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Мой рабочий день

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«Мой рабочий день»

My working day

I work as a waiter at a busy diner, my working day is always full of action. I start my shift at 6:00 am, just as the first customers start coming in for their morning coffee and breakfast. From then on, it’s a constant stream of orders and customer interactions.

One of the first things I do when I arrive at work is set up my station. This includes getting my notepad and pen ready, and making sure my uniform is clean and presentable. I also speak with the kitchen staff to see if there are any special orders or menu items that I need to be aware of.

As the day progresses, the diner starts to fill up with more and more customers. It’s my job to take their orders, deliver their food, and make sure they have everything they need. This can be a bit hectic at times, especially when the diner is particularly busy, but I try my best to stay organized and keep track of all the orders coming in.

In between serving customers, I also have to keep an eye on the cleanliness of the dining room. This includes wiping down tables, sweeping the floors, and restocking any supplies that are running low. It’s important to keep the diner looking clean and inviting, as it’s often the first impression that customers have of our establishment.

Finally, after a long and busy day, my shift ends at 2:00 pm. It’s always a relief to clock out and head home, but at the same time, I always look forward to coming back the next day and serving our customers once again. Working at the diner may be tiring at times, but I like my job very much.


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