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Методическая разработка урока по теме Your private life (the third conditional)

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Методическая разработка урока по грамматической теме " Третий тип условных предложений"

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«Методическая разработка урока по теме Your private life (the third conditional)»

Методическая разработка урока

по теме

Your Private Life

(the third conditional)

Разработано : Кузиной Еленой Александровной


учителем английского языка

(1 категория)

МОУ СШ №27

Тракторозаводского района

г. Волгограда

(стаж педагогической работы: 31 год)

г.Волгоград. 2016г.

ТЕМА УРОКА: Your Private Life (the Third Conditional)

КАТЕГОРИЯ ОБУЧАЮЩИХСЯ: учащиеся 8 класса, предпороговый уровень владения языком.


Научить учащихся говорить о воображаемых ситуациях в прошлом и выражать сожаление о прошлом.

1. Научить видеть логическую взаимосвязь грамматических структур в условных предложениях всех трех типов.

2. Повысить мотивацию изучения английского языка, используя возможности ИКТ.

Научить правильному языковому поведению в ситуациях языкового общения.

ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ И МАТЕРИАЛЫ: компьютер и мультимедийный проектор, программы MS Power Point, Flash, доска, мультимедийные презентации, Интернет ресурсы http://genkienglish.net/milliondollars.htm, раздаточные материалы.

ОЖИДАЕМЫЕ РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: к концу урока учащиеся смогут говорить о воображаемых ситуациях в прошлом и выражать сожаление о прошлом в соответствующих коммуникативных ситуациях

СВЕДЕНИЯ О ПРОГРАММЕ учебник Вирджиния Иванс, Дженни Дули,«Английский в фокусе 8», Москва, “Просвещение”, 2015 г.,

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент. Oбьяснение целей урока.

Учитель: Today we’ll have a talk about your private life. You’ll learn how to talk about an imaginary situation in the past, you’ll read the text and study a new point of grammar – the Third Conditional – listen to the dialogue, make up your own dialogues and learn how to express regrets.

  1. Речевая зарядка.

Учитель: Let’s have a talk. I’d like you to answer some of my questions about your private life.

  • Do you live in a house or in a flat?

  • Does your mother work?

  • Who cooks dinner in your family?

  • Who cleans the flat in your family?

  • When do you wake up?

  • Do you go to school?

  • Who is your favourite singer?

  1. Повторение. Придаточные условные предложения.

    1. Заполнение пропусков.

Учитель: Now let’s see how your life would be different if you were a famous singer.

Look at the sentences, read them and complete.

1) If I were a famous singer, I _______ ( live) in a big house in the country.

2) My family _______ (live) with me if I were a famous singer and we _______ (have) lots of servants.

3) I _______ (not have) to cook dinner or clean the flat.

4) Of course, I _______ (go) to school.

5) I _______ (wake up) at eleven and start recording

Ключи: 1)would live 2) would live 3) wouldn’t have to 4) wouldn’t go 5) would wake

    1. Повторение. Придаточное условное предложение первого типа.

а) Повторение особенностей образования и употребления придаточных условных предложений первого типа. ( заполнение таблицы №1 происходит поэтапно, по мере ответов на вопросы учителя)

      • What situation do we speak about in the first conditional? (The situation is future)

      • What tense do we use in the if-sentence? (Present Simple)

      • What tense do we use in the main clause? (Future Simple )

      • Read the example.

Таблица №1 Conditional 1


If sentence

main clause


If + Present Simple

If I do my homework

shall/will + V1

I shall go for a walk.

б) Составление собственных примеров.

Make up your own sentences. Begin them:

If I do my homework,…….

    1. Повторение. Придаточное условное предложение второго типа.

a ) Повторение особенностей образования и употребления придаточных условных предложений второго типа. ( заполнение таблицы происходит поэтапно, по мере ответов на вопросы учителя)

Conditional 2


If sentence

main clause


If + Past Simple

If I were a princess?

would + V1

I would live in a palace.

      • What situation do we speak about in the second conditional? (The situation is present)

      • What tense do we use in the if-sentence? (Past Simple)

      • What form of the verbs do we use in the main clause? ( would + V1)

      • Read the example.

в) Составление собственных примеров.

Make up your own sentences. Begin them:

If I were a princess,……

VI. Придаточное условное предложение третьего типа.

  1. Особенности употребления.

Учитель: There is one more conditional sentence – Conditional 3. These sentences refer to situations in the past, when things were different.

Listen to the story.

A Story. This is Nick. I knew him very well and he never had much money, but he loved Ferraris very much. He wanted to buy his own Ferrari, but he never had money to buy it.

If Nick had had money, he would have bought a Ferrari.

(учащиеся повторяют пример хором и индивидуально)

  1. Образование условного предложение третьего типа

What tense do we use in the conditional sentence when we speak about future situations? (Present Simple)

What tense do we use in the conditional sentence when we speak about present situations? (Past Simple)

How do we call this rule? (one tense back).

Following this rule, what tense should we use for past situations? (Past Perfect)

What do we use in the main clause in the third conditional? (would + perfect infinitive)

VII. Работа с текстом.

  1. Чтение текста, работа в парах.

Учитель:This isn’t the only story about Nick.

Once Nick had a bad day.

In the pile there is a story “A Bad Day”, but it is in the wrong order and you task is to form pairs and to restore the order of the story.

1. When he got to the airport he understood he had forgotten his passport. So he jumped in a taxi and returned home. He took his passport from the coffee table, got in a taxi and went back to the airport.

2. The police detained him for three hours and he missed his flight again. Nick went home and decided never to fly again!

3. When he arrived at the airport, he saw that he had missed his flight. He had to pay 500 dollars for another ticket for the next flight.

4. One mile from the airport the taxi broke down. He tried to flag down another, but they were all taken and so he ran the rest of the way.

5. Nick had to be at the airport for his flight at 9am, but his alarm didn't go off and he overslept. He got dressed very quickly, threw everything into his suitcase and ran out of the house.

6. While he was waiting, he went to buy a book. He was so preoccupied with his difficult morning that he walked out of the shop without paying and was arrested by the police.

(Правильный порядок:

Nick had to be at the airport for his flight at 9am, but his alarm didn't go off and he overslept. He got dressed very quickly, threw everything into his suitcase and ran out of the house.
When he got to the airport he understood he had forgotten his passport. So he jumped in a taxi and returned home. He took his passport from the coffee table, got in a taxi and went back to the airport.
One mile from the airport the taxi broke down. He tried to flag down another, but they were all taken and so he ran the rest of the way.
When he arrived at the airport, he saw that he had missed his flight. He had to pay 500 dollars for another ticket for the next flight.
While he was waiting, he went to buy a book. He was so preoccupied with his difficult morning that he walked out of the shop without paying and was arrested by the police.

The police detained him for three hours and he missed his flight again. Nick went home and decided never to fly again! )

  1. Проверка. Чтение текста вслух.

  2. Заполнение таблицы.

Учитель: Did Nick had a good day or a bad day?

What were his problems?

What were results?

(Учащиеся находят в тексте возникшие у Ника проблемы и их последствия. Ответы последовательно заносятся в таблицу под буквами А)



A The alarm didn’t go off 

B The alarm went off

 he overslept

he didn’t oversleep

 A He forgot his passport

B He didn’t forget his passport

he returned home 

he didn’t return home

A The taxi broke down 

B the taxi didn’t break down

 he ran the rest of the way

he didn’t run the rest of the way

A He missed his flight 

B He didn’t miss the flight

 he had to pay 500 $

he didn’t have to pay 500$

 A He didn’t pay

B He paid

 the police arrested him

the police didn’t arrest him

 A The police detained him

B The police didn’t detain him

 he missed the flight

he didn’t miss the flight

Учитель: Imagine that Nick had a good day. Complete the table.

( Учащиеся заполняют таблицу, последовательно занося результаты под буквой В)

  1. Cоставление предложений

Учитель: Imagine that Nick had a good day. Make up if- sentences using information from the table.

Example: If the alarm had gone off he wouldn’t have overslept.

  1. Составление правила.

Учитель: What kind of situations did we talk about? Were the real or imaginary? Complete the following rule: We use the third conditional to speak about an …….. situation on the…….. (imaginary, past)

VIII Диалоги.

1. Аудирование. (употребление условных предложений третьего типа для выражения сожаления)

Учитель: The third conditional is used not only in speaking about an imaginary situation

but also for expressing regrets. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the gaps.




I’d better not watched that 1) ……….. film last night.

Really? 2)……..

If I hadn’t watched it? I wouldn’t have 3)……. nightmares then.

Ключи:1) horror 2) Why? 3) had

2.Работа в парах. Чтение диалогов.

3.Подбор соответствия проблем и причин.

Учитель: Match the problems to the reasons



  1. eat so much chocolate

  2. leave my umbrella at home

  3. forget to put on sun cream

  4. go out without a coat

  5. forget to set the alarm clock

    1. catch a cold

    2. wake up

    3. put on weight

    4. get wet

    5. get sunburnt

Ключи: 1-d; 2-e; 3-a; 4-b;5-c

4. Работа в парах, составление собственных диалогов.

5. Драматизация диалогов.

6. Формулирование правила

Complete the following rule: We use the third conditional to speak about A) an …….situation on the…….. (imaginary, past) B) to express a …………. (regret)

IX Работа с песней.

  1. Прослушивание песни. (http://genkienglish.net/milliondollars.htm)

    If you had a million dollars

    If you had a million dollars, what would you do?
    What would you do?
    If you had a million dollars, what would you do?
    What would you do?

    I'd buy the biggest boat
    I'd drive the fastest car
    I'd watch the biggest TV
    I'd see the greatest movies

    I'd eat the nicest food
    I'd listen to the coolest songs
    I'd party at the hippest night clubs
    I'd dance with the hottest girls

    I'd buy, I'd drive, I'd watch, I'd eat, I'd listen and I'd party all day.
    I'd buy, I'd drive, I'd watch, I'd eat, I'd listen and I'd dance all night.

    I'd learn to play guitar
    I'd drink the finest wine
    I'd wear the brightest diamonds.
    I'd speak fluent English

    I'd swim the longest river
    I'd climb the tallest mountain.
    I'd travel around the world
    I'd give it all away

    I'd learn, I'd drink, I'd speak, I'd swim, I'd climb, I'd give it all away
    I'd learn, I'd drink, I'd speak, I'd swim, I'd climb, I'd give it all away

  2. Работа с картинками.

Учитель: Listen to the song once more and tick the right pictures (Приложение 1, 2)

X Заключительный этап урока

1. Подведение итогов.

2. Домашнее задания.

Приложение 1

Приложение 2


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