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Методическая разработка урока по предмету «Английский язык» на тему «Компьютер в нашей жизни»

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Цели и задачи урока:

  • Учебные: Формирование и развитие навыков и умений всех видов речевой деятельности: умение работать с новой лексикой, воспринимать незнакомый текст с извлечением основной информации, обсуждать проблемы по данной теме в монологических высказываниях, развивать навыки аудирования с извлечением определенной информации на основе аутентичного текста, обучение письму как средству высказывания и аргументации ;
  • Развивающие: Развивать способности к осмысленности восприятия и к распределению внимания, к слуховой дифференциации, к логическому изложению содержания высказывания, к формулированию выводов из прочитанного и услышанного, развивать способности к коммуникабельности как явному или неявному выражению своего отношения к теме
  • Воспитательные: Развивать способности к самостоятельному труду и самооценке. Развивать у детей познавательную активность на уроке.


Тип урока:обьяснение нового материала


Методы и приёмы:индивидуальные,фронтальные ,групповые


Оснащение урока: учебник Английский для технических вузов/И.П. Агабекян.,  раздаточный материал, компьютер, проектор, презентация выполнена в программе “Power Point.”


  1. Орг.момент: – Good morning, dear students. Take your seats, please. I’m very glad to see you at English lesson again. There are many guests at our lesson. Are you nervous? Please, don’t! I’m sure everything will be alright.
  2. Checking up: We are going to check your home task at first.

Enclosure 1


access — to find information, especially on a computer

crash — a complete breakdown of a computer system or program

database — a large amount of information stored in computer system

E-mail (electronic mail) — a system that allows mes­sages to be sent from one computer to another

floppy disk (diskette) — a small removable magnetic disc which is used to store data

hard disk — magnetic disk inside a computer that stores data and programs

hardware — the electrical and mechanical parts of a

computer system including the screen, the keyboard

and the hard disk

laptop — a computer small enough to be held on one's

knees for use

multimedia — the combination of sound, graphics and

video to present information on a computer

software — programs that ran a computer

the Internet — an international network of computers

virtual reality (VR) — the effect produced by using computer images to make places or situations look real when they are not

virus — program secretly introduced into a computer, which makes copies of itself and often damages other programs

web site (site) — a place on the Internet that gives you information about a particular subject or product

World Wide Web — the system that stores information for computer users around the world



Answer the questions. Use the glossary.     ( answers are given)

1. What computer system makes it possible to send letters very quickly? (E-mail)

2. What system allows computer users around the world to send and to obtain information? (The Internet)

3. What programs provide colourful pictures and sound? (Multimedia)

4. What is the name of a computer-created “world”, which seems almost completely real? (Virtual reality)

5. What is a special term, which means “to obtain stored information from a computer's memory”? (Access)

6. What do we call a disk on which a large quantity of information can be stored? (Hard disk)

7. What do you call a sudden, unexpected computer failure? (Crash)

8. What is the term for the electrical or electronic components of a computer? (Hardware)

9. What do we call a large collection of data that is stored in a computer system? (Database)

10. What is the term for a set on instructions secretly put into a computer that destroys the information stored in it and stops it from working normally? (Virus)

11.Where on the Internet can you look for about products and services offered by a company or organisation? (Website)

12.What is WWW? (World Wide Web)

13.What store of information can you easily put into your pocket? (Floppy disk, diskette)

14.What do we call a set of computer programs to control the operation of a computer ? (Software)

15. What kind of computer can you use on the plane? (Laptop)

III. Presentation of the new language


       The term computer is used to describe a device made up of a combination of electronic and electromechanical(part electronic and part mechanical) components.

Computer has no intelligence by itself and is referred to as hardware/A computer system is a combination of five elements:






  When one computer system is set up to communicate with another computer system,connectivity becomes the sixth system element.In other words,the manner in which the various individual systems are connected –for example  , by phone lines , microwave transmission , or satellite-is an element of the total computer system.

    Software is the term used to describe the instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task.Without software instruction , the hardware doesn”t  know what to do.People , however , are the most important component of the computer system: they create the computer software instructions and respond to the procedures that those instructions present.

   The basic job of the computer is the processing of information. Computers accept information in the form of instruction called a program and characters called data to perform mathematical and logical operations , and then give the results. The data is raw material while information is organized , processed , refined and useful for decision making . Computer is used to conert data into information. Computer is also used to store information in the digital form.










Procedures-процедуры, операции


Raw –необработанный, сырой

To come to life-оживать

To connect-соединять

To convert-превращать, преобразовывать

To create-создавать

To evaluate-оценивать

To refer to as-оценивать

To refine-очищать

To respond-отвечать


Various- различные

2.  Which of the listed below terms have Russian equivalents:

     Computer, diskette, metal, processer, scanner, information, data, microphones, printer, modem, Internet



3. Which of the listed above statements are true/ false. Specify your answer using the text.

1)Computer is made of electronic components so it is referred to as electronic device.

2)Computer has no intelligence until software is loaded.

3)There are five elements of computer system: hardware, software, people, diskettes and data.

4)The manner in which compiters are connected is the  connectivity.

5)Without software instructions hardware doesn”t know what to do.

6)The software is the most important component because it is made by people.

7)The user inputs data into computer to get information as an output.

8)Computer is used to help people in decision making proсess


4.  Match the following:

1)…doesn”t come to life until it is connected to other parts of a system.

2)…is the term used to describe the instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task.

3)….create the computer software instructions and respond to the procedures that those instructions present.

4)Information in the form  of instruction is called a….

5)The manner in which the various individual systems are connected is…

6)….is organized , processed and useful for decision making.

7)The basic job of the computer is the…..



                     c)processing of information





5.  Production exercise




6. Vocabulary work

Даётся перевод обоих значений слов (догадка по дефиниции) и учащиеся записывают слова в тетради.



a mouse –


1) мышь;

2) мышка (компьютерная)

to surf –


1) заниматься серфингом;

2) бродить по Интернету

a flame –


1) пламя;

2) неприветливое (грубое) письмо по электронной почте

to boot –


1) ударить ногой;

2) стартовать компьютер

a bug –


1) жук;

2) ошибка в компьютерной программе

a geek –


1) фокусник, иллюзионист;

2) профессионал в компьютерном деле


Учитель предлагает учащимся составить несколько предложений, используя новые слова из данного упражнения и набрать их в текстовом редакторе.


Sample answers: Yesterday my brother got a flame when he was surfing the Internet. We are going to buy a new mouse for our PC. This one doesn’t work. I can’t boot my computer, there’s something wrong. Michael is a real geek, he knows everything in the world of computers.


VI. Conclusion

T. On the Internet chat I found a message of one of the users. You can read it on the screen.

  • Computer is a great invention. What could our live be without a computer? Most of people of my age play online games, chat on ICQ or forums. But you know, I really miss old times, when a rare letter was so pleasant to be received! And now - everybody are at home, Internet influences them greatly. And nobody wants to dream; to write stories or poems... We all are caught in a large net. It looks like freedom, but it's a prison, though very nice to be in. So I make an appeal to focus on our life! The world around us is full of wonders...          F0rza (the Internet user)

As you see there are some people who want to use new inventions but still have old and beloved values. Give you opinion on such point of view.   Ss’ answers could vary.

Everybody worked hardly and your marks are ………………….

Teacher: Our lesson comes to its end. Thank you very much for being here, that was a great pleasure to work with you. Do not forget to give your reflection of the lesson in your card given. (See enclosure 2)     See you next lesson. Good bye.

VI Hometask : Text “Computer “(retelling)



















Зам. директора по УР

_________Бисалиева Ж.Е.

                                                                     «___»_______2015 г.





Методическая разработка  урока

по предмету «Английский язык»

на тему «Компьютер в нашей жизни»




Преподаватель: Тулепбергенова Г.С







Уральск – 2015 г.


Рекомендуем курсы ПК и ППК для учителей

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