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Mixed conditionals.

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Mixed conditionals. Образование и употребление. Для учащихся 7-9 классов.

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«Mixed conditionals.»

 Mixed Conditional.    Подготовила: Учитель английского языка Гукова А.А

Mixed Conditional.


Учитель английского языка

Гукова А.А

 Mixed Conditional.    В Mixed Conditional, используется сочетание частей двух разных типов условных предложений — второго и третьего. Сочетания бывают двух видов.

Mixed Conditional.

  • В Mixed Conditional, используется сочетание частей двух разных типов условных предложений — второго и третьего. Сочетания бывают двух видов.
 Смысл и структура 1   Здесь мы говорим о том, что могло бы быть в настоящем или будущем, если бы что-то произошло в прошлом — то есть о нереальной ситуации:

Смысл и структура 1

  • Здесь мы говорим о том, что могло бы быть в настоящем или будущем, если бы что-то произошло в прошлом — то есть о нереальной ситуации:
 Смысл и структура 2: Third Conditional в главном предложении + Second Conditional в придаточном  Здесь мы говорим о нереальной ситуации в прошлом, которая могла бы произойти, если бы соблюдалось условие, относящееся к настоящему. If they were better players, their team would have scored more yesterday.

Смысл и структура 2:

  • Third Conditional в главном предложении + Second Conditional в придаточном Здесь мы говорим о нереальной ситуации в прошлом, которая могла бы произойти, если бы соблюдалось условие, относящееся к настоящему.
  • If they were better players, their team would have scored more yesterday.
Употребите Mixed conditionals: I don't know what I (to do) now if he (to refuse) to help me 2 days ago If he (not to be) so smart, he (not to pass) the test yesterday If you (to know) the answer, you (to share) it with me then? If you (to love) French, you (to make) friends with her at that time If I (not to know) you, I (to think) you were joking when you said that If you (to have) the time, you (to meet) her back then? If she (to be) polite, she (to apologize) then If he (not to do) exercises himself, he (not to be able) to solve the equation at the exam

Употребите Mixed conditionals:

  • I don't know what I (to do) now if he (to refuse) to help me 2 days ago
  • If he (not to be) so smart, he (not to pass) the test yesterday
  • If you (to know) the answer, you (to share) it with me then?
  • If you (to love) French, you (to make) friends with her at that time
  • If I (not to know) you, I (to think) you were joking when you said that
  • If you (to have) the time, you (to meet) her back then?
  • If she (to be) polite, she (to apologize) then
  • If he (not to do) exercises himself, he (not to be able) to solve the equation at the exam
 Проверь себя! I don't know what I would do now if he had refused to help me 2 days ago. If he were not so smart, he would not have passed the test yesterday. If you knew the answer, would you have shared it with me then? If you loved French, you would have made friends with her at that time. If I did not know you, I would have thought you were joking when you said that. If you had the time, would you have met her back then? If she were polite, she would have apologized then. If he did not do exercises himself, he would not have been able to solve the equation at the exam.

Проверь себя!

  • I don't know what I would do now if he had refused to help me 2 days ago.
  • If he were not so smart, he would not have passed the test yesterday.
  • If you knew the answer, would you have shared it with me then?
  • If you loved French, you would have made friends with her at that time.
  • If I did not know you, I would have thought you were joking when you said that.
  • If you had the time, would you have met her back then?
  • If she were polite, she would have apologized then.
  • If he did not do exercises himself, he would not have been able to solve the equation at the exam.
 References: https://cambridge.ua/ https://www.englishpresent.com/


  • https://cambridge.ua/
  • https://www.englishpresent.com/


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