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Олимпиада по английскому языку, 6 класс

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Данный материал предназначен для проведения олимпиады разного уровня. Задания предусмотрены для учащихся второго года обучения. Включают в себя работу с текстом на развитие функциональной грамотности, а также вопросы лексического и грамматического характера. Упражнения могут быть использованы как для работы с одаренными детьми, так и для занятий по углубленному изучению предмета.

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«Олимпиада по английскому языку, 6 класс»

Городской тур олимпиады по английскому языку

6 класс

READING (10 points)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задание по прочитанному


I am Gerald Johnson. I live in California. I'm going to take a trip around the world. I leave for my trip next week. I am getting very excited about it. I'll take a plane from San Francisco to Hawaii. From there I'll take a boat to Japan. I'll visit some friends in Tokyo. I'll spend about a week in Tokyo and then I'll visit a few other cities in Japan. I'll stop in a few other countries in the Far East. I want to see Taiwan. I have some Chinese friends there. I also plan to visit Vietnam. I speak Vietnamese a little and I'll have a good chance to practice the language.

After I leave the Far East, I'm going straight to Europe. I plan to visit France, Italy and Spain. I'll spend about two weeks in Europe. I'll fly straight home from there. The trip will take me about eight weeks. I have lots to do before I'm ready. I'll have to do some shopping because I need some clothes. I think I'll get a new suit and I'll need some good walking shoes, too. Oh, yes, and some film. I'll need to get several rolls of colour film. I want to take a lot of pictures. I need a new suitcase, too.

Задание 1Выберите правильный вариант ответа

  1. What kind of trip is Gerald going to take?

  1. around Japan b) around the Far East c) around Europe d) around the world

  1. How many countries is Gerald going to visit?

  1. 6 b) 7 c) 8 d) 9

  1. What means of transport will Gerald use?

  1. a train and a plane b) a plane and a boat c) a train and a boat d) a plane and a car

  1. How long will the trip last?

  1. a week b) two weeks c) three weeks d) eight weeks

  1. What does Gerald want to buy before the trip?

  1. a lot of pictures b) new shirts c) a new suitcase d) an umbrella

  1. Why is Gerald very busy before the trip?

  1. he wants to visit his relatives b) he wants to buy something

c)he wants to take a lot of pictures d) he wants to learn a foreign language

6 points

Задание 2 – True or false?

1. I plan to visit Germany.

2. I'll have to do some shopping because I need some food.

3. I speak Chinese.

4. I live in the USA.


VOCABULARY (20 points)

Задание 3 – Соотнеси пары антонимов:

A. kind a. rude

B. clever b. lazy

C. hardworking c. cruel

D. polite d. Stupid


Задание 4 – Соедините существительное из колонки А с существительным из колонки В, чтобы получилось новое существительное.



1 town

2 railway

3 traffic

4 mobile

5 car

6 travel

7 post

8 air

A park

B agent

C centre

D office

E station

F port

G phone

H lights

8 points

Задание 5 – закончите предложения, используя образованные новые существительные из задания 4.

  1. Can I borrow your ____ to call my mom?

  2. I’m late for my train! Could you drive me to the ____ .

  3. We took the bus to the ___ to meet our friends.

3 points

Задание 6 – Исключи лишнее

1. Sunday, Geography, Tuesday, Saturday, Wednesday

2. Biology, Ben, Art, Handicraft, History

3. Cheese, milk, meat, yoghurt, ice cream

4. Stomachache, illness, toothache, backache, a sore throat

5. Education, lesson, hamburger, uniform, pencil-box

5 points

GRAMMAR (20 points)

Задание 7 – Вставьте глагол в скобках в нужной форме.

1) Look at Tom! He _______ (ride) a horse!

2) She ___________________ (like) orange juice. She _______(drink) it in the morning.

3) Last year I ______(get) a good bike for my birthday.

4) Jane _________(sing) well. Do you hear? She ______(sing) now.

5) He _______(not go) to the party yesterday.

5 points

Задание 8 - Выберите правильный вариант:

1. Вставьте нужное по смыслу слово: We don’t have … rice at home

A) a B) any C) some D) the E) -

2. Составьте верное предложение из слов – To eat, like, ice-cream,I.

A) I like to eat ice-cream. B) Like I to eat ice-cream.

C) Ice-cream to like eat I. D) I eat like to ice-cream.

E) I to eat like ice-cream.

3. Образуйте множественное число – child:

A) childs B) childes C) children D) childrens E) childe

4. My favourite subject at school is … Biology. 
a) the b) a c) – d) an e) one

5. My friends… at the concert yesterday.

A) is B) am C) are D) was E) were

6. ____ you got any eggs?

A) do B) has C) have D) does E) are

7. I have got … apples.

A) a B) any C) some D) the E) -

8. Укажите правильный ответ: 49-12=

a) thirty-five b) thirty-nine c) thirty-seven d) fifty-seven e) thirty

9. Укажите превосходную степень слова bad

a) bader b) baddest c) the worst d) worse e) bad

10. Вставьте нужный предлог: I was born on the seventh ___August.

a) of b) over c) for d) to e) on

11. Исключи лишнее:

a) do b) come c) know d) meet e) start

12. We get to school ___ foot.

a) in b) on c) by d) at e) with

13. You can draw ____.

a) myself b) himself c) itself d) yourself e) ourselves

14. There were very …people in the street.

a) a b) many c) much d) one e) two

15. Stonehenge … in England.

a) is b) are c) was d) were e) am

15 points


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