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Обобщающий урок "At home"

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«Обобщающий урок "At home"»

At home.

Цель : формировать иноязычную коммуникативную компетенцию.

Задачи :

Практические: развитие навыков аудирования , чтения, диалогической речи.

Воспитательные: воспитание любви к дому, к семейному очагу.

Развивающие: развитие памяти, внимания, мышления, воображения.

Общеобразовательные: повышение общей культуры учащихся, улучшение знаний учащихся о стране изучаемого языка.

Языковой и речевой материал: bathroom, bedroom, garden, kitchen, dining room, living room, garage, furniture, kitchen equipment, rooms, living room equipment, ship’s facilities.

Оснащение : компьютер, интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока.

1 Подготовительный этап. Приветствие.

T: Hello, boys and girls! ( слайд 1)

S: Hello!

T: I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please!

T: As you know, there are many interesting and beautiful buildings in the world. Have a look at the board! It is a cave, a hut, a castle, a cottage. In such homes, from caves to modern houses people have been living for hundreds years. And now, tell me, please, what are we going to talk about today? ( слайды 2-6 )

S: I think, we are going to talk about home.

I think, we are going to talk about different rooms in the house.

T: Yes. You are right! Our topic today is “Home, Sweet Home”. We’re going to speak about homes. We’ll read a text about the traditional English houses, and then we’ll listen to the text about a very unusual house. ( слайд 7)

2.Речевая зарядка.

T: I am sure that you know some proverbs about the house. Let’s remember the proverbs about the house.

S: 1 East or West home is best.

2 Home, sweet home.

3. There is no place like home.

4 My home is my castle.

T: Excellent. Thank you very much. There is a very good English proverb “My home is my castle”.

Tell me, please, why do English people think so?

S: They think so because their homes are the places where they are safe and loved.

T: Is your home your castle, I…?

S: Yes, my home is my castle because it is clean, light and warm.

T: Good! Thank you. As I have already said today we’re going to speak about English homes.

3.Основной этап

T: Now, let’s repeat some words. Look at the screen! Listen and repeat after the speaker. (За диктором дети повторяют слова) ( Rooms. www.ucos.ru)

T: Excellent! Let’s see if you know the names of rooms in a flat or in a house. Have a look at the photos. What rooms can you see in these photos? ( слайд 8-13)

S: Дети называют какую комнату видят.

T: Now tell us please, where can you do these activities? (vocabulary quiz)

S: Читают вопросы и дают ответы. Ответы проверяются.

T: Pupils, you know many words on the topic “At Home”. Complete my sentences, please. ( слайд 14)

  1. We take our overcoats in the ….(hall)

  2. We watch TV in the ….(sitting room)

  3. We eat in the ….(dining room)

  4. We sleep in the ….(bedroom)

  5. We cook in the ….(kitchen)

  6. We wash in the …(bathroom)

  7. We read books in the ….(living room)

Практика чтения.

T: Now I see that you know the kinds of rooms and what you can do there.

Now let’s read the text about the traditional Englishman’s house.


                                        An Englishman’s House.

   In England the streets are often narrow and the houses are small.

   Many English families live in their own houses. The traditional English houses have two floors: the ground floor and the first floor. They usually have a living room, a kitchen and a hall downstairs. You can see two or three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs.

  The sitting room is usually the largest room in the house. There is always a sofa, some chairs and armchairs in it. There is often a carpet on the floor. English people usually have a fire in the sitting room. They often spend evenings in armchairs near the fire. They read books, watch television, listen to music or sit around and speak.

   In England they like gardens and a lot of houses have little gardens on the front and behind. You can see beautiful flowers in the gardens, often they are roses. Sometimes you can see a garage near the house.

   People in England like their homes and often say, “There is no place like home” and “East or West, home is best.”

Answer the questions: ( слайд 15)

  1. Where do many English families live?

  2. How many floors do the traditional English houses have?

  3. What rooms are usually upstairs?

  4. What rooms are usually downstairs?

  5. What is the largest room in the traditional English house?

  6. What do English people usually do in their sitting room?

  7. What do English people think of their homes?

T: So, you know that houses may be of different kinds. There are a lot of extraordinary homes, such as this Residensea. And about one of them we learn today.

Практика аудирования.

T: Now we are going to watch a film. I’ll give you cards. Listen and watch attentively and mark the sentences True or False. ( слайд 16)

1The ship has:

    1. 110 apartments (T)

    2. 6 restaurants (F)

    3. 2 swimming pools (T)

    4. 2 gyms (F)

  1. The apartments have:

    1. a large living room (T)

    2. a dining room (F)

    3. a garden (F)

    4. a private terrace (T)

T: But just imagine you have much money. Would you like to buy a flat on this ship?

S: Yes, I would like to buy a flat on this ship because it is extraordinary.

S: Yes, I would like to buy a flat on this ship because it is interesting.

S: No, I wouldn’t like to buy a flat on this ship because it is wet.

S: No, I wouldn’t like to buy a flat on this ship because it is not convenient.

T: OK. Thank you. But tell me, please, what kind of home do you live in? Do you like your home? ( слайд 17)

S: Учащиеся говорят о своих комнатах, описывая их: big, large, light, cozy, comfortable, nice, my own, warm, etc.

T: I see that your rooms are very nice and you like your home very much.

Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

T: I am sure you are good actors. Pupils, imagine that you’ve met your friend. He’s recently moved into a new flat. Ask him where he lives. Work in pairs and make up a dialogue.

                    Опорная таблица.

Where do you live ?

near the park

in …..street

behind the school

next to the shop

Do you live in  ……or in…..?

a flat

a house

a high-rising building

What rooms are there in your house / flat?

a living room

a sitting room

a dining room

a bedroom

a kitchen

a bathroom

What’s your house / flat like?

small but comfortable

big but cosy

not big but nice

not big but unusual

ordinary but modern

Примерные диалоги:

1 Hello, ….

Hello,…. I know you’ve got a new flat. Where do you live?

I live near the park.

Do you live in a flat or in a house?

I live in a flat.

What rooms are there in your flat?

I’ve got a sitting room, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.

What’s your flat like?

It’s ordinary but modern.



2 Hello, ….

Hello,…. I know you’ve got a new flat. Where do you live?

I live in … Street.

How do you like your flat?

Oh, I like it a lot. It’s small but comfortable.

What rooms are there in your flat?

I’ve got a sitting room, bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. Come and see me some day.

Thanks. Bye,…


3 Hello,…

Hello,…. I have recently moved into a new flat.

Where do you live?

I live behind the school.

Do you live in a flat or in a house?

I live in the house. It’s big but cosy.

How many rooms are there in your house?

There are five. I’ve got a sitting room, a dinning room, two bedrooms and a kitchen.



T: And now let’s do a short test. I’ll give you cards. Choose the correct word.

  1. My hands are dirty, I need to go to the ______.
    a) cloak-room b) bathroom c) nursery

  2. After dinner my father works in his ______.
    a) study b) kitchen c) closet

  3. In the evening our family like to gather in the ______.
    a) dining-room b) bedroom c) sitting-room

  4. We usually keep our shoes in the ______.
    a) library b) closet c) lavatory

  5. Mother spends a lot of time in the ______.
    a) kitchen b) living-room c) study

  6. We have a big ______ for our clothes on the ground floor.
    a) Library b) balcony c) cloak-room

  7. There are always lots of toys in the ______.
    a) kitchen b) nursery c)sitting-room

  8. There are many useful books in our ______.
    a) library b) hall c) roof

  9. My ______ is very cozy. I like to sleep there.
    a) Sitting-room b) living-room c)bedroom

  10. The ______ in our house is quite large and light.
    a) Whole b) hall c) hole

  11. We like to have family dinners in our comfortable ______.
    a) dining-room b) living-room c) bedroom

  12. There are lots of ______ on the balcony.
    a) Flower-tables b) flower-chairs c) flower-beds

  13. Our dog lives in a big ______.
    a) kettle b) kennel c) cattle

  14. On each floor of our house there is a bathroom and a ______.
    a) lavatory b) kitchen c) dining-room

  15. In the kitchen there is a big ______, where mother keeps cups and plates.
    a) Wardrobe b) chest of draws c) cupboard

  16. My favourite place in the sitting-room is the ______.
    a) hand-chair b) arm-chair c) palm-chair

  17. We have gas and ______ in our house.
    a) Running-water b) going-water c) walking-water

  18. I keep my clothes in a wooden ______.
    a) wardrobe b) chest of drawers c) cupboard

  19. There is an expensive Persian ______ on the floor.
    a) Carpet b) blanket c) tablecloth

  20. There is a nice ______ near my bed.
    a) clothing table b) dressing table c) undressing table

T: Thank you, very much. And now, read five little texts which describe some place in a house.

Tell me, please, what kind of room is it? You can start your sentences with

I believe that… I think that… It seems to me that… If I’m not mistaken As I understood… I’m sure that…( слайд 18-22)

Kitchen Bathroom Bedroom Sitting-room Dining-room

  1. There is no TV-set in this room. There is no bookcase in it. But we can see a wardrobe. There are two beds, two bedside-tables with lamps on them.

  2. This room is large and comfortable. There is a fireplace in it. We can see two soft armchairs and a sofa in it. There is a beautiful carpet on the floor. We can watch a TV-set in this room.

  3. In this room we can cook and keep food in the fridge. There is a table here and some chairs around it. We can wash the dishes here in the sink.

  4. When our friends come we can lay the table in the middle of this room. There is a cupboard usually in the corner and lovely curtains on the window. We usually have dinner or supper here, but we can’t cook in this room.

  5. This is the place where we can take a shower. We usually wash our hands and faces or clean teeth in the morning here. Toilet is usually in this room, too.

T: Some pupil made presentations about their home. Let’s listen our students.

Заключительный этап

T: Our party will finish soon. Let’s see what we’ve learnt today.

S: We learnt what rooms may be in the house and what we can do there.

S: We learnt about a very unusual house.

S: We read interesting text.

S: We make up dialogues

T: Yes, you are right.


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