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Национальное блюдо Проект

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«Национальное блюдо Проект»

National dishes

Pancakes are a traditional delicacy of the Russian people, one of the most beloved and revered dishes, both in the times of ancient Russia, and now. What would make pancakes we need: Milk, Sugar, Egg, Flour, Salt, Soda, Vegetable oil.

In a bowl you need to add two eggs, add sugar and beat the ingredients.

Then add another 2 cups of flour to another deep bowl, pour there for the previously prepared mixture and add salt, soda.

Add milk there and start beating. Add vegetable oil at the end.

Heat the pan, anoint with oil and pour the mixture onto it. When a ruddy crust appears, it will be necessary to turn the pancake to the other side so that it is fried.

Your pancakes are ready, have a nice tea part


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