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Методическая разработка урока "Джейн Эйр" с использованием видеофрагментов из фильма

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Урок по фильму Джейн Эйр с использованиемвидео

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«Методическая разработка урока "Джейн Эйр" с использованием видеофрагментов из фильма»

План урока английского языка по роману Ш. Бронте «Джейн Эйр»

11 класс учебник Spotlight

Тема: What Is Love?

Цель: выработать у учащихся умения и навыки творческой познавательной деятельности на основе произведения английской литературы.

Тип урока: урок обучения разговору, чтению, аудированию (комбинированный)


Практические: -организовать поисковое чтение

- расширить словарный запас учащихся

- способствовать развитию аудирования и устной речи

Образовательные: - расширение кругозора учащихся, повышение интереса к английскому языку

через художественное произведение.

Развивающие: - способствовать развитию творческой познавательной активности, формированию

навыков и умений общения, выступления перед аудиторией.

Оснащение урока: УМК « Английский в фокусе» 11 класс О.В. Афанасьева, Дж. Дули « Просвещение» 2016, компьютер, раздаточный материал для чтения, видеофрагменты, иллюстрации к произведению.

Ход урока

  1. Начало урока

Организационный момент.

- Good morning, pupils! Glad to see you in a good mood! I hope you are fine. Sit down, please.

2. Введение в тему урока. Просмотр трейлера к фильму. ( C М Фасбендером)

T: - Let’s start our lesson with a video fragment. Get ready to formulate the theme of our lesson.

Просмотр 2 мин. Предлагаю сформулировать тему на основе увиденного.

T: - Did you enjoy this extract? At the end of the lesson get ready to answer the question “What is love?”

  1. Целеполагание

We’ll speak today about Jane Eyre – the novel written by Ch. Bronte. This story is too marvelous for words. The author is a writer of a standing reputation (признанный автор).

It is a universally recognized masterpiece of European literature. The novel is unique and inimitable (неподражаемая). This year is the anniversary of the author’s birthday (1816-2016)

  1. Aудирование текста с последующим выполнением задания T/F

T:-There are a lot of books about love but one of the most popular English love-story writers is Ch. Bronte. Let’s listen to the information about her life and say if the sentences on the cards are true or false.

  1. Aудирование отрывка. Оne of the pupils reads about Ch. Bronte.


Charlotte Bronte was a famous English writer. Her four published novels that are partly autobiographical are still widely read today.
Born in Thornton, Yorkshire in 1816, Charlotte was the third daughter of Patrick Bronte and Maria Branwell. Her father was a clergyman and the family was quite poor. There were 6 children in it – 5 girls and one boy. In 1824 the four eldest girls were sent to Cowan Bridge School, which was famous for its poor conditions. The children lived in cold dark rooms and were always hungry. Later Ch. Bronte described the school in her novel “Jane Eyre”, so we can say that the novel is partly autobiographical.
When Charlotte Bronte left school she became a teacher at school for girls. The Bronte sisters wrote poems and novels. Their first book was published in 1846. Charlotte’s first novel was “The professor” but Jane Eyre is her true claim to greatness. It was first published under the pen name of Currer Bell in October 1847.

Charlotte Bronte is greatly admired for her use of language and her emotional honesty.

The writer died in 1855. But her novel is one of the most passionate and popular romances in the English literature.

b). Выполнение задания True/False.

T: - Now the statements and mark them T or F.

(У каждого ученика карточка с предложениями)

1. Charlotte was born in Thornton in 1816.
2. She was the fourth daughter in the family.
3. She was from a rich family.
4. After the death of Charlotte’s mother, her mother’s sister came to look after the family.
5. The children were sent to Cowan Bridge School.
6. When Charlotte left school she became a doctor.
7. Her first novels were published under a pen name.
8. The writer died from cancer.
9. Her novels were partly autobiographical.

5. Работа с 1-м эпизодом

T: -Let’s watch the first part. There will be some key words:

На доске:

а). - аdmit –допускать зд.- принять в школу

- deceitful – лживый

- benefactress – благодетельница

- рit – яма

- wicked – злой, безнравственный, грешный время

b). Просмотр первого отрывка ( в доме Mrs. Reed) 02:37-04:20

До просмотра обращаю внимание учащихся на вопросы (на доске):

предлагаемые ответы

- Who? - Jane, Mr. Brocklehurst, Mrs. Reed, her children

- What? - punishment, behavior

- Where? - in Mrs. Reed’s house, Lowood school

- When? - in autumn

- Why? - because Mr. Brocklehurst didn’t like Jane,

he was cruel

  • How? - strictly, severely, roughly, (im)patiently, passionately

T: - Put down the main information in short while watching.

с). Просмотр эпизода. Проверка записанной информации.

T: - What have you written? Let’s read.


d). Чтение диалога по ролям

T: - Get ready to read the dialogue artistically

Mrs. Reed: This is the little girl I spoke to you about.
Mr. Brocklehurst: She is small. How old is she?
Mrs. Reed: Ten years.
Mr. Brocklehurst: So small? Your name, little girl?
Jane: Jane Eyre, sir.
Mr. Brocklehurst: Well, Jane Eyre, and are you a good child?
Mrs. Reed: It is better to say nothing about it, Mr. Brocklehurst.
Mr. Brocklehurst: Sorry indeed to hear it. I must talk to her. Come here, Jane Eyre. Do you know where the wicked go after death?
Jane: They go to hell.
Mr. Brocklehurst: And what is hell? Can you tell me that?
Jane: A pit full of fire.
Mr. Brocklehurst: And should you like to fall into that pit, and to be burning there forever?
Jane: No sir.
Mr. Br: What must you do to avoid it?
Jane: I must keep in good health, and not die.
Mrs. Reed: Do you see, Mr. Brocklehurst? What did I tell you? She needs proper discipline. Say you`ll admit her to Lowood School. And tell the teachers to be very strict with her. She is deceitful.
Jane: I`m not deceitful. If I were, I should say I loved you. But I dislike you the worst of anybody in the world.
Mr. Brocklehurst: Child, how dare you speak to your benefactress that way?
Mrs. Reed: Take her away!
Jane: I am happy that you are not relation of mine. I’ll never come to see you when I am grown up; and if anyone asks me how you treated me, I’ll tell them you were cruel and horrible to me.


T: - Let’s make a brief summary. Answer my questions, please.

  1. Who are the main characters of the extract?

  2. What did they do?

  3. What did they discuss?

Примерные ответы учащихся:

  • We have seen the family of Mrs. Reed.

  • They didn’t like Jane.

  • Mrs. Reed invited Mr. Brocklehurst. She wanted him to admit Jane to school.

  • They accused her of being deceitful.

  • So, she was sent to the Lowood school.

T: - Well done. Now we know the main characters.

  1. Подготовка к чтению. Характеристика героев.

a). I want you to revise some adjectives. They’ll help us to describe the characters.

Divide them in 2 columns

Раздаю примерно по 3 на парту. Предлагаю разместить на доске cлова

+ -

kind, loving, weak, rude, sociable, independent, clever, honest, cunning, courageous, responsible, greedy, akin (родственный, родной, близкий), deceitful

  1. Проверка домашнего задания

T: - Your home task was reading of the 23-d chapter. Let’s check it up.


a). Просмотр 2-го эпизода

T: - While watching the next episode put down the maximum information about:

примерный ответ

  • Names: - Jane

-Mr. Rochester

-Mrs. Ferfax


- Figures: -28 day week

-not a single letter


- Places: -Ireland


T: - What have you written? (Читают. Сравниваем)

T:- Well done. I think now you are ready to work with the text. Find in it the words I’ll pronounce in Russian. Supply them with the equivalents.

a). 1. adhesiveness - зд. привязанность (attachment, affection)

2. perceive – принимать, осознавать, постигать (understand, realize, сomprehend)

3. asquire – приобретать (gain)

4. affection - привязанность, любовь, расположение (love)

5. to part – расставаться (leave)

6. hour of repose is expired – час отдыха миновал (passed through)

7. a blow – удар ( kick-ногой, punch- кулаком, hit- удар, толчок, успех, удача)

8. prostrate- зд. сразить, сломить (strike down, break)

9. acuteness – проницательность, острота (keenness – острота, усердие )

10. shelter - приют, убежище, укрытие

asylum – убежище, приют

T:- Thank you. Fine.

  1. Работа в парах P1-----P2 T:- This chapter is a summit of the novel. We’ve come to the very hart of the text.

Work in pairs, ask each other questions.

Примерные вопросы:

  1. Did Mr. Rochester really want Jane to leave Thornfield?

  2. Where did he decide to send her?

  3. What was her reaction?

  1. T:- You know a lot about Jane and Mr. Rochester now. Think a little bit and get ready to describe them. Use the set phrases and adjectives on the blackboard.

  1. Conclusion. Рефлексия.

T: - Unfortunately we are pressed in time. We should make a conclusion.

Can you answer now the question “What is love?” What kind of feeling is i?

Do you remember any proverbs on this theme?

-Beauty lies in lover’s eyes. –Не красивая красива, а любимая.

-Beauty is but skin-deep. – С лица воды не пить. Красота недолговечна. Красота приглядится, а ум вперед пригодится.

- Love is blind as well as hatred. Любовь как и ненависть слепа.

-Love will creep where it may not go. Для любви нет преград. 4

10. Home task

To read ch. XXXVI

11. Marks


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