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My future profession

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Технологическая карта урока на тему : Моя будущая профессия.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«My future profession»

Technological scheme of the organized learning activity

Senior group

Complementary component

Educational sphere: «Коммуникация» («Социум»)

Component of the programme: развитие речи (английский язык)

Theme: Review “My future profession”

Aim: To review the names of professions in English; to practice in vocabulary usage; to activate speech structures on the theme; to bring up interest in English language as a mean of communication.

Equipment: the pictures of different professions.

Vocabulary: Profession, to want, a cook, a doctor, a fireman, a tutor, a policeman. I want to be a…

Stages of activity

Tutor’s management actions

Children’s cognitive activity


I Circle of greeting. Working of phrases:

1. “Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Hello”

2. “What’s your name? – My name is…”

3. “How old are you? – I’m 5 years old.”

II Information environment: the pictures of different professions.

Greet the tutor.

Ask and answer the questions.


III Simulate the situation. “Children, here is Ann, she brought you some games about professions. Do you want to complete it? OK, let’s begin!”

IV Review the lexis using games.

1. "Point, point"

The teacher shows pictures of professions. The child should say the name of the professions in English:

-Who is this?

- This is a tutor. Etc.

Lexis: all the words on the theme.

Pay attention to the articulation. Work frontally, individually.

2. "Name the profession"

Children are given cards with different stuff denoting to different professions. Children should name the profession .

Lexis: all the words on the theme.

 Work frontally. Pay attention to the articulation.

3. "My future profession"

One child comes out, takes a card with desired profession, the children ask in chorus:

-What do you want to be?

He replies: -I want to be a doctor.

The other children translate and name the profession.

Lexis: all the words.

Pay attention to the articulation. Work frontally, individually.

Listen to the situation attentively. React on it.


Answer the question. Name the clothes.

One by one, all together.

Guess and name the profession using the pictures.

All in one and one by one. Boys, girls.

Children tell about their future profession.


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