Franklin was not humble and respectful of others. ___________

5. Franklin's development of the lightning rod saved many lives. ___________

6. Franklin was not interested in poetry. ___________

7. Franklin believed in the power of education. ___________

8. Franklin did not graduate from a school for boys and girls. ___________

9. Franklin's knowledge helped develop the United States into a respected nation. ________

10. Franklin's legacy does not inspire people today. ___________

3) Choose the correct option:

1. Where was Franklin born?

A. New York

B. Boston

C. Philadelphia

D. Washington D.C.

2. What did Franklin have to do at a young age to support his family?

A. Enter the workforce

B. Go to school

C. Travel the world

D. Join the military

3. Despite not having a formal education, what did Franklin do to improve his knowledge and skills?

A. He went to college

B. He read books and taught himself

C. He took online courses

D. He hired a tutor

4. How did Franklin view hard work?

A. As a burden

B. As his bread and butter

C. As unnecessary

D. As a waste of time

5. What was one of Franklin's most respected accomplishments?

A. His love of poetry

B. His ability to write well

C. His development of the lightning rod

D. His work as an immigrant

6. What did Franklin believe in the power of?

A. Hard work

B. Education

C. Money

D. Fame

7. What kind of school did Franklin graduate from?

A. A school for boys only

B. A school for girls only

C. A school for boys and girls

D. A school for immigrants only

8. What did Franklin use his knowledge to do?

A. Develop the United States into a respected nation

B. Travel the world

C. Write poetry

D. Invent new things

9. What is Franklin's legacy?

A. To inspire people today

B. To be forgotten

C. To be remembered as a failure

D. To be remembered as a liar

10. What can we learn from Franklin's life?

A. That hard work pays off

B. That education is important

C. That anyone can achieve great things

D. All of the above











4) Complete the sentences using the words below.

in childhood, put up with, put out the fire, brotherhood, boredom, leadership, neighborhood, powerful kingdom, in babyhood, put off till tomorrow

1. I live in a friendly _______________ with lots of parks.

2. ______________, I loved playing with my friends at the park.

3. ____________, I learned how to crawl and babble.

4. The ________________ had many knights and castles for protection.

5. __________________ is when you have nothing to do and feel restless.

6. _____________ means guiding and motivating a group of people towards a common goal.

7. ________________ is a bond between male siblings or a close group of friends.

8. We need to _______________________ before it spreads to other buildings.

9. Don't _____________________ what you can do today.

10. Sometimes we have to __________________ annoying people we don't like.

5) Open the brackets using Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive or Present Continuous Passive

1. The table _____(make) of wood.

2. This cake _____(make) from flour and sugar.

3. Romeo and Juliet _____(write) William Shakespeare.

4. The pyramids _____(build) in ancient Egypt.

5. America _____(discover) by Christopher Columbus.

6. The newspaper _____(read) by my father.

7. Dinner _____(cook) by my mom every evening.

8. The walls _____(paint) any color you like.

9. A helmet _____(wear) when riding a motorcycle.


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