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Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку в 9-11 классах (муниципальный уровень).

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 Олимпиадные задания  по английскому языку  в 9-11 классах (аудирование, чтение, лексико-грамматическое задание и письмо).

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«Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку в 9-11 классах (муниципальный уровень).»

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования

Тульский государственный

педагогический университет им. Л.Н. Толстого

(ФГБОУ ВО «ТГПУ им. Л.Н. Толстого»)

Задания муниципального этапа всероссийской олимпиады школьников_2017/2018 учебного года

по английскому языку

Тула 2O17

Список разработчиков

1. Андреев В.Н. - канд.филол.наук, доцент, зав.кафедрой английской филологии

2. Игнатова И.В. - канд.филол.наук, доцент кафедры английской филологии ТГПУ им.Л.Н.Толстого

3. Трайковская Н.П. - канд.филол.наук, доцент кафедры английской филологии ТГПУ им.Л.Н.Толстого

4.Уварова Е.А. - канд.филол.наук, доцент кафедры английской филологии ТГПУ им.Л.Н.Толстого

5. Болушевская И.Н. - ст.преподаватель кафедры английской филологии ТГПУ им.Л.Н.Толстого

6. Калинина Е.В. - ст.преподаватель кафедры английского языка ТГПУ им.Л.Н.Толстого

7. Конистерова Е.А. - ст.преподаватель кафедры английского языка ТГПУ им.Л.Н.Толстого

Список использованной литературы

1.Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Upstream. Level B1+. Student’s Book. Express Publishing, 2006

2. V. Evans Round-up 4. English Grammar Practice. – Longman: Pearson Education, 2009

3. R. Murphy English grammar in use. – London: Cambridge University Press, 2009

4.Listening Extra - CUP, 2007

5.Reading Extra- CUP, 2004

6.Cochrane S., Nicholas R., Aravanis R. Code Red B2 Student Book. – Macmillan, 2010

7.Spencer D. Gateway 2nd Edition B2+ Student’s Book Premium Pack. – Macmillan, 2016

8.Busyteacher.org – образовательный сайт

Задания для 9-11 классов

Аудирование (Listening)

Time: 15 minutes

You will hear people talking in ten different situations. For questions 1-10, choose the best answer (A, B or C). You will hear the recording once.

1 You hear a person speaking about the clothes suitable for some occasion. Where does the occasion take place?

A a wedding

B a friend’s birthday party

C a classical ballet

2 The speaker is discussing a person’s style. What is wrong with it?

A It is untidy.

B It is too informal.

C It is too formal.

3 You hear two people talking about a friend of theirs. What does the woman say about the friend?

A He talks a lot about his lifestyle.

B He leads a comfortable lifestyle.

C He may change his lifestyle.

4 You overhear a man talking to a friend on his mobile phone. Why is he phoning?

A to persuade his friend to do something

B to ask for some information

C to change an arrangement

5 You hear a woman talking about her family’s financial situation. What is she going to do?

A ask someone to help her

B try to find a job

C sell something valuable

6 You overhear a man and a woman talking about their morning routine. How does the man feel about his mornings?

A He hates travelling to work.

B He does not like getting up early.

C He finds it difficult to talk to other people.

7 You hear a woman on the radio talking about her experiences in a foreign country. What surprised her about the people?

A the importance they give to clothes

B the type of food they eat

C their attitude to work

8 You turn on the radio and hear the following. What is it?

A a review

B a news report

C an advertisement

9 You hear two people talking about the village they both live in. What does the woman think of the village?

A People are not always very friendly.

B Some of the roads are dangerous.

C There are not enough children.

10 You hear a man talking about his job. Who is the man?

A a hotel doorman

B a hotel receptionist

C a hotel manager

Чтение (Reading)

Time: 30 minutes

1. For questions 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.

Good Neighbours

According to a recent survey, most people are (1) _____with


their neighbours and think they deserve better! It’s not that they want to have a close (2) _____with them, but they would


like them to be more (3) _____. The ideal neighbour is


apparently ‘friendly, but not too (4) _____, easygoing and


dependable.’ Noise is one of the biggest problems, with loud music and barking dogs at the top of the list. (5) _____between neighbours are becoming more and more


common. Take the recent case of a man in the United Kingdom who was (6) _____ to control his fury when his


neighbour started mowing his lawn at seven o’clock one Sunday morning. Still dressed in his pyjamas, the man climbed over the garden fence and grabbed the lawnmower. Then, while his neighbour watched in (7) _____, he threw


the lawnmower into the garden pond! ‘I’m usually a (8) _____


person,’ the man later said. ‘The (9) _____ is I was tired and I


wanted to have a lie-in.’ Fortunately, most people don’t go to these extremes, even if they aren’t always in (10) _____ with their neighbours about everything!


2. Read the text and answer the questions that follow (only one answer can be correct)

Pyramid Legends

There are persistent legends that the Great Pyramid was used as some sort of sacred initiation center. According to one legend, students who had first undergone years of preparation, meditation and metaphysical instruction in an esoteric school (the mythic "Hall of Records" hidden deep beneath the desert sands somewhere near the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx) were placed in the granite coffer of the main chamber and left alone throughout an entire night. The coffer was the focal point of the energies gathered, concentrated, aimed, and directed at the main chamber by virtue of the precise mathematical location, alignment, and construction of the pyramid. These energies, considered to be especially potent at certain precisely calculated periods when the earth was in a particular geometric alignment with solar, lunar, and stellar objects, were conducive to the awakening, stimulation, and acceleration of spiritual consciousness in the suitably prepared adept. While it is now nearly impossible to spend an evening alone in the coffer of the main chamber, it is interesting to read the reports of those persons who have done so in the past. Mention will be made of experiences both terribly frightening (perhaps because of the lack of any appropriate training on the part of the experimenter) and also deeply peaceful, even spiritually illuminating. Napoleon himself spent a night alone in the chamber. Emerging pale and dazed, he would not speak of his powerful experiences, only saying, "You would not believe me if I told you."

A second matter needing further inquiry from the scientific community studying the Great Pyramid - and one that might help explain the subject just discussed - concerns the matter of unexplained energetic anomalies frequently noticed and recorded in the main chamber. In the 1920s, a Frenchman named Antoine Bovis made the surprising discovery that, despite the heat and high humidity of the main chamber, the dead bodies of animals left in the chamber did not decay but completely dehydrated. Thinking that there might be some relationship between this phenomena and the position of the main chamber in the pyramid, Bovis constructed a small-scale model of the pyramid, oriented it to the same direction as the Great Pyramid, and placed the body of a dead cat at the approximate level of the main chamber. The result was the same. As he had observed in the Great Pyramid, the cat's body did not decay. In the 1960s, researchers in Czechoslovakia and the U.S., conducting limited studies of the geometry of the pyramid, repeated this experiment with the same results. They also found that the form of the pyramid somehow mysteriously kept foods preserved without spoiling, sharpened dull razor blades, induced plants to germinate and grow more quickly, and hastened the healing of animals' wounds. Other scientists, in consideration of the high quartz content of the granite blocks in the main chamber and the incredible pressures those blocks are subjected to, theorized that the main chamber may have been the focal point of a powerful piezoelectric field; magnetometer measurements inside the chamber indeed showed higher levels than the normal background geomagnetic field.

Although much research remains to be done in these areas, legend, archaeology, mathematics, and earth sciences seem to indicate that the Great Pyramid was a monumental device for gathering, amplifying, and focusing a mysterious energy field for the spiritual benefit of human beings. We do not know exactly how the pyramid and its main chamber were used, and the geometric structure of the pyramid has been subtly altered by the removal of the casing stones and the cap-stone. None-the-less, the Great Pyramid of the Giza plateau still emanates great power as a transformational power place. It has done so for uncounted thousands of years and seems destined to continue for ages to come.

11 Why were the ancient meditation students placed inside the Great Pyramid?

1) to practice meditation skills

2) to be taught there

3) to learn more about there inner balance

4) To gain physical and spiritual power

12 It’s impossible to spend a night in the Pyramid because

1) it’s too scary

2) it’s forbidden by law

3) the admittance is not allowed

4) there are too many people there

13 The potential energy of the Pyramid could be experienced

1) at night only

2) anytime

3) when the Earth is in balance with solar system

4) when stellar objects are close to the Earth

14 Which energetic anomalies were not registered in the Pyramid?

1) it kept water fresh

2) it kept the dead bodies from decay

3) the injuries were healed quicker

4) it made the plants grow faster

15 What helped to keep food fresh in the Pyramid?

1) the form of the Pyramid

2) sharpened dull razor blades

3) the geomagnetic field

4) a powerful piezoelectric field

Лексико-грамматический тест (Use of English)

Time: 15 minutes

I. Read and complete the following sentences (only one answer can be correct)

1. «What …?» «I’m a student.»

a. do you      b. do you do

c. you d. you do

2. … I have a table for two please?» «Sure.»

a. Would b. Must

c. Could d. Do

3. That isn’t your umbrella. It’s ….

a. her      b. my

c. him d. mine

4. His English is very good. He speaks Italian …, too.

a. badly b. bad

c. good d. well

5. My cousin … for my birthday.

a. gave me a camera    b. gave to me a camera

c. gave a camera me d. me gave a camera

6. The woman … came yesterday is very rich.

a. she      b. who

c. which d. than

7. «Please be patient.» He told me … .

a. to be patient b. be patient

c. that be patient d. that I be patient

  1. Read the text and choose the right alternative.

How I got my dream job

Andy Collins, 46: As a student, I earned $295 a week in cash working in a beach café. At the time, it was my 8 (job dream / dream job / job of dream)! Later I became a 9 (cooker / waiter / chef). It was hard work, I was 10 (never / rarely / often) in a hot kitchen for twelve hours a day, six days a week. But you 11 (might / could / have to) know the meaning of hard work if you want to 12 (achieve / deliver / pass) your goals. I now own five restaurants around the U.S. My best advice 13 (was / is / were) to find 14 (in / out / on) what your skills and talents are. Talent is something you’re born with. Skills are something you’ve learned to do. People like doing things that come 15 (nature / natural / naturally) to them, so work and enjoy!”

For questions 16-25 , read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

Sales of George Orwell's 1984 surge after Kellyanne Conway's

'alternative facts'

Sales of George Orwell’s dystopian drama 1984 have soared after Kellyanne Conway, adviser to the reality-TV-star-turned-president, Donald Trump, used the (16) ________“alternative facts” in an interview. As of Tuesday, the book was the sixth (17)______ book on Amazon.

Comparisons were made with the term “newspeak” used in the 1949 novel, which was used to signal a fictional language that aims at (18) ______ personal thought and also “doublethink”. In the book Orwell writes that it “means the power of (19) _____ two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind (20) _______, and accepting both of them”.

The connection was initially made on CNN’s Reliable Sources. “Alternative facts is a George Orwell phrase,” said Washington Post reporter Karen Tumulty.

Conway’s use of the term was in reference to White House press secretary Sean Spicer’s comments about last week’s inauguration (21) ______“the largest audience ever”. Her interview was widely criticized and she was sub-tweeted by Merriam-Webster dictionary with a definition of the word fact. On last night’s Late Night with Seth Meyers, the host joked: “Kellyanne Conway is like someone trying to do a Jedi mind (22) ____ after only a week of Jedi training.”

In 1984, a superstate wields extreme control (23) ____ the people and persecutes any form (24) ___ independent (25) _____thought.


A word

B sentence

C abbreviation

D phrase


A rare

B best-selling

C forthcoming

D influential



B eliminator

C eliminating

D eliminated


A holding

B taking

C making

D carrying


A both

B quickly

C immediately

D simultaneously


A protecting

B making

C attracting

D opposing


A trick

B set

C fake

D jet


A under

B up

C over

D with

24. A. of B. to C. forward to D. up to

25. A. idea B. thought C. country D. frame

  1. Writing

Time: 45 minutes

You are to write a letter of application. Read the job advertisement below



We are looking for cheerful, enthusiastic, sociable people who

  • Speak two or more languages

  • Have travelled a lot and are interested in other countries and cultures

  • Are ready to explore the world

  • Can motivate and engage people

Please apply to

Anne Jackson, Personnel Manager

Safe-Journey Tours, Victoria Street, London SW16VC, UK

Write your letter of application for SAFE JOURNEY TOURS

Write about 150 words


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