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Олимпиада по английскому языку, 7класс

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Данный материал предназначен для проведения олимпиады разного уровня. Задания предусмотрены для учащихся третьего года обучения. Включают в себя работу с текстом на развитие функциональной грамотности, а также вопросы лексического и грамматического характера. Упражнения могут быть использованы как для работы с одаренными детьми, так и для занятий по углубленному изучению предмета.

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«Олимпиада по английскому языку, 7класс»

Городской тур олимпиады по английскому языку

7 класс

READING (10 points)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задание по прочитанному

Tomorrow I’m leaving New Zealand and going to spend a year in England. It’ll be great. I stop in Fiji and the United States on the way.

I’m going to work in a school for children from 5 to 13 years old. It’s a boarding school where children live during the term. I have to live and work in one of the girls’ houses. I have to cook and help with games and hobbies and be an ‘older sister’ to the girls in my house.

I heard about the job from my mum’s friend Anita. Her son was a student at the school. My friend Inez is also going to work in the same school.

Two other friends are flying with us tomorrow. They are going to work as waiters in a restaurant in a town near the school. Inez and I want to eat at the restaurant. I hope it isn’t too expensive!

After our year in England, we want to go to university. I want to be a doctor. Inez wants to be a chemist. We’re hoping to go to the same university.

I’ll write and tell you about my new life.

Love, Sally

Задание 1 – Выберите правильный вариант ответа

  1. Which sentence is true about the school?

  1. It’s only for girls. b) It’s a special sports school.

  1. The children sleep in one big house. d) The children sleep in different houses.

  1. Sally heard about the job from:

  1. her sister. b) her mother. c) a family friend. d) a pupil.

  1. How many of Sally’s friends are travelling with her?

  1. 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

  1. Sally wants to visit a restaurant because:

  1. her friends always eat there. b) her friends have a job there.

c)the food is good. d) it’s not expensive.

5. Sally wants to become:

a) a teacher. b) a chemist. c) a doctor. d) a writer.

5 points

Задание 2 – True or false?

1. We want to go to college after the school.

2. Four friends are flying with us.

3. I am going to spend the next year in New Zealand.

4. It’s not a boarding school.

5. My mum’s son was a director in the school.

5 points

VOCABULARY (20 points)

Задание 3 – Соедините глагол из колонки А со словом или фразой из колонки В.

Ex – 1 A



1 stay

2 ask

3 know

4 start

5 go

6 get up

7 live

8 speak English

9 make

10 paint

A fluently

B the answer

C a question

D a phone call

E in a hotel

F work

G home

H pictures

I early

J alone

10 points

Задание 4 – Завершите диалог, используя слово или слова из задания 3 в нужной форме

1. A Maria! Do you __ the answer?

B I’m sorry. I can’t remember the __.

2. A Your son is a very good artist.

B Thank you very much. He can __ very well.

3. A What time do you ___ every day?

B I’m always in the office at 9 o’clock.

4.A Do you want to go to the cinema after work?

B No, thanks. I’m really tired. I want to ___.

5 points

Задание 5 – Напишите слово по транскрипции

1. ['feɪməs]

2. ['wʌndəfʊl]

3. ['feɪvərɪt]

4. [edjukeɪʃn]

5. ['deɪnʤrəs]

5 points

GRAMMAR (20 points)

Задание 6 - Прочитайте текст. Выберите ответ (а-d) по смыслу. Ex – 1A

A Lion and a Mouse

One day a Lion was sleeping under the tree. A little Mouse 1)___________that he was safe and ran across the Lion’s paw (лапа).

This awakened the Lion and he caught the Mouse .

The Lion was going to kill the little Mouse, when the Mouse said, “Please let me go. Do not kill me. Maybe I 2)_______________help you some day.”

The Lion decided that this was very 3)_______________. He couldn’t see how a little mouse could help 4)______________ great big lion, but because the Mouse made him 5)________________ the Lion let the little Mouse go.

Some time after that, the Lion 6)_________________by some men. The men caught him in a net. The little Mouse saw the Lion in the net and decided to help him. So he cut the ropes with his sharp teeth one by one and freed the 7)______________Lion.

1.a) thinked b) thought c) thinks d) has

2.a)can b) must c) have to d) may

3.a) sad b) sadly c) funnily d) funny

4.a) the b) a c) - d) an

5.a) laughing b) to laugh c) laugh d) laughed

6.a) caught b) was caught c) is caught d) was catching

7.a) helping b) help c) helpy d) helpless

7 points

Задание 7 - Выберите правильный вариант:

1. Did you read ... English books at school?

a) some, b) many, c) much, d) none.

2. Can ... of you help me?

a) some, b) any, c) somebody, d) anybody.

3. I had a feeling that somebody ... there before.

a) is, b) was, c) has been, d) had been.

4. ... only one theatre and two cinemas in this city ten years ago.

a) there is, b) there was, c) there are, d) there were.

5. Turn right... the end of the street.

a) at, b) in, c) to, d) on.

6. I have asked some friends … for tea.

a) to go, b) to stay, c) to bring, d) to drink.

7. We all... mistakes when we are young.

a) do, b) make, c) did, d) made.

8. We couldn't find the cat... .

a) any, b) nowhere, c) anywhere, d) everywhere.

9. The hall was full ... people.

a) with, b) of, c) off, d) for.

  1. I ____ just ___ my work.

  1. have finished b) had finished c) don’t finish d) has finished e) do finish

  1. Найдите неправильный глагол, в формах которого допущена ошибка:

a) be / was, were / been b) get/ get /got c) do / did / done

d) write / wrote / written e) swim / swam / swum

12. Today is the twenty-first ___ July.

a) on b) of c) for d) to e) in

13. Исключи лишнее:

a) cook b) go c) understand d) begin e) have

13 points


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