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My family (Моя семья)

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Данная тема интересна для изучения, так как прослеживается тесная связь с реальной жизнью, профессиональной и учебной деятельностью студентов. Информация о студентке колледжа, о ее семье, новый лексический материал помогает в развитии общих компетенций. 

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«My family (Моя семья)»

My family  Выполнила студентка группы 11-С Максимова Анастасия

My family

Выполнила студентка группы 11-С

Максимова Анастасия

My name is Anastasiya. And now I tell you about myself. I am a student of the medical college. After my studing, I would like to become a medical nurse. My favorite subjects are English, Russian languages and psychology.

My name is Anastasiya. And now I tell you about myself. I am a student of the medical college. After my studing, I would like to become a medical nurse.

My favorite subjects are English, Russian languages and psychology.

I have a large family with a mother, a father, a grandmother and a grandfather.

I have a large family with a mother, a father, a grandmother and a grandfather.

My father is a policeman. His name is Oleg Vladimirovich. He works in a patrol inspection service.

My father is a policeman.

His name is Oleg Vladimirovich. He works in a patrol inspection service.

My mother is a housewife. Her name is a Eugeniya Nikolaevna. My mom does all of the household chores and cooking very deliciously. She is caring of 6 cats and one dog. My mother is an amazing woman.

My mother is a housewife.

Her name is a Eugeniya Nikolaevna. My mom does all of the household chores and cooking very deliciously. She is caring of 6 cats and one dog. My mother is an amazing woman.

My grandfather and grandmother. My granny and grandad are pensioners. When I come to visit them, my grandmother cooks something delicious and grandad says something interesting.

My grandfather and grandmother.

My granny and grandad are pensioners. When I come to visit them, my grandmother cooks something delicious and grandad says something interesting.

We are a friendly family. Always we help to each other. And I love them very much! Thank you for your attention! P.S. Take care of your family!

We are a friendly family. Always we help to each other. And I love them very much!

Thank you for your attention!

P.S. Take care of your family!


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